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  1. This here is the RP thread for Once Upon a Fantasy, inspired by Once Upon A Time, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts. The sign-ups are still open, so if you’d like to join please read the rules and sign-up here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/86632-once-upon-a-fantasy-sign-ups-and-ooc-discussion/ If you’re late to the party no worries; I’ll offer refreshers to anyone new and will also create an opening for those who enter late. Now then, a few notes to the players before the games begin: At the start of your post please put a header indicating your character’s FF/KH self. For instance: ~*~Yuna~*~ The wind tousled Cynthia’s fine-brown locks as she strode down the sidewalk, humming a light tune to herself as she window-shopped. This was one of her favorite pasttimes, mostly because it reminded her of . . . . So, basically, insert your character’s original name while using their Destiny Beach name in the body of your post. This way everyone will be able to memorize who is who and spare a bit of confusion and referencing to the character chart below. Another note would be to please ensure you read every post before posting, especially posts made by me because I will be directing the plot as well as including your characters in events. Now then, here is our cast for your reference: Character: Destiny Beach name: Occupation: Yuffie Kisaragi Amber Mors Innkeeper Terra Terrence Coors Sherriff Terra Branford Tina Brioche Innkeeper Aqua Sophia Minuto Police and secretary Roxas Lukas Carmine Student Locke Cole Skylar Dean Gamestop clerk Kefka Palazzo Kievan Jones Science teacher Oerba Dia Vanille Rachel Norman Veteranarian Rikku Tiffany Flint Job seeker Balthier Sid Benson Mechanic Lumina Eclair Coil Waitress Vanitas Maverick Vane HS Dropout Tidus Allen Marlow Soccer player Riku Flint Dawn Student Lightning Farron Elysia Tonnerre FBI Xion Aeria Mnemosyne Student Seven Seraphim Connor FBI Auron Aron Kross English Teacher Fran Nicole Ramona Social worker Zack Fair Alex Storm Gamestop manager Noel Kreiss Michael Andross Football player Zidane Tribal Zachary Taylor Writer Tifa Lockhart Krissa Redberg Bar Owner Tyro Emmet Tames Pawn Shop Owner Snow Villiers Johnny Frost Carpenter This is the FBI team. These are NPCs able to be used when profitable for the scene: Character name: Destiny Beach name: Occupation: Queen Altria Queen FBI Cyberwarefare Agent Ace Ace Venture FBI Field Agent King Joseph King FBI Weapon Specialist Nine Henry Spinner FBI Field Agent And now, let’s . . . GO! It is another late afternoon on Destiny Beach. The sun is high in the sky, its rays falling heavily on the seaside town in Florida. The weather is warm as it normally is in May, yet not too hot making days on the beach picture perfect. You go about your daily routine as per usual, in a life which, for all the world, seems that you’ve always lived. You’ve forgotten who you really are, and where you’re really from. You’ve forgotten that magic, a mere legend and myth in this world, was real where you came from. You don’t remember that you fought the people who are now your neighbors and teachers. And, worse yet, you don’t realize that evil and danger is right in front of your very nose, ready to strike and rip all normalcy and happiness that exists in your lives. Of course you don’t realize. That is what the curse has done to you. And, unless the curse is broken, you’ll never know . . . until it is too late. You have access to everything on Destiny Beach. There is a shopping mall, a Wal-Mart and Target, a Starbucks Coffee, and one inn run by two young women. The FBI office exists alongside a police station, and there are also a number of restaurants in like. There is one apartment complex called Beach and Sunset Apartments where many residents reside, as well as many homes scattered along Destiny Beach. Cars are present, of course, but in this small town no one has much use for them. There is one school and one small community college. Along the beach there are many places to surf, swim, sunbathe, and buy hot dogs. Yes, you may visit anything on the beach, but there is a catch: no one that leaves Destiny Beach ever, ever comes back. It is not advised that you leave, for your fate is ill if you so choose this path. For students, including Lukas, Flint, and Aeria, another day at school has just ended, and it is a Thursday. Only one more day until the weekend. Inside the school, Aron and Kievan are now freed up from their teaching duties, having completed their final bit of organization before calling it a day. There is a meeting for the members of the orphan charity, an organization called Hearts 4 Lives, at Rachel’s apartment in an hour. There she is getting ready for any or all of those who wish to attend the meeting. Some jobs are ending while others are starting. You are in any of the locations listed above. What you choose to do is entirely your choice, yet the outcome, if left as-is, will remain the same.
  2. Note: This is the sign-up and discussion thread for Once Upon a Fantasy. The actual RP is located here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/86738-once-upon-a-fantasy-rp/ We took a short hiatus this summer and will be starting up again with a slightly fresh start. Events have already taken place, but I'll happily provide a recap for those who would like to join back up again. During our hiatus we have a lot of the same cast, but have also lost a couple of very special players in like. If you're interested in joining we'd love to have you! Please review the rules and post your character sheet. Thanks! This RP was inspired by Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Once Upon a Time. After Vanitas enacted a curse, all characters--villains and heroes alike--were sent to the real world where they lived new lives, without even a single memory of their past selves. It all started when the heroes were trying to prevent Ultimecia from casting this curse, leading them to break into her castle . . . . “Is this it?” Lightning bent over and examined a scroll tied with a red ribbon on a pedestal in Ultimecia’s tower. The wind roared around them, blowing the curtains rapidly, the dim gray sunset casting whatever little light existed within the room. Locke walked over to her, taking the tiny scroll from her hands and examining it. Eventually he nodded. “It must be. Yen Sid told us that it would be here.” “But what do we do with it?” Lightning inquired. But before Locke could answer, the doors to the tower burst open, and in strode Ultimecia. The tall woman’s eyes casually swept the room, meeting the two heroes’ gazes unflinchingly. “Well, well,” she said, drawling, “it looks like the savior and the treasure hunter failed their friends after all. You didn’t expect me already, did you?” Both Lightning and Locke looked at each other. The scroll remained in Locke’s fist, but there was no use hiding it: Ultimecia already knew it was there. The sorceress sent Lightning flying into a wall with an aerial spell as she proceeded on to the poor thief. “Now then, I will give you options.” She looked mercilessly into his eyes, her cold ones bearing down into his. “Either you can give me the scroll without a fight, or I could kill that one first”--she smiled ruefully--”whichever calls out to you most.” “Think again, lady!” Locke let out a rattled breath of relief, looking over Ultimecia’s shoulder. She whipped around to see Ventus, grinning widely, the mini scroll clenched in his fist. The woman rose, turning to Ventus stonily. “Be careful with that, boy. You’re meddling in very dark magic that you don’t know how to control.” “Well, lucky for you”--the boy’s grin widened, and for a moment his eyes flickered golden--”I actually do know how to use this dark magic. And unlike these dufuses, I’m not afraid to use it.” Suddenly everyone’s heart sank within the room. Lightning slowly rose, groaning as she extended a hand toward their ally. “Ven--” The boy laughed, a merciless cold laugh that sent chills down her spine. “Guess what, Light? I’m not Ven. I never was. It was all too easy to use you guys to get me into this place, and now, now I have what I want.” He tore off the red ribbon and unrolled the scroll, his eyes skimming it longingly. “Now I finally get to go home.” “Not how you think!” Ultimecia shouted. “It’s darker than you could even imagine. It will take you to that world, yes, but you will lose everything to do it.” Again the boy smiled, shaking his head. “That’s the point: I don’t have anything to lose.” With that, he unrolled the scroll and blew on it, sending its words off the page and into the room. A cloud of smoke infiltrated the air, and for a moment all was perfectly still. But only for a brief moment, before chaos struck. The winds picked up, almost to the point that it caused the Ven-look-alike to lose his balance. It threw Locke off his feet and knocked Lightning back into the wall, now unconscious. “What’s happening?!” Locke demanded, glaring from the boy to Ultimecia. The sorceress clutched her chest, eyes downcast and breathing hard. “Everything . . . will be stripped of us. Our homes, our memories. Everything that matters.” Before another word could be uttered, a clap of thunder roared, and this is where you are, and where you’ve been for as long as you can remember: Destiny Beach. You live in a city located alongside the coast of Florida. You’ve been here for as long as you can remember, and you cannot remember a thing beforehand. However, you don’t even notice that you don’t remember, nor do you care. Everything is how it’s always been, and magic is nothing more than a fantasy. Some of you are now doctors, shopkeepers, secretaries, teachers, and some of you still can’t find your place in the world. Everything stayed this way for a time, until the boy who could unlock the secret--and the spell--arrives on Destiny Beach. For a few rules: 1.) No Godmodding (this includes controlling or killing another person's character) 2.) No speedhacking (don't land blows on another person's character until they respond, et cetera) 3.) Follow the RP rules and guidelines stickied to this forum 4.) No duplicate characters (meaning two people can’t be Sora, et cetera) 5.) Pairings and romance are fine, but no yaoi or yuri, please 6.) Keep everything PG-13. I can understand some swearing and violence every now and again, but no explicit scenes, gore, sexual themes, or language that needs this @#$%! done to it. : P 7.) Please be sure that your posts contain a minimum of four lines. I won’t bite anyone if they do it once in a while, but short posts are difficult to work with and it means more work for the other players communicating with that player. Now, for the characters: you may choose up to three Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts characters, provided that they play a significant role in the series (like, well, don’t choose the unnamed bartender) and that they aren’t already taken. As character roles fill I will be listing them in this main thread here, so please be sure to refer to it before creating any character sheets. There will be some special roles for certain characters that I will outline and guide through the RP (Sora, Vanitas, Lightning, Ventus, Locke, and Ultimecia, to name a few), but beyond that it’s pretty free reign. Please fill out the character sheet below: Character: Original Game: Destiny Beach name: Appearance: Current occupation: Destiny Beach backstory and personality: Taken characters: FFVIII Ultimecia -- Integrated into the story FFVI Terra Branford -- Emerald Sustrai FFVI Locke Cole -- Mystics Apprentice FFVI Kefka Palazzo -- Mystics Apprentice FFVIIYuffie Kisaragi -- Emerald Sustrai FFVII Tifa Lockhart -- Emerald Sustrai FFIX Zidane Tribal -- Shard the Gentleman FFX Rikku -- Rikunobodyxiii FFX Auron -- Scrapmaster FFXII Balthier -- Rikunobodyxiii FFXII Fran (Vierra) -- Shard the Gentleman FFXIII Serah Farron -- Rikunobodyxiii FFXIII Lightning Farron -- Sabre Lily FFXIII Oerba Dia Vanille -- Mystics Apprentice FFXIII Lumina -- Rikunobodyxiii FFXIII Snow Villiers -- Rikunobodyxiii FF T-0 Seven -- Sabre Lily FF T-0 Sice -- Rikunobodyxiii FF Record Keeper Tyro -- Shard the Gentleman *KH Vanitas -- Needs a player (temporarily filled) KH Roxas -- Aqua7KH KH Terra -- Emerald Sustrai KH Aqua -- Aqua7KH KH Xion -- Sabre Lily
  3. According to this article http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/once-a-time-season-5-846454?utm_source=twitter there will be no Merida for at least most of the season which will please some as many did not like her. That also seems to be the reason why the storyline was dropped; because of the negative reaction towards her. It also spills some interesting beans on Zelena coming back for a big part of the second story arc in this part of the season, plus to those annoyed with Rumbelle, it appears as though they will stay together despite all that has happened. They seem to be a couple that always essentially stays together even when it appears that they break up anyways. All of this Dark One stuff, which some found boring and frustrating appears to be gone as well. Personally, from that trailer at the end of the episode, alone along with what was further teased in this article, I am even more excited for this second half of the Season and think that it will be better than this half. They seem to be heading in a pretty good and interesting direction with it, getting the show back on tact with what makes it good. It is going to focus on the main characters more it seems and bring the family dynamic about it back.
  4. Continuing their theme of animation-to-live-action, Disney has decided to create a live-action film based on the Night on Bald Mountain segment of Fantasia. This is interesting in that it is not the first segment from the film they have adapted into and idependant live-action film. A few years ago they adapted the Sorcerer's Apprentice, though it was not a blockbuster hit like Maleficent or Cinderella. Also interesting is the fact that Chernabog, the main character of Night on Bald Mountain was considered for inclusion in The Sorcerer's Apprentice film but was cut so that, if they made a sequel, he could have a larger role. I wonder if perhaps Night on Bald Mountain will serve as a sort of sequel to The Sorcerer's Apprentice because of the fact that they are both segments from Fantasia, because of Chernabog's consideration for inclusion in the latter, the decision to save him for a biggerror role in a sequel and him being the focus of the former. The film itself has great potential for incredible visual effects, however I'm a bit concerned as I read that they are likening it to Maleficent. I actually liked Maleficent but, not having human intelligence, Chernabog would simply not work as an anti-hero. He is a mindless force of chaos and destuction representing chaotic evil rather than the organized evil of Maleficent. He is the most evil being Walt Disney ever created, Disney's version of the devil himself. No maniacal plan, no motivation, he is evil for evil's sake and nothing more. Lately Chernabog has been showing up in more and more Disney related media however, with the exception of Kingdom Keepers (now those would make fantastic movies), he never quite seems to get the representation he deserves. While his boss battle in the first Kingdom Hearts game was fun it admittedly came out of nowhere and added up to nothing, the one in 3D was even worse, a glorified Drop sequence rather than a proper boss battle, and when he appeared in Once Upon a Time he appeared for one episode and was easily dispatched by being tricked into crossing the town line. I'd like to hear what you guys think about all of this.
  5. As the titles says, this is a digital manipulation I made about Nami coming to Storybrooke. And as I think it's pretty good, I thought I'd share it here:) http://anheiressofasoldier.deviantart.com/art/FAKE-Namine-Arrives-in-Storybrooke-OUaT-512595497
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