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Found 13 results

  1. Morning all, After going over the previous trailers for KH3, one of the most recurring themes is the triumph of darkness and the struggle of light. Not only do we see this through the continuous reveals of Xehanort's SoDs, but also through the lack of formation of the GoLs. As of our current knowledge we know that Sora, Riku, Mickey, Lea and Kairi will participate in an initial battle against our base groups of enemies. However, that only leaves us at five members. I do not believe this to be a coincidence. Rather crucially the fates of four potential members have been deliberately shown to be fragile. Aqua is under Xehanort's influence, Ven appears to be compromised by Vanitas, Lingering Will is still trying to reclaim his body and the mystery of Roxas continues. Whilst on the Box Art, we have not seen either Xion or Namine, which still leaves their fate unknown- if anything has changed at all thus far regarding them. Add to the mix potentially Riku Replica- who again unlike Data Riku does not seem to be under Xehanort's influence, we now have a missing seven GoLs of light. Again I do not believe this to be a coincidence. The overall theme is about resolution and our seven missing GoLs still have unresolved fates, thus I believe limiting them from being part of the main GoLs going into the Final Battle. Instead, I think the fated battle will happen, but during the initial stages the final two members will become clear. The initial two members from the trailers appear to suggest Terra or at least the Lingering Will and potentially Roxas, due to the fact we can match the background during his reveal matching the same as the one in the Xbox Trailer with Xehanort and his cronies standing on top. However, we do not know the outcome of the Lingering Will's battle nor do we know Roxas's fate- he could well be under Xehanort's influence. We need to see what the final trailers have in store for us and then go over the previous material again.
  2. I feel like I haven't shared one of my videos here in a minute lol.. anyways hi! This is a video where I talk about how There seems to be More 13 characters in Kingdom Hearts 3 that Qualify or could Qualify to be a Seeker of Darkness. There might some extra angle with the 13 Vessels Nomura is trying to work in. It's very interesting and I would like to get a conversation going about this!! Thank you for the love and support and I'll try my best to read everything ^_^ Thanks for your time.
  3. Here we will be discussing a topic that I believe is very likely to happen in Kingdom Hearts 3, Riku's Death... Riku's purpose in Kingdom Hearts 3 is a huge topic of discussion amongst the Kingdom Hearts Community, his impending future makes many of us wonder what is his purpose, what is his destiny? Could it be as a sacrifice to further to plot of the largest entry in the Series? Try not to cry :sad: Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy - Volt
  4. Hey guys! I'm not going to type a big paragraph because I want you to watch the video O_O but here is my theory on Sora being the 13th Vessel in Kingdom Hearts 3. Let me know your thoughts and maybe consider Sharing the video and Subscribing to the channel if you want to see more Kingdom Hearts Content like this. Thank you for your time!
  5. I have a theory of what's in the box that the Master of Masters was dragging. I think it might be the 13 pieces of darkness of the shattered χ-blade. The χ-blade shattered into 20 pieces: 13 of darkness and 7 of light. We know that it broke into 7 pieces of light in order to protect the hearts of the Seven Princesses of Heart, but we don't know exactly what that means. Especially considering the Seven Princesses of Heart weren't alive way back then. But maybe it means that the χ-blade shattered into 7 pieces of light which would then become the Seven Princess of Heart's hearts in the future? Also, we were never told what happened to the 13 pieces of darkness. If a heart of pure darkness and a heart of pure light clash, then the χ-blade is recreated, but it is unstable. In DDD, it is revealed that Xehanort plans on capturing the Seven Princesses again so that they can clash with the 13 Seekers of Darkness to recreate the χ-blade. But, how can this be? The 13 Seekers of Darkness don't have hearts of pure darkness, so how would them clashing with the pure-hearted princesses recreate the χ-blade? I think I might know the answer. I believe that Xehanort wants to find that case that the Master of Masters has or maybe he already has it. If the 13 pieces of darkness from the shattered χ-blade are in that case, then Xehanort can take them and put them into each of the 13 Seekers of Darkness' hearts to turn them into hearts of pure darkness. Then, he can clash with the Princesses of Heart to recreate the χ-blade, but this time, a much more stable one. It'd actually pretty much be the original χ-blade because it'd be created from the original shattered pieces. So yeah, what do you think of this theory? Anything I could add to it?
  6. Note: Please read the entire post before commenting. Thanks! (This is a part of my "Explained" series of posts. To view my "Time Travel Explained" post, click here, to view my "The Realm of Sleep Explained" post, click here, and to view my "Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Dream Eaters Explained" post, click here.) In the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending, we see the Organization XIII members who were residents of Radiant Garden lying on the floor after being recompleted as people again. We also see Braig, who is not lying on the floor like the rest of them. He presumably woke up before them. (We know this 2.5 secret ending takes place after Re:coded and before Dream Drop Distance because Ienzo is an adult in this cutscene. There is a cutscene in the beginning of Dream Drop Distance that shows Even and Ienzo on the floor turning into Heartless/Nobodies and Ienzo is a little kid in that cutscene, so we know the 2.5 secret ending takes place after Re:coded because we know Ienzo grew up as an adult while he was a Nobody.) In Dream Drop Distance, we see Xigbar. It is implied that this is actually Braig, not Xigbar and he's just going by the name Xigbar for some reason (most likely because of the Recusant's Sigil in that name). If this is the same recompleted Braig that we saw in the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending, then how come he has long hair again, how come he has gray in his hair again? It would not make sense for him to just all of a sudden change appearance and grow hair that quickly. Is this actually Xigbar and not Braig, and they were just implying that it was Braig just to trick us? If it's Xigbar, then that can either mean that he was brought to the present day from time travel, or that can mean that Young Xehanort turned the recompleted Braig back into a Nobody for some reason (maybe he's stronger as a Nobody?). Also, do people keep their appearances that they had as Nobodies when they turn back into people, or are they reverted to how they looked before they were turned into Nobodies? This is very unclear. It seems that some parts of them did keep their appearance and some parts of them didn't for some reason. Ienzo, Lea, and Isa aged as Nobodies and kept their ages when they turned back into people. Lea lost the markings under his eyes when he became a person again though for some reason. From what we know, this is how it is: You are reverted back to how you looked before you became a Nobody, but you keep your age. For example, Lea was reverted to how he looked before he became a Nobody which is why he lost the markings under his eyes, but he still looks older because he kept his age. There are some people who think that the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending takes place way back in-between BBS and KH1, but that is simply not true as proved above. There are some people who think that the Xigbar in DDD is actually the recompleted Braig and the Braig in the 2.5 secret ending is the one who's a time traveler. That is simply not true. As stated above, it wouldn't make sense for the Xigbar in DDD to have long hair if he was actually Braig and it wouldn't make sense for the Braig in the 2.5 secret ending to be the time traveler because he's at the spot where he was just recompleted. So, this is what we know so far and is so far the absolute truth: The Braig in the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending is Braig after he was just recompleted as a person again. The Xigbar we see in Dream Drop Distance is either one of these two things: He's either a time traveling Xigbar that Young Xehanort brought to the present time, or he is the recompleted Braig that Young Xehanort turned back into a Nobody for some reason. It is currently unconfirmed which of these two things is the answer. If he is a time traveling Xigbar, then that means that Xigbar and Braig are both alive and in the present day at the same time. If Braig was turned back into Xigbar, then that means Xigbar is the only one who is alive and in the present day. We also know that when you are recompleted as a person again, you are reverted to how you looked before you became a Nobody, which is why Lea lost the markings under his eyes, and is why Dilan's hairstyle was reverted back to how it was before he became a Nobody, and is why Braig's hair turned shorter again and lost the gray in it. We also know though that you age as a Nobody and you keep your age that you grew to when you turn back into a person. I made this post to hopefully clear things up for some people because I have seen countless people who seem to be confused about this topic and who have been spreading false information. This was difficult to explain, so hopefully I explained it well and it makes sense. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. EDIT: It has been confirmed in Kingdom Hearts III that Braig, Isa, etc. were in fact turned back into Nobodies again after being recompleted in order to be more suitable vessels. Now that they have been destroyed once again though, they have all been recompleted once more. Except for Xigbar. He pretended to die during the Keyblade War in KH3, but he really just teleported away, and then shows up when the battle is over and reveals himself to be Luxu. So, he's still a Nobody currently.
  7. Who do you think will die in KH3 and who do you want to die in KH3? Aside from the obvious villains who will most likely die, I don't want any of the good characters to die, but I think it would be a great way to bring more emotion to the game and to make Sora and the gang more serious and pull their act together. For example, I think it'd be interesting to see Aerith die. Since she is a different person than she is in Final Fantasy, I don't think the person who kills her should be Sephiroth, I think it should be one of the Seekers of Darkness. Perhaps while at Radiant Garden, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Leon, Yuffie, etc all run outside and see Aerith be struck in the heart by Young Xehanort or something. I think it would bring more depth to all the characters in that scene, because we would be able to see the emotional side of Leon and the other FF characters. It would also show how ruthless and evil Young Xehanort and the Seekers of Darkness are. What are your thoughts on this and who do you think will die in KH3?
  8. What do you think of this idea? I think it would definitely be very interesting and would be a major plot twist. From what we've seen and heard about Xehanort when he was younger with Eraqus, he wasn't exactly an evil person or a villain, he was just simply very interested in the darkness and having perfect balance between light and darkness. This seems to have spiraled over the years into complete obsession with that idea, so maybe it's possible that Young Xehanort realizes how insane he becomes in the future and decides to turn on his future self? If this *does* happen, do you think he would join the same team as the Guardians of Light, or would be on sort of his own separate side? I saw someone mention this whole concept on the KH13 forums and it immediately intrigued me. Ever since we first ran into Young Xehanort in Dream Drop Distance and eventually learned who he was, I instantly thought he was an interesting character. Having something like this happen would make him be an even more interesting character. Another thing that's worth noting is that Young Xehanort used to have friends, such as Eraqus. We don't quite know all the details and facts yet, but from what the little we've seen and heard, it sort of appears as if Young Xehanort used to care for Eraqus and have compassion for him, like any friend would. Maybe this care and compassion slowly left him over the years as he spiraled into complete insanity, which of course ended up with him killing Eraqus. It very much reminds me of Riku and Sora's relationship and how Riku turned on Sora. Except with Xehanort, he never turns good again, but maybe just maybe, Young Xehanort seeing his future self go insane and maybe he realizes how much destruction his future self could really cause if he got his hands on Kingdom Hearts, he changes his mind and turns against him. This is a far fetched idea and most likely won't happen, but I definitely think it's an interesting idea that I think would work very well if it was done right. What are your thoughts on this?
  9. There could be many ways for us to defeat Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3, so how do you think that we'll defeat him? Do you think we will destroy him for good? Or not? How do you think he'll be defeated specifically?
  10. Wassup, I'm new, but since this isn't an introduction thread, I'll cut to the chase. Obviously KHIII is coming very soon. A lot of us are coming up theories with pieces of information we get. Right now I'm going to talk about a common theory. The identities of the 13 seekers of darkness. Forgive me if you all already have a good idea for them. I just haven't heard anybody talking about it recently. Onto my point! Alright so what do we know already? Xehanort has gathered up nearly 13 people to represent the 13 darknesses for the war. The members consist of not only himself from different points in time, but also previous organization members from, which I call, the scouting group. So all that's confirmed is Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Xigbar, and Saix. That's 6 and the rest is left to guess. In DDD we've might've been confirmed two more, which is Vanitas and Riku Replica, or Repliku for short. Okay now that brings us at 8. Now who are the last 5? This is where this card comes in. For those who've seen the KH3 trailer, this should look familiar. These are pieces to a chess game between Xehanort and Eraqus. Many have come to realize that these pieces might represent the members of each side. If that's the case this should make things a bit easier. Okay so let's see if we could identify the people with the gold pieces. 1. Xehanort 2. Saix (crescent moon at the center of it) 3. Xemnas 4. Luxord (even if his weapons were cards, dice were heavily involved with his powers too) 5. Ansem (it resembles the head of his guardian.) 6. Vanitas (the keychain on his keyblade) 7. Demyx (it does slightly resemble his sitar) 7.5. Xigbar (far left of 7 looks a little like his old crossbows) 8. Up for debate. I have a guess. 9. I'll talk about that one later. 10. Larxene (resembles her knives) 11. Young Xehanort (hourglass was also on his keyblade) Now again all that is just theory for now. There is still 2 pieces missing to make it 13. But for mow let's talk about the two I held back on. Number 9 was something I wanted to save because after some thinking I came up with an answer. Look at 9 and now look at this. ( <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.khwiki.com/images/1/12/Lea" href="http://www.khwiki.com/images/1/12/Lea" s_keyblade_keychain_kh3d.png"=""> They look similar right? Well guess what, this is the keychain to Lea's keyblade. Question, why is this on the darkness side? Well if you want an idea check out this.( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TLdZ5BWDq8 ) After listening to that and seeing what I just found out, it's scarily close to making sense, and I don't want it to be true cause I like Lea. Now for number 8. This is still a guess, but by process of elimination it's most likely Repliku. And considering the the symbol looks like a hollow object, yup sounds like Repliku. So what do you guys think? You think I'm on to something, or do you have a good idea?
  11. I believe Kingdom Hearts 3 will end with the death of all 7 Guardians of Light... ...Okay well maybe not "dead" dead, but here me out... There has been a lot of chatter that the 5 "Lost Masters" are actually: [it is believed these are the lost masters due to color scheme comparison, height equivalents, and the use of the same voice actors, I would recommend looking into this more yourself if your skeptical (Rebirth Theory w/ Pics = http://forums.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-iii/194630-rebirth.html and GamersJoint voice comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rGI_Yzr2cI ] Aqua = Anguis Ventus = Leopardos Riku = Unicornis Terra = Ursus Kairi = Vulpeus ...with the sixth lost master being missing It is also believed that the missing final page in the Book of Prophecies is also the page that states that darkness will triumph over light... Now here's where my theory begins, what if the Book of Prophecies was written by "people" from the future in order to try to prevent the outcome these "people" had faced (darkness defeating light)? So as to say, the Book of Prophecies is actually less of a prophecy written by the foretellers, but more of a recollection of past events the foretellers/"lost masters" actually experienced? This would mean that the "people" who wrote the Book of Prophecies only knew what happened up to the point of darkness defeating light, NOT what happened afterwards. I emphasize this because it seems as though the Book of Prophecies is incomplete and limited (the prophecy ends at a point that I can't possibly see as being the ending) and I think that's because its not the ending, but rather, just as far as the "lost masters" were able to make it before getting sent back in time! (Maybe through the power of finally achieving Kingdom Hearts) Now I want to quickly focus on the term "LOST masters". What makes the masters "LOST" and if the Lost Masters are the Foretellers, why are the Foretellers LOST??? I believe its because after the great war/clash between the 13 SoD and 7 GoL, 6 keyblade masters in the fight disappeared, not to a new location, but to a different time. So what if, at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Xehanort had finally captured Kingdom Hearts and the world fell to darkness, but as this happened, somehow Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Riku, and Kairi were sent back in time (along with the other unknown master) and became the foretellers. [Here's where the theory becomes a bit difficult to explain since we dont know who the GoL or the missing foreteller is, soooo from this point it's more random speculation than a theory backed by context clues] The crazy thing here is that Mickey, Axel/Lea, Sora, and Xehanort (not accounting for Vanitas, as I believe he may be defeated prior to this point) are all unaccounted for. I speculate that it could be possible that Mickey, Axel/Lea, and Sora are presumed dead by Xehanort, who finally achieves Kingdom Hearts. I speculate Sora and Axel/Lea "die" first. Then Mickey, in a last ditch effort, somehow manages to send Aqua, Ventus, Riku, Terra, and Kairi to the past to prevent the future, and "dies" doing so. Thinking they are all dead, and knowing the 5 were sent into the past, Xehanort goes into the past as the 6th/final foreteller(lost master) to steal the page from the foretellers as an attempt to prevent the world from knowing the truth that the events in the Book of Prophecies would lead to Xehanort's victory (so as to prevent anyone that were to read the full Book of Prophecies from ruining his plans). This would allow him to orchestrate a long drawn out plan manipulating even his younger self into following in his footsteps by mentoring Young Eraquas and Young Xehanort as his pupils. He would then use his ability to time travel to points in which he existed to return to the battlefield at the end of the game to finally sit on his throne ruling over the darkness in the world. However, I believe Axel/Lea will have died shielding Sora again (but this time he dies for real), and Mickey isn't dead but seriously injured and can't move. This would leave Sora and Xehanort to battle it out for one final showdown after the annihilation of the entire crew, the Book of Prophecies to have been fulfilled and for the Xehanort saga to be entirely tied up of loose ends. This would also account for Sora continuing on in his journey in the next installations of the game as the main character (as Nomura had stated would be the case) and would leave Kingdom Hearts X as more of a "side story" with the final page within the book of prophecies to actually be fully canon (which is what Nomura had stated would be the case of Kingdom Hearts X in relation to KH3). I also recall Hashimoto or Nomura, earlier in KH3's development, saying that they planned to make the ending sad, but Disney told them it was too sad and that they wanted a happier ending. And I believe this ending is sad enough for Disney to speculate it. OKAY SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? Do you guys think this is plausible? Do you think this makes a lot of sense but maybe a little different? (such as Axel/Lea actually being the 6th Lost Master, but is Killed by Xehanort and framed as a rebellious lost master?) (Or even the 6 Lost Masters are the 7 Guardians of Light minus Sora?) Am I missing anything such as the use of the X-blade in KH3? Is there anything you'd add or subtract from this theory? Please let me know!! ^_^
  12. Maybe someone can answer me this... Why when Xehanort returned in KH3D he was at his original form (the old and bald one) if when he was turned into a heartless and created his nobody, he was Terranort? Wasn't supposed to be the same Xehanort, the apprentice, to come back?
  13. After I seen that all of the Foretellers keychains emblems have the eye of darkness, this made me wonder, are certain Seekers Of Darkness going to be wielding these Keyblade, or, are the Foretellers themselves going to be part of the Seekers Of Darkness? Wielded by Marluxia's somebody/Xion? Wielded by Braig/Xigabar? Wielded by Luxord's somebody? Wielded by Isa/Saix? Wielded by Terranort?
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