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  1. My video I created/edit together. Princess Kenny AMV (note this is for season 3 and please KNOW that this is violent anime, But If you watch PG-13 Jurassic Park. this should be fine) I grew up on south park and anime. This is my tribute on youtube video is 55 seconds long. This is a comedy video, if you are easily offended. Then simply do not watch. I don't believe I am breaking any rules. https://youtu.be/xyPSjVCOcmA
  2. I found this website where you can create anything you want in the style of South Park. I decided to create some characters from several different mediums including Kingdom Hearts. Link to the website here: http://www.sp-studio.de/ Tell me if you want to see more KH characters or if you want to see the creations from other games/TV series0.
  3. As the year 2014 is coming close to an end it's time to look back at some of the games that came out this year. Now 2014 was a good year for video games, it could've been better could've been worse so it was an ok year. The way I am going to go through this list is that it will be games that I have played and had a lot of fun playing. There was actually a lot of games that came out this year that I haven't played for example, Lightning Returns, Far Cry 4, Infamous Second Son, Shovel Knight, and Smash Bros, so those won't be on the list but I do plan to play them at some point in time and some of those games I know for sure two of them would be in this top ten if I played them but since I didn't they won't be. This list is my opinion and how I feel about these games you may disagree with me or agree with me it's fine. One last thing before I get started is that I am not counting re-released games or HD Remasters or ReMixs so no Final Fantasy X/X-2, The Last of Us Remaster, Grand Theft Auto 5, or Kingdom Hearts 2.5. and now without further adue time to get this list underway!! 10. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (3DS) Now Pokemon is a fun game and I had fun playing this game as well and while I would kinda count it as a re-release of Ruby and Sapphire and it is but it also has more added to it as well. It's kinda like a Final Mix in a way where it has the original stuff but with more added stuff for you to do. The Delta Episode was fun and probably my favorite part of this game as well as the new music and the Wally fight on Victory Road was amazing because of the music. It also adds more mega evolution which by now it's safe to say ok which Pokemon doesn't have a mega evolution now then back when X and Y came out where you had to ask which ones did. One other thing they added as end game content is that you can catch more legendary Pokemon then you could in the original which is actually pretty cool but I wish it was the legendary Pokemon that you really can't get like Mew and Celabi and Arceus and Darkri and the other special event Pokemon. All in all I say this is a good Pokemon game not the greatest one in my opinion but it's not the worst as well and that's why it's number 10. 9. Danganropa: Happy Trigger Havoc (PSVita) Now again this game is also technically a re-release as well, however, the original never came outside of Japan so I'm saying it's ok. Danganropa is a murder mystery type game and you really have to think while doing the class trials. You and 14 other students get trapped in Hopes Peck Academy where the only way to escape is to kill one of your classmates and get away with it, after someone is killed you have time to investigate and find clues that will help you find out who did it and if you guess who the killer is correctly then they are killed but if you guess the wrong one then everyone besides the killer will be killed and will be able to leave the Academy. You also have free time to hang out with your classmates as well to get to know them better and also learn some things about them. The way I see this game it's kinda like Persona meets Phoenix Wright where you have to solve a mystery but it kinda has the social link aspect to it like Persona 3 and Persona 4 had. The way the class trials work is amazing as well and you might have some problems with it at first but there is a logic setting that you can put on to lower difficulty so that could help. I can't really get to much into details about this game because of spoilers even though it has been out for almost a year some people might haven't played it but want to. 8. Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) Kirby is my favorite Nintendo character of all time just a little above Link. Triple Deluxe is a fun and amazing Kirby game and probably my favorite handheld one since Nightmare in Dream Land. It's a Kirby game so there isn't that much to explain it's a side scroller and you still have the ability to suck up enemies and sometimes gain their abilities and use it as your own. If you have played a Kirby game before you know what it's like what makes this one great in my opinion is the new power-up that they introduced and I like it, you suck up everything in your path even giant trees that Kirby's normal sucking powers couldn't even suck up. My favorite part is that you get to the final boss and when you think it ends it doesn't and then you finally get to how it ends and you're like wow this is amazing definitely pick this game up if you like Kirby games. 7. South Park Stick of Truth (PS3 Xbox 360) This game is basically living and playing an episode of South Park if you have seen the show and if you like the show you would really enjoy this game it makes fun of some other games as well as a lot of cameos from South Park characters and it works really well. You are a new kid who has moved to South Park and there is something special about you that both the Humans and the Elves want you on their side it's a little hard to understand if you haven't seen a South Park episode at all but it's still a fun game. The gameplay is you can actually move around the town of South Park and go anywhere really with some limitations, the combat is fun good old fashioned turn based style and it works that way. There are some problems with the game I had it crashed on me once and I'm not sure what happened and if you don't know anything about South Park then be prepared to possibility get offended a lot because there are somethings in here that might be to sensitive to people especially on the third day where you go somewhere and fight some rather unique enemies. 6. The Walking Dead Season Two (PS3 PS4 Xbox 360 Xbox One basically almost everything) This game is on here because even though episode one came out last year majority of the episodes as well as the physical copy of the game came out this year. Now I really really really wanted to have this game higher on the list but the reason it is here is that I didn't get the same kind of feels I felt in Season One but you will still feel some feels in this game. Now spoiler alert for anyone who has not played Season One of the Walking Dead by Telltale or who don't know what happens. You are playing as Clementine now after Lee got bitten and are traveling with Krista and Omid a few years have gone by and things happen where you get separated from them and you are trying to find them while at the same time trying to stay alive and away from walkers and that is all I am going to say about the story of the game. Now like I said I didn't get as much feels as Season one but this still gave me some feels especially in episode five. Telltale has outdone themselves again with this game this game is fantastic and beautiful but it is not without it's flaws there are some bugs in the game that I have encountered in one playthrough but not in another and trust me you will be playing through this game more then once. The decisions you make matter is a big thing in these kinds of games and I love it but at the same time I feel like there where some decisions that I felt would matter a lot but end up not mattering at all and the opposite effect happens well well in my opinion but all in all it is a fantastic game and I really can't wait for Season Three. 5. Danganropa 2 Goodbye Despair (PSVita) Now this game is the same as Danganronpa in that it originally was on the PSP and was only in Japan so this is why this is on the list. Just like Danganropa I don't want to get to into the story of the game because of spoilers and this game came out more recently so it's more understandable why. The only thing different story wise is the characters are different and the setting of the game is different as well you are not at Hopes Peck Academy but on an island and the gameplay is still the same except it has more of it. It has more functions that you can do in the class trials and the class trials are a lot longer then they where in the first game so much so that they have a half way point and you will know when you get there. The voice acting is better in this one in my opinion because I love the main characters voice as well as the majority of the other characters voices as well, not that there was anything wrong with the voices in the first Danganropa game, it's just this game feels like it had a more stronger cast and in my opinion it did. This game is just like Danganropa but it has more and that's what a squeal should have in my opinion some of the same stuff from the first one but improve it and add more stuff that works to it. There is even a little minigame type game that you can play as well once you reach far enough into the story that is fun as well but very very confusing at the same time. If you have a PSVita or a PS TV please pick this game up if you are a fan of Persona or Phoenix Wright you will not be disappointed it can get frustrating at times but is still a fun game to play. 4. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3 Xbox 360) Now anyone who knows me knows that I love the Persona series as it is one of my top three game series and Ultimax is a strong game in the series in my opinion. Remember what I said about squeals when I was talking about Danganropa 2? Ultimax did exactly that with it being the squeal to Persona 4 Arena it adds characters to the roster as well as shadow characters that are fun to play as and they improved the multiplayer aspect a lot and it is amazing and probably one of the best fighting game multiplayer there is. They also fixed up Ultimate Score Attack and it is so much better in this game then it was in the first game and they added more game types to play besides just Vs, Story and Ultimate Score Attack and multiplayer. The story is done a lot better then how it was in the first one where you get two stories again basically you play it through the perspectives of the Persona 4 cast or the Persona 3 cast now like how it was in Arena where each person had their own story and while some of it was the same the overall ending to their stories don't match up at all. Ultimax although has two stories there are times where it seems that they are happening at the same time although that is shown to not be true at all with how the ending plays out. Again it is still a fun game and is a great fighting game so if you like either fighting games or Persona games definitely pick this one up and don't worry if you haven't played the first one they have the story of Arena as DLC so you can play that before playing Ultimax story. 3. Assassin's Creed Rogue (PS3 Xbox 360) This game, what can I say about it, it is an Assassin's Creed game and I had a lot of fun with it I probably had the most fun in this game then all the other games on this list besides number 1. But why is it number 3? Well the reason for that is even though I love the concept of this game where you play an Assassin turned Templar there are some problems I had with this game mostly it was getting the collectables but that's not the reason, some of the combat mostly the ship combat I had trouble with. Now I know a lot of people like the ship combat that they introduced in Assassin's Creed 3 as a matter of fact they made a game that was more surrounded that in Black Flag, now Black Flag was fun with the little bit I played but I just don't like the ship combat that much but I can tolerate it and it's not making or breaking the game for me because at the end of the day I liked this game and it actually made me like the ship combat just a little bit more but not that much. The regular combat is fine but I had a few bugs happen to me now that isn't my fault or the games fault but it still kinda broke the experience for me in a way. Once you reach a certain point of the game it really makes you think, at least for me it did and I loved that about this game as well where it makes you think about what your doing and is it the right or wrong thing. 2. The Wolf Among Us ( PS3 PS4 Xbox 360 Xbox One basically almost everything) Another game by Telltale and it is amazing, again just like Walking Dead Season Two the first episode came out last year but the majority of the episodes as well as the physical copies of the game came out this year. This game is amazing like I said it is based off of the Fables books but it is it's own thing kinda like how The Walking Dead is based of the comic books but is it's own story. You play as The Big Bad Wolf who is the sheriff of Fabletown and is investigating a murder that takes place in Fabletown a first thing to happen and that right away just screams amazing to me. You also see other fables like Snow White, Crane, Beauty and the Beast, and a whole lot more of them and it's great I love this game it was fun to play and the story will keep you on the edge of your seat through the whole way through. Again much to the Telltale fashion there are choices that have to be made and they will affect the outcome of a lot of things and how the rest of the game plays out and I just love that it does have a little hiccups every now and then but still a fun game to play. This game in my opinion should be console game of the year because the story is amazing the gameplay is fun and all the mechanics are just outstanding. 1. Persona Q Shadow of the Labyrinth (3DS) Now how many people are surprised by this again if you know me you know that I love the Persona series and by god this is one of the best ones out there in my opinion. Persona Q is a mix between the cast of Persona 3 and Persona 4 with majority of the gameplay coming form the Etrain Odyssey series. You can pick to either play the game through the perspective of the P3 cast or the P4 cast but eventually the game will end up being the same no matter which one you pick the only thing that will be different is who you are playing as either the P3 Hero or the P4 Hero. Now the story is very strong and I love it, you are pulled into a mysterious world and you meet two people there Zen and Rei who have lost their memories and you work together with them in order to leave and go back to your world. The story in any of the Persona games is a really strong part of it and this one is no different and I don't want to go into spoilers but it just keeps building up higher and higher until the climax and man is it a good one let me tell you that right now. Combat is different from the Persona games in that you pick what everyone is going to do right away before the fight starts and then your party will do what you tell them to do and the enemies will attack as well and depending on what level you are at and who is with you and what enemies you are facing will determine who will go first. Walking around the the labyrinths is probably where I have the least fun because it is first person perspective and you can't see the normal enemies you just encounter them unlike how you find enemies in the Persona games. Just like the Persona games there are request that you can take up where you can get some good items as well as EXP from them as well and there is also a new feature called strolls where you talk to your comrades and are just fun to do and some of them will leave you smiling and giving you a good laugh. Now this game as a lot of great things about it and a few little things that I didn't like about it I already talked about the first person perspective this game also has a slow start I feel, it's not as bad as Persona 4 but it is still a slow start in my opinion. All and all if you like either Persona 3 or Persona 4 and have a 3DS pick this game up it should be the handheld game of the year in my opinion. Well there is my top ten games of 2014 what do you think do you agree with some of them or do you think you would move things around? Again I did not play some games that came out this year and this list is of the games I have played this year and if you actually read through all the stuff I thank you for that. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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