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  1. Hey guys...I haven't made a thread here in a LOOOOONG time. But because I was drawing recently, I decided I wanted to share some art with you guys! I'll be pulling these up from my deviantart page, so sorry for the watermark. *clears throat* So um, first, Before and After, where I took the same drawing and redid it around, maybe, two years later to see how I've improved. Before: After: Before: After: Next up some Kingdom Hearts related drawings! This one's a RP character I based off Sora This one is from another RP character of a Kingdom Hearts RP, where I made his station of Awakening These two are keyblades I created (I should do the others but I've been too lazy to scan them). The first one is based off a bullet And this one is based off Final Fantasy VII:Crisis Core Then there's this comic about the dragonborn when I played Skyrim Then this mother nature drawing So yeah! Those are the ones worth mentioning, I just wanted to share them with you guys. I hope you like them.
  2. Get in nerds we're going on an emotional Domestic!AU roller coaster with the Voltron: Legendary Defender cast! --- "Good afternoon, Mr.Shirogane! Good to see you again." "Likewise, Coran." The sound of children playing echoed across the halls of the Orphanage. The orphanage's director Coran led a familiar face through the halls, the young adult known as Takashi Shirogane, though better known by his nickname of Shiro. He was around 27 years old, more or less, a well accomplished student and hard worker who was known within the Galaxy Garrison as one of its youngest accomplished pilots, taking part of multiple missions, including that of the Kerberos Mission. However he had downgraded from piloting, becoming a well liked professor at the Garrison. Beginning with that, one thing led to another...and he had eventually come to this point where he had become an adoptive father to three wonderful young children. Now, he was here to adopt another one, a special one, in fact. "I didn't realize that Katie didn't have any remaining relatives until the funeral." Shiro murmured. Coran sighed. "Yes. Quite tragic the whole thing. All family members available were too far away or simply too distant to be able to take care of the child..." "Thank you for allowing me to see her." Shiro said, a pained expression on his face. He had even gone to school with the oldest son, Matt Holt. "The Holts were a close friend even before the Kerberos Mission. I never expected for them to be taken away so...suddenly." "No one did." Coran then gently patted Shiro on the shoulder. "Ready to see her?" "Yes." Shiro said, a small smile appearing on his features. Coran nodded, leading Shiro down the hall, all the way to the play room where other kids were found, while the rest were either all around the building or even outside enjoying some fresh air. "Right there." Coran said, suggesting to the young girl in green that sat on a table, concentrated on something on her own. Shiro blinked, gently moving towards Katie. He wondered if she would remember him? Maybe not. He had seen her when she was so much younger. He doubted she would remember him in anyway. Maybe his prosthetic arm, or his scar. Who knew. "Hey Katie." Shiro spoke, a soft smile on his face as he gently knelt down next to her. "Do you happen to remember me?...I used to be good friends with your dad and brother."
  3. This is a 4x4 between Oblivion 22, Yukiteru Amano, Madam Ciel Phantomhive, and I. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For years Ghouls and Humans have been living in chaotic harmony within Tokyo City. Living among the Humans, the Ghouls have fought for survival among themselves and against the CCG. The war has always been at a 50/50, no side either winning or losing. However within the recent years, with technology advancing, and more information of Ghouls being used against them, the Ghouls have been slowly losing their battle for life. In the last year over 80% of the Ghoul Population has either been exterminated or captured by the CCG for experimentation, and every passing day it seems that soon the CCG will accomplish their ultimate mission to being the extinction of the Ghoul race. The Aogiri Tree, who used to be a Ghoul Extremist Group, is now the only light in the tunnel that the Ghouls have in any hopes of salvation. It is no longer a war to see who wins the majority, it is a war for survival. Whether you are human, Ghoul, or any other alliance, you better get ready. Things have just become u n r a v e l e d. Rules: Basic KH13 Rules Any extreme gore must be inside a spoiler with a warning Romance must be PG13 Keep extreme cursing to a minimum No killing other people's characters unless you have permission Have fun Character Sheets: GHOUL:Name: Ghoul Nickname: (Usually given by the CCG. Example: Kaneki is “Eyepatch”, Touka is “White Rabbit”, etc.) Mask: Gender: Age: Appearance: Kagune type: (For the types of Kagune click here.) Kagune appearance: (Description or image.) Occupation: (If any. Optional) Bio: (Optional) Themesong: (Optional) Extra info: (Optional) CCG INVESTIGATOR:Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Rank: (Optional) Quinque: (Description or image.) Bio: (Optional) Themesong: (Optional) Extra info: (Optional) QUINX:Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Quinque Kagune: (Description or image) Bio: (Optional) Themesong: (Optional) Extra info: (Optional) HUMAN:Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Occupation: (If any. Optional) Weapon: (Optional) Bio: (Optional) Themesong: (Optional) Extra info: (Optional) ONE-EYED GHOUL:Artificial or Natural: Name: Ghoul Nickname: (Usually given by the CCG. Example: Kaneki is “Eyepatch”, Touka is “White Rabbit”, etc.) Mask: Gender: Age: Appearance: Kagune type: (For the types of Kagune click here.) Kagune appearance: (Description or image.) Occupation: (If any. Optional) Bio: (Optional) Themesong: (Optional) Extra info: (Optional) My characters: GHOULS Feliciano Vargas - GHOUL (Stardustblade358) Lovino Vargas - GHOUL (Stardustblade358) Soleil Yoshino - GHOUL (Stardustblade358) Ren Furukawa - GHOUL (Madam Ciel Phantomhive) Hayato Aoki - ONE-EYED GHOUL (Yukiteru Amano) Alice Cross - GHOUL (Oblivion22) Shiki Akume - ONE-EYED GHOUL (Oblivion22) Antonio Fernandez - HUMAN (Stardustblade358) Ran Akaigawa - HUMAN (Yukiteru Amano) VS CCG Theodore "Theo" Housburg - CCG INVESTIGATOR (Stardustblade358) Nyomu "Nyo" Ashimira - QUINX (Stardustblade358) Arnold "Ron" Cousland - CCG INVESTIGATOR (Yukiteru Amano) Rin Torres - QUINX (Yukiteru Amano)
  4. "I'm escaping this world one step at a time but all I need first is a partner in crime" - J.H. Laughter and posh lectures one with another. Gentlemen in suits and ladies in dresses. The environment felt elegant and suffocating in this venue, at least for the seven year old Giotto. He looked adorable in his little suit, at least that’s what everyone said as his father showed him off. His father was the chief of security of the city, wealthy, handsome, widower, everything and anything Giotto could care less of. His most popular trait was his hatred and fear against mutants, beings with supernatural abilities that could surpass animal and machine. The city both feared them and revered them, it was a dividing side. But being a small minority they would only stand out every so often in the news. What his father would never know was that his own son was a mutant with developing powers. Another rub to the head, causing his hair to get messed up caused Giotto to groan and sneak away, away from the strong smelling perfumes and out a door that led to the outside for fresh air, the back parking lot barely lit up by a street lamp and decorated with a few garbage cans. “Stupid party, stupid stuff, stupid dad.” Giotto muttered under his breath as he got his hands in his pockets and kicked around a rock. He hated social events like this. Not only was he ignored, he was used as an item to show off. “Stupid!” He kicked the rock again.
  5. "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars” -Secena Sun shinning, blue sky, soft wind. The world was at peace. Everyone going on with their daily lives. The castle glistened in the sunlight, sounds of footsteps echoing in the calmness of the halls. "If I need to sign another piece of paper I'm going to throw myself off the balcony." Vashle rested his head back against the chair he sat on. He had reached his peak of age, his dark hair was starting to fade in its color, a few gray strands appearing here and there, yet still looking healthy and strong. His horns made him look intimidating, his outfit had a bit too many medals, to which he complained would drag him down the stairs one day when he was much older. "You'll live." Katherine smiled, sitting next to him. She was older, but still looked stunning, wearing rubies and semi-formal attire. The politicians stood in front of him ready to start. "Hold on, where's Astrid?" Vashle asked. "She was practicing her Keyblade Wielding techniques. She should be here in any moment." Katherine assured. "Alright...now..." An annoyed expression appeared on Vashle's face. "Where's Dante?" The horse ran across the streets, being careful to not bump into anyone, jumping over carts and boxes in the way. People quickly got out of the way as the white stallion covered in glistening armor jumped across the cobblestone street. It head across the bridge of the river and straight to the plains and woodlands of the capital. Its rider a young man of 21 years of age. His hair spiked, colored turquoise, his eyes as red as blood and his skin as pale as the snow. The guards watched in amusement as the young prince didn't even mind wearing his status symbol on his head, spreading his arms as the horse ran across the valley, as if trying to fly. "(I miss home. Our real home.)"
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