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  1. Summary: A sinister and manipulative sorcerer, Dariek Cahir, had become bored of his own world. He decided to use the dark magic that was considered forbidden there, and traveled to others. Along the way, he met some people he thought were interesting, including a young woman named Erica Roberts, who he has use for. Erica woke up in a world called Traverse Town. Many memories of hers include what happened to her, and the Kingdom Hearts games (including anything that hints about them) aren't able to surface. Her own world, Earth, is so far away and unknown to most she would meet. Will Sora and friends be able to help her remember? As Erica, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and others travel from world to world and fight the Heartless together, Riku discovers the darkness and becomes desperate to find a way to return Kairi's heart back to her. And a small group of Nobodies in Organization XIII discovers there's more to Dariek than he's allowed himself to speak about. Author's Note: As of now, this is partially alternate universe. The important parts to the original lore to the first Kingdom Hearts game will stay basically the same, but there will be slight to major changes that differ from it. Some minor characters will have bigger roles. Three out of my four own reoccurring characters throughout the first arc of this series will interact a lot with Sora, Donald, Goofy and Organization XIII. My fourth won't be featured until much later, during the second story arc. So much has been thought of, and planned. I think I have at least 3 pages of ideas saved in a separate word processor file. That list is only going to grow, and grow overtime. There's no denying how excited I get about this story at times, as it develops. I hope those who are reading this enjoy it as well. ^_^ Prologue: Final Game Board Placement A calm and content grin appeared on Dariek’s face, as he examined the painted figurine he held. Beautiful. Just beautiful... He already knew he would visualize her well enough, before putting forth the bit of concentrated effort in materializing the new game piece in his hands. It wasn’t hard to do the task. Minutes ago, he had used his power to send the young woman away. Now, she was where he precisely wanted her to be. He already knew and planned on what would happen, and where the interesting encounters and interactions would first take place, all thanks to what he had observed through her memories, and more. It was easy to remember Erica Roberts smiling; the tiny detail of her small pink lips, the corners upturned to match the friendliness in her brown eyes. He could still clearly remember her appearance, as well as her personality. Erica had much more of a social life than Dariek ever had. She would go out with some friends she had introduced to him once. In character, she was outgoing, but reserved at times. She was smart, kind, caring, helpful, and often put others before herself. Dariek knew she had the qualities he’d rather not have, along with having a social life. He took no interest in knowing many people. The more that knew about him, the less time he would have to himself, to accomplish his goals. It was to his benefit to have chosen her to be the next new addition to the game. In almost every way, she was the opposite of himself. In regards to Erica having the trait of easily being friends around those she had met, Dariek never had any reason to doubt about the chosen Keyblader getting along with her well. Erica was a very good asset he had encountered, from her world he had found three months ago. She knew a lot! She knew about Maleficent, and at least some of the members of the Organization. She knew of the mouse king and his trusted mage and knight, as well as the boy who would wield a tool and weapon known as the Keyblade. Erica already knew about some of the worlds he had been to, such as the jungle where gorillas and the man who walked like them called home, Agrabah, Neverland, Atlantica, and the Colosseum (in which he once sat in the audience, to watch a gladiator tournament). Her knowledge in combination with my own will be useful to me, later on... All of what he knew about Erica as a person, at least a gist of her firmly focused on in his mind, were needed to make the new figurine he was very fond of. One of the most interesting and ironic things about what Dariek had learned about her was the fact that she saw all of those worlds and individuals as fictional, from a complex “electronic game of moving pictures,” so she had first described to him. He never even heard of video games before meeting this young woman. Through watching her play some of this game series, he found out she knew of Maleficent, King Mickey, and the others came from, as just characters. She knew them from a series of those games, called Kingdom Hearts. Dariek grinned, rotating his new figurine once more, in both hands. This game piece accurately looked like Erica Roberts. That was what he wanted and intended for this game piece to be. He placed his new game piece next to Sora‘s, in the game board‘s area he set up to look like a flat map area of a small world, called Traverse Town. “Your abilities are certainly unique. Unlike anything else I’ve seen...” Dariek shrugged in nonchalance, as he looked to the young man in the black cloak, gloves, and shoes. Half of his face was concealed by those long blue bangs as usual, as the hint of awe in his tone was heard clearly. “So I’ve been told,” Dariek responded to Zexion. It was a bit flattering to know that the Organization was impressed by his power. Nice to know that I’m appreciated here... Your Superior doesn’t seem to care much, but it doesn’t matter! What does, is keeping to the deal I’ve made to the master of this castle, and making sure he’s happy and in anticipation of his potential puppet. As long as my chosen ones don’t get in the way, then both of us are content. Our alliance won’t be broken. Dancing around egg shells every now and then while here with Zexion and the other Organization members stationed inside Castle Oblivion wasn’t much of a challenge for him to do. As long as he remembered about each one correctly, he would be able to predict of where they go, and what they do. For human-like beings with no hearts, their personalities and appearances were clearly different. He knew most of the Nobodies were suspicious and curious about him. A few were more so than others, and he was certain that he could relax at that. He knowingly had his intricate plans in the grand scheme of things well thought out. Too much suspicion and curiosity among the entire Organization would have been a series of obstacles. They’d only want to use Erica and his own creation differently from the way he wanted them used, or have no use for them at all. Zexion looked at the game board set up, before looking back to him. “Is this supposed to be a representation of where the Keyblade Wielder and Erica are now?” “Sora,” Dariek corrected. “That’s his name.” A nod came from this Nobody, who had one of Dariek’s thick tomes under one of his arms. “After reading through some of your books of spells...” Dariek saw half of the small smirk on Zexion’s face. “I’m not surprised that you would only let a select few learn them. While Naminé simply draws, your own methods with altering and removing memories are much closer in contact. It’s further complicated.” The sorcerer, not much older than Zexion, took seat in a dark wooden chair, nearby where the game board and figurines were set up. “We wouldn’t want someone like Larxene getting involved with them. She’s not I would say is capable of preventing herself from going too far with such magic.” Zexion was one of the most curious in the Organization he had met, who took deep interest into what Dariek did. After some consideration, he wasn’t worried about him overseeing some of his work. A soft chuckle emitted from his associate. “That’s precisely who I was referring to.” Dariek commented no further, as he mentally noted to himself for the second time on how similarly they thought of each other. Larxene was... What he noticed in observing the blonde female’s mannerisms was the likely possibility of her abusing such power too much. Her motives were too up front. She seemed to care little for stealth, and subtleties. Teaching her anything would surely lead to his own downfall, since she’s had far too much enjoyment in putting almost everyone else down around her. He calmly proceeded to answer Zexion’s question. “I’ve already transferred Erica over to where he’ll be.” He hovered a hand over where he placed the Sora and Erica figurines. Not too far away was where he placed the rabbit, in which he had created himself. “This area here, Zexion, is Traverse Town. The drawn and colored illustrations on the board here represent a generalization of the homes and shops in the first district.” “She’s much older than Sora,” Zexion assessed. “I cannot imagine her becoming a love interest for him.” Dariek shook his head in amusement. He almost laughed at the stupid and ridiculous thing he said, of how terribly short lived the very idea would be. “That’s not at all what I had in mind... I thought Naminé was supposed to capture his heart. That is the plan in progress, isn’t it?” Zexion looked just as mildly amused. “That it is, yes... I didn’t want to assume you had that arrangement in mind, yet, it is good to be reassured of it.” He grinned, and brought his hand under his chin. “But I don’t understand what your intent is, for removing her memories and having her join alongside the hero of light.” Dariek chose his words carefully. He didn’t want to give too much away in explaining his strategy. “I did not remove her memories. I simply suppressed a number of them.” Which memories I’ve suppressed and why is only for me to know. I don’t think you’re going to be around long enough to figure this out for yourself. “There are two reasons why...” He held up his index finger. “After meeting and getting to know her a little in person, I found out that she’s a very good candidate in being a valuable companion to the kid.” Promptly, his middle finger rose to join his index. “Depending on the number of items I’ve enchanted and placed out there for her to find, in the different worlds, she will also be valuable to our cause...” He leaned forward in his chair, smiling at his intelligent and curious associate. “My power is capable of weakening and destroying Heartless. Remember?” Zexion’s eye that wasn’t obscured from view had widened. A soft gasp came from him. It took him a moment to realize how what Dariek had in mind, on this game he had started. “You’re giving her the power to destroy Heartless... You have the ability to harness light? Not just darkness?” The Nobody‘s reply caused Dariek to smirk in interest. He catches on quick. “Correct.” He predicted how Zexion would conclude on the information explained to him, and kept that to himself. “I think she’ll do well...” “Are you saying we could have two heroes of light?” Indeed, it was easy to picture the wheels in Zexion’s mind. He pointed to the small orange-tan and white colored rabbit figurine Dariek had crafted, with the same fashion he created the figurine of Erica. “And this is...?” “He’s one more companion, to support them. I created him, primarily for Erica.” Dariek’s smirk lingered. “Only, he no longer knows me, his creator. He doesn’t have a memory of ever being here.” “Does Marluxia know about all this?” Oh, I should be very careful about how much I’ll tell this guy. “Of course he does. We’ve discussed everything from the beginning.” Well, almost everything. There were some details he left out on purpose. Dariek wasn’t keen on sharing with any of the Organization on what Erica and himself both knew altogether. That would mean having no control over what he started. He also didn’t want to have too much interference into the fates of the heroes and villains in this fascinating universe. Zexion was reminding him of how curious he was, when he was younger. This Nobody paused to think a moment more, his gaze lowering towards his figurines again, on his custom game board on the table. “...You have a strangely interesting way of planning this out, Dariek.” Dariek’s brow rose a little, as he continued to observe him. “Your opinion is noted. What about this is strange to you?” Is it because I simply intended to only have the rabbit not remember me or Castle Oblivion? If I had been as inquisitive boy again, I’d be asking that. Of course I would! Again, to his amusement, Zexion had asked about what Dariek knew he had not been transparently clear on. He made eye contact with Dariek. “If you had decided for your creation, was to have its memories of you and Oblivion removed... then why do you only suppress Erica’s memories?” It took a moment for the clever sorcerer to tell him a tolerable enough answer. “As she’ll eventually help Sora up the point of returning home to us, I won’t have to do much to remind her of who I am, along with the few of us she was able to see.” That was the vague and most basic explanation he could give. Hiding or revealing too much would both lead to too many risks Dariek did not want to face. Why bother erasing all her memories of me and all she knows about this universe? I’ll want to see her reaction, when she returns here with Sora and friends, of her own will. After all, this would just make it more fun... “It appears you know what you’re doing,” replied Zexion. There was no doubt or suspicion coming from him, but there was still something else. Dariek could see in his expression that he had another thing to ask. “Will Naminé be required to change her heart? It has already been agreed and decided, to have her change Sora’s.” Dariek’s confidence was unwavering as he explained the following. “Marluxia’s witch won’t be over-worked. That won’t be necessary. I brought Erica here. I used my magic on her mind, in ways so our heroes of light won’t suspect anything. Not even Maleficent will be able to know of our plans. And it will be my responsibility to do the final revisions.” It wasn’t ever going to be that big of a deal, to do all the work on her himself. He had already thought about it, long before the final decisions had been made between Marluxia, Larxene, and himself. Maleficent was someone he saw as a rival; competition. She addressed herself as the Mistress of all Evil, didn’t she? To him, that was arrogant and stupid of her to ever want to say that out loud to anyone. He wanted to see her fail and be outplayed. He also preferred to being behind the scenes and not attracting her attention. To what he could remember, he did not see any objection from Axel on this decision to assist in the Oblivion mission. Marluxia had already decided to tell everyone else. Although, for some reason, he had forgotten to tell Zexion about this. “I wanted to hear about your plans, directly from you. I wanted to know what exactly you’ve offered us.” Zexion placed the tome he had been borrowing on the shelf, where the gap in the middle had been. “By now, the Superior probably has recieved word of this, from Lexaeus.” Ah. So that’s why you weren’t present at the last meeting. “I’ve come to understand how organized and orderly you are,” Dariek said. He knew of the pecking order. He knew Zexion had the number six rank. He knew who this Superior was. He knew who a lot of who was on the side of light, and of the many who were on the side of dark. Before he snatched his selected pawn of interest and brought her to the downstairs area of his quarters inside Castle Oblivion, he made sure to do all the research he could. “No fooling around here...” He moved from his chair to stand. “I wouldn’t have been able to get any work done if it Organization XIII wasn’t as Marluxia had said and shown.” Of course, Zexion would already have figured this out. Working all on my own wouldn’t have been as fun. And getting all of Erica’s memories about these worlds and me suppressed, without any assistance, would have been too difficult. “I used to be skeptical of you," Zexion admitted. “It was simply because you were an outsider. You weren’t a number, and you have a heart... Now, I’ve realized how you and I operate and think on similar terms. I probably wouldn’t have planned as thoroughly.” He picked up the figurines of Sora and Erica, showing them to Dariek. “You’ve proved your loyalty to the Organization, Dariek. You support our cause. And, your methodical means of doing things are impressive.” He smirked, as he put them back where Dariek had placed them. “I look forward to seeing the outcome of all the planning, and preparation.” As do I, Zexion. Very much so. Any moment now... “It’s already started. Our heroes will meet, or already have met.” Dariek stepped back, and waved down one of his arms to the side. Shimmering into view beside him was a floating mirror. Instead of Zexion’s reflection, he would see both Erica and Sora placed and propped up against the side of one of Traverse’s townhouses, unconscious. Oh, good. I haven’t missed anything. “You’re welcome to stay and watch.” As Dariek had guessed, the Nobody couldn’t resist as he stared straight at the floating mirror. “For a while.” He picked up the other chair in the other room. “I will eventually have to return to my own tasks, eventually. But, observation of how Erica and Sora meet shall prove something worthwhile to report. Anything that we see here will be reported to Lexaeus.” Dariek nodded, and turned his attention towards the two heroes of light; the Keyblade’s chosen one, and his own chosen one. As they looked to be sleeping at the moment, up against the townhouse wall outdoors, he had a hunch that they would wake up soon. As he looked at them through the round mirror-shaped, enchanted window levitating in mid-air, he privately assessed about Zexion. He’s not terrible company. If anyone wants to observe and know of my progress this much, then I’d rather allow for Zexion or Marluxia to do it. No one else. Larxene’s presence annoyed Dariek. He saw her as an irritating nuisance. He didn’t like her attitude, and how nosy she sometimes was. She tended to behave childishly at times. He remembered first reading about her enjoyment putting down others, in Erica’s world. Larxene was only going to continue to be annoy him further. She already had been such a pest to him once, before she did him that favor he asked her to do; to bring Dariek a rose from Marluxia’s garden. Vexen, and Lexaeus weren’t going to be much trouble for him. As Vexen was a self-proclaimed scientist, he seemed to be too involved in his own projects. Lexaeus was the messenger, who never spoke to Dariek. Not yet at least, he thought. Dariek had been very reserved and cautious around Axel, alone during the first night the red spiky haired Nobody was inside Castle Oblivion. He had been that way since he had found out on what Erica had thought of him, in her mind; what she knew about him. Axel was the Nobody who would eventually go a bit soft. The spiky redhead, ranked eighth in the Organization, may have currently been indifferent around what Dariek had done, not long after the castle grounds. However, Dariek wouldn’t have been pleased at all if Axel had been anywhere near her in his quarters, downstairs. Marluxia didn’t trust Axel either, for it wasn’t long ago when he had arrived to Castle Oblivion. They did not really encounter each other though. Sure, Erica saw him, but it’s not like she knew where we were at the time... Dariek’s plans had worked out so far. Erica wasn’t going to start remembering who Axel was, if he decided to locate and go see her for any reason at all. He was able to do what he wanted, and the game was about to start. He was looking forward to her discovery of his first of few gifts, spread out in Traverse Town. The first, he had already given her, not long after she had gone into a deep sleep. Two more to find. She’ll recognize them easily. With the acknowledgment that he was still very much in control of his agenda, he simply stopped thinking about Axel. Now was the time for King Mickey’s dog to come around, and wake up the heroes of light.
  2. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food. Rules Standard KH13 Rules Apply No Godmodding Keep it PG13 with A little Gore If graphic please put NSFW warning before your post No God Characters, You will get hurt No one can dodge everything No Magic only limited to skills I am Lina Vickers, The Mind Miester, I control a number of NPCs and what they do in the world Gretti Kyla is World Master that can control time and space in the world like events and time of day KuriKye is Co World Master , Inventory, and Advisor so, If you have problems, Please Pm KuriKye Post The name of The Study to let me know you read The Rules ~Character Skeleton~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Atomics: Bio: Skills: (Up to one Archtype) Abilities: (Up to two) New abilities can be learned over the course of the RP. And Remember...~Feel Free to Rp~ ~UPDATE~ Here's The Rp Once you have been Accepted: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/85789-live-rp/ And If there's ANY confusion if whether or not you can make your own Npc, You can. You can have Only One Npc. Of Course All Of these Rules Also Apply to Npcs. If your Character dies you can create Another one, there are unlimited submissions when your Character dies. So you can keep trying to your hearts content to see what you could have done different and try mix and match between Skills and Abilities to see what works best for you for your character to survive. Difficulty Of Surviving Is guaranteed which is why what you pick doesn't affect the story because in the end we want you to be immersed and for you to pick the best method for your character to survive. Here Are The Npcs: My Character: Name: Zaria Yuichi Xipil Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Atomics: Cyborg (Skeletal system) Bio: She was in The Military when the first outbreak started, in order to lower the death rate the military went through extreme measures to lower the death count of soldiers. They implanted parts of soldiers body parts with indestructible cybiotic technology. She is naturally adept in stealth and combat. She sticks close to her duty and believes that humanity will find the cure. Skills: Shadow Dancer Abilities: Skilled Fighter & Parkour
  3. -Epilogue- http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzsmfqWdwQ1qbngsko1.mp3 The Year: 2015 A study was conducted called Lazericabyss, On April 2nd At 3:01 pm. Doctor Skeevik developed an Antibody that was nearly able to cure every disease known to Man. Aggressive, Agile, Intelligent, The Antibody could learn inside The Host, Adapting, Reacting, Organizing itself. Here were his Audio notes: 4:52 pm "Patient 001 died Immediately after injection. Cardiac Arrest was expected. Moving on to Patient 002." 9:23 am. "Patient 014.Died Several Minutes after injection. Severe hemorrhaging from Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Mouth." 12:00 am "Gosh Damn it, Patient 073, Bit me. Showing Signs of Intense Aggravation, Going to the medical room to sanitize." 2:00 am Whispering "I came back from the medical room and the door to Patient 073 was open. There's signs of struggle, and forced entry. There's blood marks on the ceiling. Leading to th- Oh god. He's heading for the main laboratory. (Incoherent Audio). (Rustling noises) That was the last of Dr. Skeevik's Audio Notes. Before long, not even 24 hours...The Virus Spread. It was more aggressive, It was smarter.Patient 073, now dubbed Apex, was loose in the laboratory, attacking high ranking scientists those who may have been smart enough to create a cure, are being wasted one by one in the halls they worked in. Nothing they could do to defend themselves. Apex was smarter, faster, stronger. They died, mainly with their backs turned. Eaten alive. The ones who were left unmangled rose back up and for the ones who tried to help them were eaten by the ones who had gotten back up. The Virus carried through contagious bite but if you were lucky enough, you would have gotten it airborne. Some changed through the virus airborne version and didn't show any symptoms until their heart rate reached that of someone going through fight or flight responses. Then...they'll change. Soon it was out of the laboratory and out in the streets. It found it's way to our Schools where our children were. First, mayhem broke out. People were dying. The news called it 'cannibalism'. The church called it 'Apocalypse'. Second, Riots broke out. Man were turning against man. Killing each other. 'Survival of the Fittest' they said. 'Strongest must survived, They willed' Capturing Women and Children. The Surface was no place for a human anymore. There's no place for a human anymore. All that remains now, is Monster. Third, The World went quiet. Countries were no longer communicating with each other. First China, Africa, and Europe ceased all actions with America. Then they began to see The Virus blossom in their own countries. There was nothing they could do. It seemed like vegetation was unaffected by The Virus. And Fourth but not least, It mutated. The Human Husks hosting The Virus became 'Humanoid' More like Beast than Man. More like Demons than Beast. More like Devils than Daemons. The ranks of the dead out rank the living. Now, they were able to hunt. To lurk. To savor. They want your flesh. The Humans that survived lived day by day for Self benefit. Pathetic. And Now, here we are....The year is 2016, January 13th, Wednesday 5:15 am Sharp. You are waking up. You are one of the many that we given The Virus a new form to evolve it. You , The Olympian, has been adapted to handle The Virus. You are immune. You can smell, and sense The carriers of the Virus. You're stronger, Faster. You are The Rival to this Virus. And you will see to it that it burns. I, Camiliana Zoeyline, A scientist in Rest Assured Pharmaceuticals, Assistant to Dr. Skeevik. have released you from your prison. Now Go my Super Soldiers...Save Humanity. Now, as you wake up and open your eyes to look at the monitor infront of you, You see a Scientist woman putting a Revolver with tears in her eyes and the screen goes to static. A glass vault door opens right infront of you, and The restrains like a straight jacket releases you. And you are freed. You pull out a tube out of your throat and stumble out of the glass vault to a white table with clothing and food.
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