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  1. Inspired by both the title and the premise of the video game Lost Odyssey, although the story is called "Lost Spirited Odyssey", it is not related to the former title bearing the name Lost Odyssey, instead, it is its own story but does bear similar aspects to the video game title which you will see in this story. " ...8 Worlds...8 Individuals...all shattered... This is the story of 8 people who have different but a shared connected destiny with one another, soon...very soon...their individual paths will cross over with each other's and their destinies intertwined, as one... The World of "Ayoka", a land where all both superstition and fantasy bare both shape and form in one way or another, here...the world is divided up into two continents: Both the "Taiken" Federation and the Republic of "Ishama", the latter prefers to follow the ways of both peace and harmony, however...the former, fearing that this is simply just a ruse to plot invasion against their own country decided to strike first and attack the Republic, thus erupting into all out war that has become known throughout the ages, as "The Creation War"...the war that has taken place since both the Federation and the Republic's formations of their respective homelands. The capital city of the Republic named "Eikolo", despite having an army of its own, since the very beginning of the Creation War...up until now, its forces have started to drain thin, not being battle prepped and ready, since the army of the Republic is mostly made up of common folk, volunteers and farmers from the countryside of the land, how they have managed to keep an 80 year long war against their enemy, the Federation, made up of battle hardened, strong warriors that have been keeping their skills honed day after day, night after night, never faltering, never waving...is a mystery, however, the Republic still refuses to submit to their foe and will keep up their almost religious belief that peace must be maintained, no matter what, even if it is won through war and so...seeing the dedication that these people have shown in the last 80 years since the Creation War had first started, an elderly aged man from the Federation defects from his side, a strategist...his name is "Ramos"... Ramos pleads directly to the "Council of Eight", the rulers of both Eikolo and the overall Republic, begging that they grant him both sanctuary and immunity, as he in return says that he will provide a plan that will help the Republic win the war against the Federation...the Council's members are skeptical but their young leader at the age of 14 named "Keido", son of the previous leader of the Council who died earlier on had passed on his leadership role of succession to his young teenage son just a year earlier, wanting the war to end...without hesitation both accepted Ramos into the Republic and had wished to hear what his plan was of both defeating the Federation and bringing a both swift and quick end to the Creation War, despite being against the Council's wishes, furthermore...Keido even made Ramos the 9th new member of the Council of Eight, believing that he would become vital to the Republic's next move on how to end this war against the Federation, the sooner...the better... Four years have passed since then and the Council of Eight have now become the Council of Nine, Keido is now 18 years old and with the ever aging Ramos now by his side, Keido has become a stern tactician, using whatever means necessary to get the job done in order to save the Republic from downfall at the hands of the enemy, Ramos meanwhile has earned the full scorn of the other Council members, as he is valued both greatly and highly by Keido for making the Republic the battle prepared army that it is today, even though the Republic are winning more battles then they have ever done so in the past beforehand, they feel like that the Republic has become corrupted through Ramos' military influence, believing that this was secretly his goal all along and that he was sent by the Federation, disguised, as a seemingly frail old man to infiltrate the Council of Eight and corrupt Keido who was young at the time's views on how the Republic should be run, although the Republic's desire for peace remains the same, they have become far too militant in the last few years and are even taking their militaristic views out on the Republic's people, forcing taxes to wage more funding for the war profit and even drafting young folk through force to join the army, even using blackmail behind Keido's back without him knowing in order to do all these horrible things, the Council would have normally spoken up in the past but unfortunately, Keido has made Ramos his most trusted adviser among the Council of Nine's members and even looks up to him like a both mentor and father figure, Ramos is now technically the 2nd in command over all of the Republic itself and again believing that the Federation had sent him to fulfill this mission, to put it in simple terms, basically: the Federation now has both full and total access to both the Republic and all of its resources...to put the icing on the cake, as it were...there are even talks of the Federation now going to communicate peace talks with the Republic despite having both started the war and putting it up for so very long in the first place, if Keido blindly accepts this near obvious farce of a peace treaty, the Republic will have no hope whatsoever and will forcibly become apart of the Federation, accepting their dictatorial views both on and of reality itself, truly...will both peace and harmony die out and the Creation War...will come to an end...thus, the Council have augmented their very own strategy against this... In a both very shocking and very sudden turn of events, the rest of the Council members have declared a Rebellion against the Republic that they call "The Resistance for the Republic", its name is meant to imply that it is for the Republic, by the Republic and with the Republic but it will not allow the Republic to fall into the Federation's hands and thus, despite Keido's wishes, the Council of Nine have officially disbanded and are trying to overthrow both Keido and especially Ramos in order to return the Republic back into its very own hands, even if it means inciting Rebellion in order to do so...the former Council leaders are now headed by a man by the name of "Gwyle", the former Council's 3rd in command and of whom, unlike Ramos, truly wishes for both peace and harmony for the Republic, knowing that he cannot change young Keido's mind so long, as he is under Ramos' influence, to save the Republic of Ishama from the Taiken Federation, to save what they believe to be all of Ayoka itself, Gwyle has banded together all of the Republic citizens that know something is wrong with its inner workings and oppose the leadership of Keido, secretly being manipulated by Ramos from behind the scenes, to save the Republic, Gwyle believes that the Resistance for the Republic must first strike one of the Republic's most vital weak points in order to get their message across, their message is to attack "The Kyula-Kyula Water Dam" that gives the capital city of Eikolo all of its water supplies and electricity, by taking the Dam out, the Resistance will be able to deal a heavy blow to the Republic's army, depleting them of their energy both based and enhanced weapons, stopping them from stopping the Resistance to mount a full scale invasion upon Eikolo and take Ramos hostage, to force him back into the Federation and keep their militaristic hands off the Republic that still wants to pursue both peace and harmony, the Dam is located right at the very end of Eikolo's borders and so Gwyle, wanting to strike both swift and smoothly, sends in a team of young recruits, ready for battle, to perform a sneak attack operation on the Dam before the rest of the Resistance can then both fully move in and charge the Dam themselves, in order to both take control of it and hopefully make peaceful negotiations with Keido straight afterwards, this team consists of a young woman and two men, the rest of the Resistance will act, as a diversion, taking the Republic's eyes off from the Dam and straight towards them, to give the young recruits a fighting chance at the Dam, thus a full scale battle begins at the fields near the Kyula-Kyula Water Dam called "The White Grass Fields of Emtempola", here, soldiers of the Republic and soldiers of the Resistance are both dressed in the very same armour with the very same colours though having opposite reflections, the Republic wear both black and white whilst the Resistance wear both white and black, it is here that one of the aforementioned eight, the eight people that would share a connected destiny appears, a young man, age 17, he is already the rank of general of the Republic forces, his name...is "Vahnhart "Vahn" Ligerheart.". This is where the story, truly begins. Prologue: Fate of the World-Concluded. (What does everyone think about the Prologue :]?).
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