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  1. Once, long ago, the Gods helped the world. They often visited from their home above the clouds to interact with the Elves, Humans, and Greys that lived short and fragile lives on the surface. They helped them develop into their very first villages and cities and nations. There were the Elves, regal and graceful, one with nature, that lived in the deep forests of the east. They built their lifestyles to revolve around the planet, harmony being the core principle. Elves with their attunement to the world, developed a natural skill for magic. The Gods loved the Elves because of their harmonious nature, and their wish to protect the planet on which they all lived. The Greys on the other hand, lived in the fiery lava fields of the south, inhospitable to the other races, but pleasantly warm for the Greys. The Greys were a people bound by war. They lived separated, loyal to their clan. They were battle-hungry and blood-thirsty, almost all obsessed with the idea of getting stronger. The Clans often warred with each other for pure enjoyment. The Greys are an incredible people, naturally stronger than the other races. The Gods loved the Greys because of the bold and prideful way they acted. Humans are the most common. They have a thirst for exploration, a natural curiosity. They rapidly filled the rest of the world, adapting to each surrounding with no problem, filling the tropical west, the central plains, and the freezing north. Humans are naturally skilled with their hands, being the best craftsmen as well as the best adventurers due to their instinctual exploring tendencies. Humans are incredibly varied as well, coming in all shapes, sizes and colors. The Gods loved the Humans because of their variety and pluck. For hundreds of years, the Gods have been nearly non-existent in the world. They so rarely interacted with the inhabitants of the world that they were often thought of as legends. The Gods were disconnected. The only ones that continued the ancient tradition of fervent god-worshipping were the Dalians of the West. Technology and civilization advanced to new states without the Gods, and all thought that we no longer needed them. Even elderly elves who remembered still the time of Gods decided that the world had been abandoned, and that there was no point to looking up to them any longer. The races rarely interacted, keeping to themselves mostly. Three individual nations of humans formed, the Imperial Xha of the Northern Plains, the Dalians of the Western Coast, and the Kingdom of Kele of the Central Desert. The world did not stop for the gods. But now that has changed. Two years ago, the gods came back in a sudden and furious way, that of the warpath. They swiftly conquered Xha, the whole empire falling in just a few days. Soon after that, revolutions spread across the whole world. The Dalians, joyful that their gods had returned, swiftly turned the leading of their government and forces over to Dayben, the King of the Gods. The country from thenceforth became known as the Theocracy of Dayben. The King of Kele was assassinated by his brother, Aleksandr, and the heir Nikolai was forced out. Soon afterwards Aleksandr essentially allowed Dayben full authority, though Aleksandr was left in his position. The Greys in their warlike clans could not be so easily crushed. But regardless, clan after clan fell to the infinitely more powerful gods. The Greys were enslaved and put into labor camps for no other reason than to crush their rebellious spirits. Only the most powerful clans remain unsubjugated, and there are whispers of a demonic cave that might provide the answers that they need. The Elves had already been embroiled in a time of terrible political tension, and it took only a few whispers and some strategic moves and the Elves were all at each others throats, divided into factions of rebels led by Vey and traditionalists led by Queen Trisn. The elderly elf Shub has been making efforts to convince them that they are fighting for no reason, but has had no luck yet. ~The Beginning~ The ruins of Xha echo with the past splendor. Rats scurry underneath some debris. High above, flying through the sky, three young Gods are laughing and enjoying themselves. One shoots a bolt of fire at some vermin that didn't quite crawl fast enough. Roast rat baked on the unmaintained road as the God whooped and did a loop in celebration. When he returned to their level, he high-fived his two friends. A young girl looks out from the shadows. Her mother had gone away to go get some food, and told her to stay put. If she stayed quiet and in the dark, she could maybe, just maybe, stay unnoticed. Unfortunately for her, Hak was a Goddess who happened to enjoy the power of incredible senses, and as soon as she got over celebrating Infern's hot shot, she took notice of the little girl. She smiled easily, and called down below. "Little girl! Why hide from us! We mean no harm!" But her tone was malicious, and she could scarcely keep the laugh from leaking out. Infern and Iuit, her other companion, had no self control, and upon spotting the cowering girl burst out laughing. Humans were pathetic. The girl, not knowing what to do, but certain that if she didn't do something she'd be like that rat, hesitated for several seconds before bolting. "Awh! Come on! We just wanted to offer you some cookies!" Infern called out. Iuit snickered as the three Gods pursued the girl, very slowly. If they wanted to, she'd be very easy to catch. Infern lazily tossed a bolt of flame that shot past the girl and landed a few feet in front of her to her left. ~~ King Aleksandr was having a feast for his loyal subject. The royal was older, in his late forties at least. He had a stylish and well trimmed beard and mustache, and close cropped hair. It was still dark, but streaks of grey could be seen if one looked hard enough. Still, Aleksandr seemed happy enough to float an entire continent upon his head. He had everything he'd ever wanted. The Kingdom of Kele was finally his, torn from his half brother, who'd been named heir rather trivially in Aleksandr's mind. It had been years since he'd gotten his throne, and though the Gods still toiled in the Elven Woods and Grey lands, Aleksandr was confident it would not be long before all the world was under their control. And loyal subjects like him would continue to be rewarded. A few Gods were by his side now, behind him, their use as bodyguards never going challenged. They were after all the strongest. How else would they have taken over the world like they did. Guests continued to pour into the ballroom. He'd opened it up a bit more liberally this time. Some of the more middle class had been allowed to seat their poor bodies among better company. Aleksandr saw it as generous, and many of the merchants who saw it as a chance to get higher in the world did too. Things were set to go well. Maybe... ~~ A volcano erupted a few miles off as Gods and Greys collided on the field of battle once more. This eruption was slow, not violent. Lava would leak down here, but slowly. Certainly enough time for a victor to come about. The Greys had been caught off guard, and the once mighty Fire Clan was now falling one by one to the incredible power and vitality of the Gods. Off in the distance, some of the imprisoned, beaten and abused Greys craned their necks to get a good look at the battle, praying to something, obviously not the Gods, that the Fire Clan might find some savior, or something that could help turn the tides of this battle. ~~ In a bustling part of the canopy near the Capital, a few Elves wandered inside a particular building. This particular building just happened to be the Treasury of the Realm, a place where much of the money that funded Trisn's campaign and kingdom. And well, these few elves happened to not have the best intentions for this building. They split up as they came inside, and unknown to everyone else, they all had masks and weapons stowed beneath their cloaks. This strike might hurt innocents, but it was more important that Trisn be hurt. The Elves that had entered this building had entered knowing that. Though, one man, by the name of Fierro, was beginning to doubt himself. There were so many people milling about... Could he really put them in harm's way for his cause? He'd liked Trisn once upon a time. Things had changed oh so drastically. But this was the way things were. Now that each of the infiltrators were in their positions. One pulled a gun from their breast pocket. It wasn't very useful, being a gun and all, but it was incredibly intimidating. The explosion that rung out when the Elf, this one by the name of Mack, pulled the trigger caused immediate chaos. It escalated further when the gifted mage of the party, Phato, locked down the entrance with a massive ice wall spell, crying out "Glacius Barrio!" as the smell of frost began to permeate through the air. Mack smiled, and began to call out over the commotion. "If you would all calm down, it would be much easier to keep things under control, and prevent any accidents. We don't want to harm any of you. All we want is to take down this building. We have a plan, and if any of you would like to join us, stand now and walk to us. If any of you would like to stand in our way, raise your hands so we know who to look out for." The elf yelled, demanding attention from everyone. His tone was arrogant. He knew his cause was righteous, and as long as that was true, they could not fail. Right? ~~ This is the state of the world. Make your place in it.
  2. Once, long ago, the Gods helped the world. They often visited from their home above the clouds to interact with the Elves, Humans, and Greys that lived short and fragile lives on the surface. They helped them develop into their very first villages and cities and nations. There were the Elves, regal and graceful, one with nature, that lived in the deep forests of the east. They built their lifestyles to revolve around the planet, harmony being the core principle. Elves with their attunement to the world, developed a natural skill for magic. The Gods loved the Elves because of their harmonious nature, and their wish to protect the planet on which they all lived. The Greys on the other hand, lived in the fiery lava fields of the south, inhospitable to the other races, but pleasantly warm for the Greys. The Greys were a people bound by war. They lived separated, loyal to their clan. They were battle-hungry and blood-thirsty, almost all obsessed with the idea of getting stronger. The Clans often warred with each other for pure enjoyment. The Greys are an incredible people, naturally stronger than the other races. The Gods loved the Greys because of the bold and prideful way they acted. Humans are the most common. They have a thirst for exploration, a natural curiosity. They rapidly filled the rest of the world, adapting to each surrounding with no problem, filling the tropical west, the central plains, and the freezing north. Humans are naturally skilled with their hands, being the best craftsmen as well as the best adventurers due to their instinctual exploring tendencies. Humans are incredibly varied as well, coming in all shapes, sizes and colors. The Gods loved the Humans because of their variety and pluck. For hundreds of years, the Gods have been nearly non-existent in the world. They so rarely interacted with the inhabitants of the world that they were often thought of as legends. The Gods were disconnected. The only ones that continued the ancient tradition of fervent god-worshipping were the Dalians of the West. Technology and civilization advanced to new states without the Gods, and all thought that we no longer needed them. Even elderly elves who remembered still the time of Gods decided that the world had been abandoned, and that there was no point to looking up to them any longer. The races rarely interacted, keeping to themselves mostly. Three individual nations of humans formed, the Imperial Xha of the Northern Plains, the Dalians of the Western Coast, and the Kingdom of Kele of the Central Desert. The world did not stop for the gods. But now that has changed. Two years ago, the gods came back in a sudden and furious way, that of the warpath. They swiftly conquered Xha, the whole empire falling in just a few days. Soon after that, revolutions spread across the whole world. The Dalians, joyful that their gods had returned, swiftly turned the leading of their government and forces over to Dayben, the King of the Gods. The country from thenceforth became known as the Theocracy of Dayben. The King of Kele was assassinated by his brother, Aleksandr, and the heir Nikolai was forced out. Soon afterwards Aleksandr essentially allowed Dayben full authority, though Aleksandr was left in his position. The Greys in their warlike clans could not be so easily crushed. But regardless, clan after clan fell to the infinitely more powerful gods. The Greys were enslaved and put into labor camps for no other reason than to crush their rebellious spirits. Only the most powerful clans remain unsubjugated, and there are whispers of a demonic cave that might provide the answers that they need. The Elves had already been embroiled in a time of terrible political tension, and it took only a few whispers and some strategic moves and the Elves were all at each others throats, divided into factions of rebels led by Vey and traditionalists led by Queen Trisn. The elderly elf Shub has been making efforts to convince them that they are fighting for no reason, but has had no luck yet. This is the world of Rise of the Fallen. Be sure to read topics pertaining to your characters in the spoilers that are coming next. Magic: Technology: Dalians: Kele: Xha: Elves: Greys: Humans: Gods: Now you my friends, are the Fallen. You've been crushed, but not broken. Beaten down, but not defeated. And it is time that you rise. Rules: 1. No godmodding, this means autohitting, controlling another's character, being absurdly powerful, and mass slaughter are all off limits. 2. Do not kill any one else's character without their permission. I do encourage character death as a way to advance plot and character lines though. 3. Try to stay within the confines of the world I have built while making your own characters and tales. I seek to encourage world-building without things getting too insane with space deities or new races. 4. Grammar is important, and since I've rped with most people, you're likely fine. If I know that there's a problem then I'll pm you and give you a chance to change your style, but I will not outright deny your characters. If it remains a problem in game I will ask you to leave though. 5. Interact with characters and NPCs and build tales that you will enjoy and others will remember. And most of all have fun with it. I will make considerable efforts to involve everyone that I can through the use of NPCs, but if you consistently go out of your way to be alone, there's not a whole lot I can do to help you out. 6. Be sure to follow KH13 rules as a whole, which includes no graphic sexual imagery. Also respect everyone please, I don't need people picking fights with each other. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance (don't sweat it if you can't find an image of gray skinned people, just use a regular image and say they have gray skin): Abilities (this includes magic, godly powers, or assorted abnormal skills): Weapons (Greys use only a single weapon, make note of whether this is the weapon they've had since the ritual or not): Personality: Bio: Miscellaneous: Author's Note: This was going to be a stat based RP but I am beginning to realize that that is way too much work. So instead I took the setting and repurposed it for freeform. You'll also have noted the existence of ancient legends of the races being able to fight against gods. DO NOT put this ability in your character sheet. It is something that will be exposed and taught in the RP. Thank you, and please enjoy. If you have interest in playing one of the NPCs I have already mentioned in the OP then please PM me and we can talk it over.
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