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Will you get Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on PC?
- ff7
- ff7 rebirth
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What is your most anticipated Square Enix game of 2023?
- 7 replies
- final fantasy xvi
- final fantasy
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Which FF7 event do you want to experience first in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis?
- 6 replies
- ff7
- final fantasy
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Which Final Fantasy VII-themed Keyblade do you like the most?
- 10 replies
- final fantasy vii
- fenrir
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Which character so far has the better updated design in Final Fantasy VII Remake?
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- final fantasy
- final fantasy vii
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Who is your favorite party member in Final Fantasy VII?
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Since we saw that trailer, we really just can't get enough of how beautiful everything looks. Aerith looks like an actual goddess (there's a joke in there somewhere but I'm not clever enough to make it), Cloud looks as amazing as ever, Barret looks like he's ready to kick ass, and oh man, Sephiroth's back sure looks great! But alas, we're missing many characters from that trailer. Who are you excited to see in the new graphics?
- 6 replies
- final fantasy vii
- ffvii
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Just rechecking if anyone wants to do a FFVII Role-play, one where we make up the early origins of a young Sephiroth's life spent throughout both Shinra and his career, as the legendary SOLDIER hero leading up towards the events of the Nibelheim Incident.
- Final Fantasy VII
- Sephiroth
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Anybody fancy doing a Sequel to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII maybe?
- One Winged Angel
- Buster Sword
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- One Winged Angel
- Buster Sword
- White Materia Holy
- Black Materia Meteor
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- Reeve Tuesti
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- Elena
- Reno
- Tseng
- Rufus Shinra
- Hollander
- Genesis Rhapsodos
- Hojo
- Angeal Hewley
- Zack Fair
- Sephiroth
- Vincent Valentine
- Yuffie Kisaragi
- Cid Highwind
- Cait Sith
- Red XIII
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Tifa Lockhart
- Barret Wallace
- Cloud Strife
- Dirge of Cerberus
- Advent Children
- Final Fantasy VII
- Crisis Core
- Before Crisis
- Gackt
- Weiss the Immaculate
- Nero the Sable
- Shelke the Transparent
WARNING: Mature Strong Language involved. Introduction Theme Song: Tagline I: "...A Space..." Tagline II: "...Destination: The Milky Way, Location: Planet Earth, Mission: Relocation." Synopsis: "...It is the year 3020...over 1000 years ago, Humanity was forced to leave both Planet Earth and the Space Colonies orbiting around it, due to the sudden appearance of a very both strange and mysterious virus plague that the Humans dubbed, as the "Scream", for whoever was infected by the Scream would slowly turn mad and eventually, scream out in unbearable pain until finally, at last, they would simply...die out, one, by one... In order to save the future that are the next generations of Humanity, the Humans fled from their home-planet and their Space Colonies, boarding giant spacecrafts that they had made and they had called the "Titans", named in honour of old gods of their Planet's very ancient mythologies and you see, by using those said giant spaceships, Humanity had left behind their home system of The Milky Way and had traveled across all the way to various other systems, such, as The Horsehead Nebula and/or The Andromeda Galaxy for examples and had set up both new settlements and new Space Colonies there, knowing that Humanity was now free to begin Space exploration across other Planets and seek out new life, new civilizations, new cultures, basically new everything that they could add to their own history, however...Humanity still longs dreams of returning back to its own system, its own, home... Before Humanity had settled cozily into their new homes, there were those that did not take well to their sudden arrival and thus began the ancient "Settlement War", between the Humans themselves and all other "Alien" races, such, as the Human like beings, the "Space Elves", the Humanoid Lion like beings, the "Li" and finally, the Aquatic like beings, the "Aquarians", nicknamed the "Aquari" for short...the battles between the four intergalactic races was long and everlasting, until eventually, one battle where the Space Elves, the Li and the Aquari all banded together, as one despite past differences with one another, trying to drive Humanity back out of their home systems resulted in lots of tons upon tons of casualties, that battle was proclaimed, as the "Endgame", as it had served to finally end the war between the four races living in space and finally create among them a united colony of people that could potentially join hands with each other and help make their shared entire universe a better place... However...there were those among the Li who still did not agree with Humanity's presence among their kind and so they broke off into a rebellious warmongering faction, naming themselves the "True Believers", as they unlike everyone else do not "fall for the lies of Humanity", thus beginning a civil war between the peoples of the Li and an intended conquest over Humanity, this had led to one final war that is still currently ongoing to this day, it is known, as the "Bloodbath", the war has last for oh so very many years until eventually, it seemed like everything was about to come to a close at the Planet of "To", where here, a young Human upstart rising through the ranks rookie soldier by the name of "Ewan" without realizing has just started taking his very 1st step, into a larger world, a larger galaxy, some might even say...a larger "Fantasy"... Here start the Chronicles, of Humanity's Voyage home, back to their beloved Milky Way system and most especially, their Planet has begun, the prophesied time of awakening, what we, of the secretive Moogle race believe to be...the "Final Fantasy", Kupo!" Main Theme Song: Prologue: Planet To-Where War Ends and War Starts Again: "...Soldier...Soldier...SOLDIER EWAN! DO YOU COPY ME!?" "...Huh? wha? !? S-SORRY SIR! YES SIR! READ YOU, LOUD AND CLEAR!" "...Good! that is very good! your quick on the uptake, Soldier! now listen up you maggots! i ain't going to be responsible for what happens to you out there, right now we're facing our last stand against those Lion bastards, the Li and i will tell you now men, they will show no quarter, they will show no mercy, guys like you fledglings, they'll gobble you up and eat you for breakfast! now listen up, cause i won't be repeating myself again after this! ahem: The High Council of the Four Interplanetary Races-"Dumont" have assigned us dogs of the Human militaristic force-the mercenary task force squad "Zantetsuken" to clean up the messes of those Lion wimps, the Li by wiping out their renegade rebel faction, the "True Believers", as they call themselves...APPARENTLY, those ass wipes can't find it within their goddamn minds to accept us "Puny" and "Feeble" Humans without fangs, claws or manes just like they have so now, we're going to show those "Believers" just how "Puny" and "Feeble" we Humans really are! WE'RE going to show EVERYONE that we ain't just dogs to be used in battle both whenever and wherever the higher ups feel like sending us out towards at, no, we ain't just dogs...WE'RE WOLVES! AND WE BITE! YOU GOT THAT YOU LITTLE SHITS!?" "SIR YES SIR!" "I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!" "SIR, COMMANDER CID, SIR!" "Right, now get your asses out there before i have to kick them, remember, we ain't doing all this for honour, guts or glory, none of that shit...what we're doing here, why we're doing this, is so we can get PAID! paid in cold-hard-cash, you feel me? DO YOU HEAR ME!?" "YES! COMMANDER CID SIR!" "Alright! that's what i want to hear now go out there and make papa bear Cid proud! don't come slouching back if you're dead or you haven't earned your pay, MOVE OUT! HOORAH!" "HOORAH!" "Zantetsuken...FORWARD MARCH! MOVE OUT!" "CHARGE!" "..." "Finally, a real mission i can get to prove myself on, don't you agree Ewan? ...uh, Ewan? hello? Earth to Ewan!" "...Earth...huh? W-WHA!?" "Come on Ewan! the fun's already started, everyone has already marched out ahead in front of us! come on! we can still catch up to them! let's show those Lion bastards what we're made of, huh, CHARGE!" "AH HEY! WAIT! ...tch! dammit...dammit all to hell! CHARGE!" "...It was the Planet To, it was rumoured that here would be located the True Believers' primary headquarters, in an effort to finally take them out both once and for all, the High Council of Dumont have sent in a group of mercenaries to sneak into their main base whilst the regular army that acts under the direct orders of the High Council will distract the Believers, giving the mercenary squad Zantetsuken enough time to plant bombs within the base, thereby blowing it sky high, it is a Kamikaze suicide mission where should any of the mercenaries survive, they will be bestowed with the highest of honours by the leaders of the High Council in person and will especially be rewarded handsomely, however, for Ewan, it was not about making money for himself, rather, making...a difference, he believes that by acting, as a Soldier can he help innocent lives avoid more bloodshed then they have already suffered and he can help himself make one step further to fulfilling his dream, what that dream is...i really don't know, Kupo!" (To be continued.).
- Dissidia Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy XV
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What is your favorite Cloud Strife outfit?
- 18 replies
- Cloud
- Cloud Strife
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Will you be playing the original Final Fantasy VII with the remake coming later?Poll suggested by MythrilMagician
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- Final Fantasy VII
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Made an AMV because of the new Krewella album. Anyone else like their music?
Yoshinori Kitase, the Producer of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- and head of Square Enix Business Division 1 has commented on the game via the Final Fantasy Portal App for today's 10th anniversary in Japan. You can read his comments here.
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- Dirge of Cerberus
- Final Fantasy VII
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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is an RPG exclusive to the PlayStation Portable released in Japan in 2007 and worldwide in 2008. In Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII players assume the role of SOLDIER 2nd Class Zack Fair who then shortly switches to 1st Class. Throughout the game players will learn the past of Final Fantasy VII, get more detail on who the "Zack" fella from the original actually is, and learn more about the history of essential characters like Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Sephiroth. After playing the game twice I am able to point out all the good things to be had about it. First off I can say the graphics are definitely nice considering this is a PSP game developed around 9 years ago. The CG looks as good as the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children film and the gameplay and normal look are on par with PS2 graphics. Environments look quite crisp and lend well to the PSP's display. The PSP's limited hardware result in a fair amount of cutscenes needing to use speech bubbles, but the important scenes and a fair amount of non-important scenes will also give you voices. The story is quite great. We finally delve into the past of Zack Fair who only briefly appeared in the original Final Fantasy VII. We also see a good bit of Cloud's past along the way, and how he himself became a part of SOLDIER. During the game it seems that Cloud is a little less shy than he was when we first met him, which is understandable since many things have yet to occur. We learn that Aerith (or in original Final Fantasy VII terms Aeris) used to have a close relationship with Zack. Even turning romantic at a certain point, but not in a heavily emphasized way. Tifa's appearances aren't critical to the story (except for one certain event with Sephiroth which is a recap of something we saw previously), but they do show us that she used to be much different than we previously knew, but at the same time relatively the same. Sephiroth, believe it or not, was a somewhat nice guy back then! Well, for awhile anyway... But even then he was definitely one of the most skilled people at Shinra. I can't go into much detail beyond that as I would spoil critical story elements, but I can say that the story is deep, thrilling, exciting, and offers a whole new background to the world of Final Fantasy VII! The ending is quite emotional, and is something that is certain to make you shed a tear. The gameplay was something I found quite enjoyable, Zack has many Materia commands available for use. Some slow, some fast. Some are even for stat improvement. The Materia Fusion system allows Zack to combine two materia to make a completely new type of materia, which at times is very useful for things like obtaining powerful attacks early on in the game. There's a unique mechanic that comes in handy on a number of occasions called DMW (Digital Mind Wave.) This is where Zack uses his memories of a certain character to activate a special attack. Each character activates a different attack and is unlocked on the DMW as the story progresses. Some entries are optional. The DMW is activated at random, but it's chances of activating can be heightened depending on the situation. During events where Zack is thinking heavily of a certain character he will have a better chance of activating them in the DMW and using their attack. Though the DMW has a chance of failing it is mostly successful. This mechanic is also how Zack himself levels up by getting all 7's for the numbers. Everything is somewhat strategic, yet action-packed. Ultimate attacks used by summoned creatures such as Bahamut or Ifrit include CG scenes which also look very nice and add to the intensity to the battles. There are no optional weapons, but Zack does start to use the Buster Sword at a certain point. Music and sound effects are definitely a fitting tribute to the series. Many of the tracks are new, but some are revised versions of old ones. They all capture the essential feel of game's universe and bring us right back to those spine-chilling moments from the original PlayStation title. Sound effects such as menu scrolling and walking are spot on as well. Voice acting is no doubt right on the mark. Every character sounds completely authentic and the actors did a good job capturing necessary emotion in both the Japanese and English voice cast! However one scene with Cloud in the English VA during the ending did lack intensity, but it's not a huge problem. Verdict: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is a wonderful edition to the Final Fantasy VII storyline that fully utilizes the PSP's hardware to offer unique gameplay, a thrilling and emotional story, and a whole new light on the Final Fantasy VII franchise. It is a journey that any fan of the series or JRPG goer in general should take. I would LOVE to see an HD remaster on PS4. 10/10
- 6 replies
- Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy VII
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- Cloud Strife
- Final Fantasy VII
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CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable. Directed by Hajime Tabata, written by Kazushige Nojima, composed by Takeharu Ishimoto, with executive producer Yoshinori Kitase and creative producer Tetsuya Nomura. The game serves as a prequel to FINAL FANTASY VII, set seven years before the events of the classic RPG. Many key members of the original development team for the game returned to work on the prequel including director Yoshinori Kitase, scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, co-base story writer & battle visual director, Tetsuya Nomura and others. Similar to LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII, you'll be controlling just one character for the duration of the game, Zack Fair. Zack is a SOLDIER and is early in the game promoted to the highest rank. There is an interesting story here that sets up the world as players would know in it in FINAL FANTASY VII. You also meet key characters from VII including the great ninja, Yuffie as a child along with Aerith (No, it's no Aeris), Cloud and even Tifa. One of my highlights of the story was Sephiroth. We're so used to just seeing him in patches and when we do he seems one dimensional and all he's there for is to fight Cloud. Now with great voice acting I might add we see more depth to the character and get to hang with the one of the most popular villains in RPG history. The battle system at the time was a massive change for the series with the staff used to turn-based and active-time battles, and it holds up well in 2015 but it can get repetitive. And the slot reels are very random and at times annoying but I can't argue with the boosts they provide, The music is well done but nothing's impressed me, where Ishimoto did later on with FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD. The optional missions are odd. I feel like there's too much repetitiveness to them and just feel tacked on. The missions get seriously boring after awhile and there's little to gain from them I've quite enjoyed Hajime Tabata directed games before. I gave TYPE-0 HD 9/10 and The 3rd Birthday 8/10. My past experiences with FINAL FANTASY VII are limited to the wrong experiences. I gave DIRGE of CERBERUS a 7/10 and Advent Children Complete a 9/10 and of course I've played the various FINAL FANTASY spin-offs and KINGDOM HEARTS games. I've also watched all the FFVII content on the ACC Blu-ray. I've only ever played a little of the original. I was annoyed at the amount of text-only scenes. Maybe if they didn't use a bunch of random FMVs and tack on 300 pointless missions they'd have more room for voiced cutscenes. The load times can also get very annoying. There should have been a data install option. You get to choose between Normal & Hard difficulty modes which is nice but there's always room for more. It's very easy on Normal, I never lost a battle. There is no option to skip or replay cutscenes. There is a New Game+ mode though. There is a quality story here and tons of fan service. The ending is also quite sad. Graphically it's very impressive for the PSP. The gameplay is nothing to get excited about though. 8/10
A year after the infamous announcement from executive producer Shinji Hashimoto, the PlayStation 4 port of the Windows PC version of FINAL FANTASY VII has finally be released. DotEmu, the developers of the the remastered PC versions of FINAL FANTASY VII & FINAL FANTASY VIII ported the game to PlayStation 4. To be clear while I've seen a lot of footage in various videos I've never played the game before. The port runs and looks amazing on PS4, better than I thought it would. The controls are also perfect. The options to turn off random encounters, speed up the game x3 and max out the limit break and prevent MP or HP going down permanently are also included but also are completely optional and do not prevent getting trophies. The game also has plenty of quality trophies with some based off the Steam achievements and some brand new trophies. The addition of the E3 2015, announcement trailer for FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and the port credits on the title screen are also great additions. Plus a PS4 theme comes with the game for free. The port took its time but it has paid off with a fantastic port. Look forward to my review of the game in 2016.
CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable. Directed by Hajime Tabata, written by Kazushige Nojima, composed by Takeharu Ishimoto, with executive producer Yoshinori Kitase and creative producer Tetsuya Nomura. The game serves as a prequel to FINAL FANTASY VII, set seven years before the events of the classic RPG. Many key members of the original development team for the game returned to work on the prequel including director Yoshinori Kitase, scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, co-base story writer & battle visual director, Tetsuya Nomura and others. Similar to LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII, you'll be controlling just one character for the duration of the game, Zack Fair. Zack is a SOLDIER and is early in the game promoted to the highest rank. There is an interesting story here that sets up the world as players would know in it in FINAL FANTASY VII. You also meet key characters from VII including the great ninja, Yuffie as a child along with Aerith (No, it's no Aeris) and Cloud. My highlight of the story so far is Sephiroth. We're so used to just seeing him in patches and when we do he seems one dimensional and all he's there for is to fight Cloud. Now with great voice acting I might add we see more depth to the character and get to hang with the one of the most popular villains in RPG history. The battle system at the time was a massive change for the series with the staff used to turn-based and active-time battles, and it holds up well in 2015. The music is well done but nothing's impressed me, where Ishimoto did later on with FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD. The optional missions are odd. I feel like there's too much repetitiveness to them and just feel tacked on. I've quite enjoyed Hajime Tabata directed games before. I gave TYPE-0 HD 9/10 and The 3rd Birthday 8/10. My past experiences with FINAL FANTASY VII are limited to the wrong experiences. I gave DIRGE of CERBERUS a 7/10 and Advent Children Complete a 9/10 and of course I've played the various FINAL FANTASY spin-offs and KINGDOM HEARTS games. I've also watched all the FFVII content on the ACC Blu-ray. But I've never actually played the original. This will change soon with the PlayStation 4 port. I've got a long way to go in this game still but I'm enjoying it. Look forward to my review upon completion.
I am highly interested in who's working on Final Fantasy VII Remake so I took at look at all FFVII staff to see who's still working at Square Enix. For this I have not included anyone who has not been credited in a Square Enix title since Final Fantasy XIII or Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep since this is well over five years ago, majority of staff went on to work on Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Kingdom Hearts 3D respectively and staff are confirmed to have left the company after XIII. Additionally, hardly anyone was credited for working on XIV or Versus XIII in any capacity. I also noticed a very large amount of the staff left the company after VII or VIII. Some would stay on and work on titles like X, X-2, Dirge of Cerberus and early KH titles but as you can see almost everyone appears to have left the company or simply has taken up roles in other the company. Another thing to add, FFVII was of course made almost 20 years ago so it should come as no surprise so many staff are gone. Tetsuya Nomura also confirmed he is the youngest person from the original FFVII to be working on the remake. However, I unfortunately cannot find the age for most of these staff. Confirmed to be still at Square Enix Motomu Toriyama - 90% chance he's working on VII Remake Shintaro Takai - 70% chance he's working on VII Remake Hiroki Chiba - Busy with World of Final Fantasy Yusuke Naora - Busy with FFXV and younger than Nomura Hiroyuki Ito - was too busy to work on the XIII saga with what appears to now be XVI so I find it highly unlikely he'd work with BD1 now. Likely still at Square Enix Jun Akiyama - Likely working with Ito, younger than Nomura anyway Masaru Oka - KH3D writer, if still at SE almost certain to be working on KH3 Hideo Kubota - Last SE title was Lightning Returns Takanari Tajima - last SE work appears to be Type-0 HD Unlikely Tetsu Tsukamoto - last SE work was XIII-2 Manabu Inokuchi - last SE work was The 3rd Birthday Ryusuke Sasaki - last SE work was XIII-2 Takayuki Odachi - working on XV reportedly Takayoshi Nakazato - working on XV reportedly Takatsugu Nakazawa - working on XV reportedly Yusuke Tanaka - last SE work was XIII-2, someone by same name working on Metal Gear Solid Yoshiyuki Oku - conflicting reports, some say Lightning Returns last work at SE, someone by same name working on Pokemon games Freelancers Nojima - confirmed Hamauzu - younger than Nomura Uematsu - Would be surprised if he's not Amano - Would be surprised if he's not
During the interview, Famitsu states that the hurdle of making a high-end remake for Final Fantasy VII must be quite high. “As far as its visual direction goes, we already have a good idea. On the other hand, we’re in advancing through trial-and-errors as far as the battle system goes,” said Kitase. There’s a possibility that they won’t go with a command-based battle for the Final Fantasy VII remake, so they’re being extra careful on where to take it from here. Square Enix is being careful not to just make it into a regular remake where it might seem like a familiar action RPG that we’ve seen before, so they’re looking to find a way to have something that can bring out a surprising Final Fantasy VII element to it. “Please don’t ask us how far along we are in its development,” Kitase said with a laugh. Read more at