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For those of you who don't get the poorly written title of the thread, this is about ERB, more commonly known as Epic Rap Battles Of History, and unfortunately, it's also not about how good I think their overall content is. No, instead I'm going to talk about how Nicepeter and EpicLloyd, the creators of ERB, are apparently taking it upon themselves to use their content to push stupid agendas instead of just making it entertaining. To further explain, here's a battle that ERB did not too long ago: Thomas Jefferson vs. Frederick Douglass. And here's a battle they uploaded today: Bruce Banner vs. Bruce Jenner. You see a theme here? The battles were clearly decided as who would win during the writing process, instead of normally leaving it up to the viewer to decide. Douglass was outing Jefferson as a racist and Jenner was made to look "stunning and brave" by completely owning Bruce Banner/The Hulk (a complete waste of a character(s) for a rap battle, btw). Oh sure, the "You Decide" screen still plays, but that might as well say "We Decided, and these people win. Don't agree? Congrats then, you're racist and/or transphobic. Eat shit." Now, I don't want to completely trash ERB for what they did for the sake of finding some kind of light at the end of this very dark and offensive tunnel. At the very least, I can say that they had good intentions in mind. The Jefferson/Douglass battle was obviously uploaded due to Independence Day coming up soon, and the Banner/Jenner battle could easily be linked to the recent Orlando shooting, and ERB even managed to get a real-life transgender rapper, No Shame, to play Caitlin Jenner. But even after all that, the bottom line is that they let bias get in the way of their creativity and it severely hurt their content as a whole. And no, I'm not racist and I'm not transphobic. Thomas Jefferson wasn't racist and did the best he could do for our nation at the time and Caitlin Jenner is... an attention-seeker. And she killed someone. Those are the only views I hold regarding these two battles and they have nothing to do with the color of one's skin nor their sexuality, but rather the presentation of the battles and the character of those who created them and the people who they are centered around. ERB, I love your content, but this has to stop right the Hell now. Side note: if you want a deeper analysis of just how biased the Jefferson/Douglass battle is, as well as a take on what the battle would be like if it wasn't completely written in Douglass's favor, check out this awesome analysis video by YouTube rapper Matt4yo (who I expect to make a video addressing the Banner/Jenner video as well):