The Land of Dragons is a world first appearing in Kingdom Hearts 2. It is based on the 1998 film Mulan featuring many areas seen in the film and follows a story similar to that of the film.
Around the time of the first game the heartless found their way into the keyhole of the Land of Dragons and the world was destroyed. Due to his strong heart Mushu was transformed into a summoning stone which was eventually found by Sora allowing him to help on their adventures. After Ansem's defeat The Land of Dragons was restored. One of the first worlds available in Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive during Shan-Yu's invasion of Ciana. They are quickly reunited with Mushu, after briefly mistaking his shadow for a heartless, and are introduced to Mulan herself disguised as a boy called Ping in order to join the imperial army, preserve her family's honour and protect her father. Mushu convinces Sora and co. to help "Ping" after revealing that he was of her family guardians putting them "up to their eyeballs in debt." Entering the encampment to join the army they party gets into a fight with Yao, Ling and Chien-po but the squabble soon stops with arrival of Captain Li Shang. However at that point the heartless attack, after dispatching them Shang welcomes Sora, Donald and Goofy into the army but is reluctant to accept Ping. At Sora's suggestion he gives the party a series of missions for Ping to prove himself in. After completing the Captain accepts Ping into the army and sends the party to scout out the mountain. After the mission Ping earns the respect of the rest of the army but worries that the captain still doesn't think he is worthy to be there. While stopping off at a mountain village Mushu claims to have seen Shan-Yu entering a nearby cave and suggests the party pursue him themselves in order to make Ping look good. When they enter the cave however they find it empty, but they Sora and Ping are soon trapped and beset by a horde of heartless while Shan-Yu sneaks away laughing to himself. After dispatching the heartless Mushu says they can use their victory to make Shang respect Ping. But when they leave the cave they find the village has been burned to the ground by Shan-Yu and that Captain Shang has been injured. blaming themselves for what has happened the party go further up to mountain after the huns. When they arrived at peak Shan-Yu appears and charges down the mountain with a swarm of heartless. After a brief battle the enemy charges again but this time Yao aim a rocket at Shan-yu. Ping takes the rocket and instead aims it at the mountain top and uses Mushu to light it. The shoots towards the mountain, with Mushu in tow, and causes an avalanche burring Shan-Yu and the heartless. The party then act quickly to avoid getting themselves and the other from being buried as well. Afterwards Shang tells Ping that from now on he has his trust but Mushu soon emerges from the snow and inadvertently reveals that Ping is actually Mulan. Shang is angered bt this and dismisses the whole party, while the penlty for impersonating a solider is death Shang spares Mulan's life for saving his. The rest of the army leave leaving the party in the mountain. After changing out of her armour Mulan decides to return home and face her father Sora, Donald and Goofy promise to take their share of the blame. As they set down the mountain Shan-Yu emerges from the snow and summon more heartless and heads for the imperial city. Witnessing this the party head for the city as well to warn Shang. But when they catch up to the captain outside the palace he doesn't believe them. Donald spots Shan-Yu on the roof of the palace, Shang leads the army to protect the Emperor while the party clears the courtyard of heartless. After defeating the heartless the party finds Shan-Yu threatening the Emperor, However when he reconises Mulan as Ping he is distracted allowing Shang to get the Emperor away from him. The party engage Shan-Yu in battle and emerge victorious. The Emperor pretends to scold Mulan before thanking her for saving all of China and hands her Shan-Yu's sword in reconision of her victory. Mushu excitedly claims that the ancestors will be begging him to become a family guardian again upon realising they were tricked Sora Chase Mushu. Shan-Yu's sword glows allowing Sora to open another gateway between worlds. Sora, Donald and Goofy say their good byes and the Emperor tells them they are welcome to return any time.
When the trio later return they see some one in a black coat heading up the mountain. Before they can give chase Mulan arrives and tells them she is after them too. They lose him and the trio explain Organisation XIII to Mulan who tells them there were rumours of a spy in the imperial city. While searching another swarm of heartless attacks and sora spots the man in the black coat who is wielding soul eater. After a brief battle the man in black leaves and Sora wonder if it was Riku. while heading back down the mountain a giant dragonic heartless, the Storm Rider appears and heads for the imperial city. The party gives chase but find the city is fine, Yao, Ling and Chien-po tell them a man in a black coat was heading for the palace. After sneaking in they find a man in a black coat, Sora asks if he is Riku however he takes down his hood revealing himself to be Xigbar who claims he's never heard of Riku. He sets sniper nobodies on them while he makes his escape. After defeating the nobodies the party enters the throne room to ask the emperor and Shang what's is happening. They explain that another man in black had come to warn them when a large shaking indicates that the dragon heartless had arrived. The party return outside and battle the storm rider emerging victorious but the heartless begin to fall towards Mulan. Shang rushes to her but it vanishes into light before they are harmed. Back in the throne room the emperor offers Sora, Donald and Goofy a reward and Sora asks what the man in black said to him. The emperor explains how their land had been shaped by dragons and how someone of evil intent had turned one of the dragons into a heartless. He says that he believed the man in black had come to warn him so he could ready his forces in defences but before he could to so the man said that "three wise guys" had shown up and they would take care of it. This convinces Sora that it must have been Riku while Goofy wonders why he's in Organisation XIII. The Emperor then asks Mulan what reward she would like and she asks if captain Shang can take a vacation. The emperor tells him that he can not grant this request as Shang protects him and offers Mulan to guard him along side Shang.
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