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Timeless River

Timeless River is a world that first appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2. Largely based on the 1928 short Steamboat Willie it also features areas based on the shorts, Mickey's Orphans (1931), Mickey's Fire Brigade (1935), Guillver Mickey (1934) and Building a Building (1933). The world is a past form of Disney Castle and everything and everyone is in black and white. Donald and Goofy take on appearances based on the earlier cartoons while Sora take on a form resembling his Kingdom Hearts 1 attire albeit more cartoony.

After learning that Maleficent has somehow over come the power of the cornerstone of light and filled Disney Castle with heartless Sora and friends turn to Merlin for help. After examining the cornerstone Merlin creates a door to a special world and explains that someone there is responsible for whats happening and tells them that is another door just like this one that needs to be locked by the keybalde. He warns them that while there they would be tempted to do something very dangerous and that they must resist at all costs. Going through the door the trio arrive in Timeless River and spot the cornerstone of light. Sora wonders why everything is black and white while Donald and Goofy think things are familiar. Sora asks them if they've been here before when Pete arrives on scene. He asks the trio if they've seen any villains and they point at him. Pete leaves in a huff and the trio gives chance and confront him. After a brief battle the trio are confused as to why he is behaving differently and not summoning any heartless and concluded they had the wrong guy. Apologising to Pete he tells them to find who stole his steamboat. Returning to the cornerstone the trio discover and strange window floating in the air which shows them heartless invading just before they arrived. The trio decide to clear the area of heartless encountering a non speaking version of King Mickey. After they clear each area they find another window showing them memories of someone talking to Maleficent. After asking what had happened while she was away she berates them for their failures and the'll them there'll be no place for them when their time comes. The person begins to yern for the simpler times when they were the captain of a steamboat when a door similar to the one Merlin made appears. The person shows the door to Maleficent who decides to give them one last chance as she sees this as an opportunity to take Disney Castle. The trio realise that they are in the past and that the person who's memories they were watching was Pete. They spot Pete and realise they cornerstone has been stolen before they give chase the past Pete reappears confusing them further. They find the two Petes fighting over the steamboat before present Pete sends past Pete flying. The trio stop Pete from escaping on the steamboat and battle him alongside his past self. Present Pete summons his door and flees and Sora locks it with his Keyblade. Past Pete wonders who the other Pete was and Goofy stops Sora from telling him it was him from the future. In order to thank them Pete allows them to pilot his steam boat. After a brief voyage the trio return the cornerstone of light. To stop Donald from Changing the past Sora and Goofy throw him through the door before following. Returning to Disney Castle they find things have returned to normal.

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