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Forever Starts Now (1x1 RP with Forever Love)

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"Uh..." Roxas arched an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly when he saw what Sora was doing. Okay, so that wasn't like him. But what was going on then? His eyes automatically darted to the islet, where Riku and Kairi were. Would they know?

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Namine finished brushing off her jeans, her eyes going from Sora to the islet and then to Roxas beside her. She shrugged slightly, confused herself. Did they miss something? They must have, since it wasn't like Sora to walk off like that after he clearly saw them.

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Roxas turned his head to look at Namine. "We should go talk to Riku and Kairi," he said. It seemed like their best option to find out what was up. Obviously they missed out on something pretty interesting, and Roxas actually wanted to find out what it was.

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"Mm," Namine hummed, nodding once in agreement. Obviously going after Sora was out of the question, so that left Riku and Kairi as their only option. But would they be willing to talk about whatever was wrong? She and Roxas had a right to know, didn't they?

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Roxas nodded as well, and gently pressed a hand against Namine's upper back. With a small amount of pressure, he started to walk off the deck, at the same time guiding her. He wasn't hoping Kairi and Riku would know something, because he was positive they did. Sora hardly ever got so...affected. Something obviously happened.

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Namine let Roxas guide her, the touch soothing and light even though the aura that seemed to be coming from the islet was the opposite. Something was really wrong, wasn't it? She didn't like the thought of that, but she couldn't deny what was obvious.

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By the time they reached the other side of the bridge connecting to the islet, Kairi was dangling her feet over the edge and sitting in silence. Roxas noticed the same of Riku, though he was located on the Paopu tree instead. "Hey," he greeted lightly, aiming to get their attention.


Kairi turned around a little at the voice, seeing Roxas and Namine arriving. She smiled weakly at both of them, keeping her gaze on them for a short moment before returning her gaze to the ocean. Now would be the time to tell them about the letter, wouldn't it?

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Namine looked from Kairi to Riku, figuring that one of them in particular would be bold enough to break the news of what was going on. Riku was always more bold than Kairi was, so she expected that he would speak and explain what had Sora upset. But at the same time, Namine was nervous to hear it. What was wrong?

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Roxas glanced from Kairi to the oldest teen here, blinking in question. "Uh...what's going on?" he asked. Something really wasn't right here. He could tell by Kairi's forced expression just a second ago, and by the weird vibe that he suddenly got.


Riku glanced over his shoulder at the blondes finally, but then he looked down at the letter in his hands. He had it placed back in the bottle for safekeeping, knowing that he would need it for now. So he gripped it a little more securely before tossing it toward Roxas. "Catch," he advised.


Roxas's eyes widened briefly, but his quick reflexes offered him assistance in catching the bottle. He turned it over in his hand, seeing that there was a neatly rolled piece of paper inside. But that was when he saw the mark on it. "The King?!"

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Namine looked at the bottle in Roxas's hands, and she immediately felt nervous. Whenever anybody got a letter from the King, it wasn't good. They always seemed to call all of the boys away...She felt herself tense at that thought. She couldn't lose them, especially not the boy beside her. They had just talked about the possibility of this happening a little while ago, but who knew that this day would come so soon? She wasn't ready for it. At all.

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Roxas didn't hesitate dumping the letter into his hand from the bottle. He tucked the glass bottle underneath his arm while he unrolled the letter and revealed its contents. It was then that he read it, holding it out enough for Namine to read if she wanted to. It was addressed to Sora, which explained why his Other didn't seem in a talking mood.

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Namine read the letter, surprised at the task that the King was appointing to Sora. He was to find three missing Keybladers? And he was to leave as soon as possible to get the search underway. She bit her lip lightly, reaching the conclusion of the letter without seeing any signs that Roxas or Riku were supposed to go. Did that mean that Roxas wouldn't be leaving her?

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Three missing Keyblade Warriors? I thought they were all... Roxas didn't finish that thought, instead lifting his eyes to Riku. "This is why Sora's so upset," he declared, not making it a question because it was so obvious that he was right. Sora had to leave again...right after getting here?


Riku nodded once. "That's right," he confirmed calmly. Roxas was obviously very surprised by this, which didn't really surprise Riku. It was to be expected, but Roxas didn't have to worry; he wouldn't be going anywhere. Instead, he would be staying here, with the girls.

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Namine looked down at the ground, feeling bad for Sora. From what she had seen of him lately, he seemed comfortable being at home again. It was sad that he was being forced on another journey like he had been before, now of all times.

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Kairi could only stare at the water as it hit the islet a few feet below her, her feet dangling over the ledge. Sora was upset, definitely. And she could feel it in her heart too, which was unnerving enough. But she had her own feelings to deal with as well, which made things even harder concerning the situation.

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"I'm leaving tomorrow night," Sora said, walking across the bridge towards the islet when he spoke. He had turned back to this side of the island pretty quickly instead of staying by himself to sort things out on his own, the feeling he got from Kairi's heart prompting him to at least stay physically closer to her until he was gone.

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Roxas turned around at the voice, still holding the letter in his grasp, the bottle under his arm. "Tomorrow night?" he repeated, glancing from Sora back down to the letter. It said he had a few days, but it seemed Sora was going to leave sooner than that. "What are you gonna tell..." Sora's parents. How was he going to tell them he needed to leave?

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Sora shrugged, glancing at Riku before he looked back to Roxas. "I dunno," he confessed. Whatever he told them, though, would have to do something with Riku; now that he was coming along, they both needed to lie to their parents. If Riku had any ideas for that, he was open to it.

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Riku turned his head a little to look over his shoulder at his best friend, hearing what he was saying. "We will come up with something to tell them together," he said. He focused his gaze on the ground briefly as he pushed himself away from the Paopu tree. Once he was on his feet, he turned more toward the blondes and Sora. "I'm going too."


Roxas turned his head back toward Riku, nothing but surprise on his face. So they were both going? Wait a second, where did that leave him? Shouldn't he be included on this somehow? He wielded the Keyblade too.

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Sora clenched his hands in fists by his sides as he stopped at the end of the bridge, but he didn't argue with Riku. Instead, he turned his attention to Roxas. "You're staying," he declared, not making it a question. "This mission doesn't require three people." It doesn't require two either, he thought, glancing at Riku before he looked back to Roxas.

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Roxas let his eyes fall on the letter then, hearing Sora's words. "So...then what am I supposed to do?" he asked. If he wasn't allowed to go, was he just supposed to sit on the sidelines? Do nothing?


"...You'll watch over us," Kairi piped up from her spot. Roxas was to look out for her and Namine while the boys were gone, and though she was glad to have some form of protection (though she didn't know the need for it), she wished it was Sora who got to stay. That was just her wishful thinking, though.

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Sora glanced over at Kairi before he looked back to Roxas, following up on what Kairi said. "The last time we left them alone, things didn't work out too well," he said, recalling the action that had occurred when the three boys were hunting Heartless for a few months. "Even if this is a safe world, there needs to be somebody watching out for them."


Namine looked over at Roxas, feeling a little hopeful. He got to stay? Really? She didn't fully give into the hope she was feeling, knowing that it would hurt if that hope was snatched away.

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Roxas lifted his head and let his eyes rest on Sora, then nodding once. Okay, he would stay. He got to stay with Namine, so that was important to him. As well as her safety, which he was in charge of. That would definitely make him feel better.

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Sora nodded once, glad that Roxas hadn't argued with him like Riku had. If that happened, Sora probably would have snapped. He had been upset earlier, but things could have been much worse than they were with Riku. Other times when the disagreed as children, their verbal confrontations had turned into physical fights. But of course, a lot of things had changed since then.

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Riku nodded as well, then speaking. "So it's settled then," he said in his usual calm manner. They would come up with something to tell their parents before they took off. "We're--"


"Getting split up," Kairi interjected softly, unable to keep herself quiet. Her best friends were leaving again, and even if it was an important mission, it made her feel like this life didn't matter. Sometimes, it was a lot to handle, and that was surely obvious now. The redhead kept her head lowered, looking down at the water as she continued to sit where she was. She didn't feel like turning around, or looking anyone in the eye.

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