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?.:Crayons&Quarter Notes:.? 1x1 w/ Zexion/Ienzo

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Namine felt herself relax as their lips pressed together in a tender kiss, something as delicate as petals in the wind. When he pulled away she could still feel the magic lingering and it caused her to smile, eyes winkling gently as she hugged him, whispering a small 'thank you' into his shouldes. For both calling her beautiful and showing her love. She'd never had someone do either of those for her. Which made it all the more eaier to believe...he could be the one.


(?HE COULD BE THE ONE, HE COULD BE THE ONE, HE COULD BE THE O-O-OOONE??Lol, Hannah Montana reference /headshot)

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(xD I love that song! Lol)

Demyx smiled and kissed her hair.

"I love you."

At that moment, Demyx noticed a blonde haired man approaching them with a furious face. He let go of Namine quickly, startled.

It was Vexen...

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Namine looked up, startled by his sudden release util she looked behind her. Just like that her face paled and she felt fear pentrate her heart. She tried her best to hide it though. Vexen had found her. She debated between running or staying. If she stayed, Demyx would suffer to. If she ran...she would be in trouble but Dem' wouldn't be. Biting her lip she looked upat Demyx and gave an apologetic gaze. Before she could even start torun thoug she felt Vexen catch the sleeve of her shirt, yanking her backwards.


"So this is what you call schoolwork?! I come out her because you were supposed to be back 15 minutes ago and then find you with him! What's worse is that you liedto me! How dare you?!" He yelled, causing Namine to flinch,especially as she was glared at and then Demyx in return.


(Lol, I do to, but I really hate her other songs xD)

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Demyx stood by with a straight face. He calmly walked up to Vexen and punched his cheek.

As Vexen fell to the floor, Demyx held Namine. "So what if she's with me? It's not like you care. It's not like you care about her at all. It seems as if all you think of her is an employee. If that's how it is, you don't deserve to have her at all."

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(Back :D)


Namine clasped her hands over her mouth slightly relieved, slightly worried. Especially when a dangerous smirk curled onto his lips, his gazed behind them.


"Insolate child." Namine looked behind them and gave a shriek.


"Demyx look ou-" Before she could finish, Marluxia hit Demyx in the center of his spine, pulling Namine away none to gently. Vexen stood up again, Marluxia taking his spot behind him.


"No one wants her. Even her own parents abandonedher because of how pathetic she was. They went and killed themeselves!" Vexen spat, kicking the fallen teen in the side. Namine felt tears spring to her eyes as her heart began to ache.


"D-Demyx!" Her parents....Sora...Kairi...they couldn't have killed themeselves. They wouldn't have...

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Demyx felt a sharp pain in his back and fell to the florr. He couldn't stop himself from hitting the snowy ground. Somehow, his hands didnt want to go in front of him. He hit the snow with a thud, the pain worsening. He tried to get up on his elbows. As soon as he was on his knees, someone kicked him and he fell again. The world started to grow dark and all he heard was Namine scream his name.



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(Wow...talk about drama xD)


Namine struggled against their hold on her petite body, not wanting to leave him. Not Demyx. Not in this weather, not ever.


"No! Please, he'll freeze!" She pleaded, kicking her legs and flailing as she attempted to hold her ground. Marluxia gave her an annoyed look, trying to pull her along.


"Dammit Namine stop it." Vexen shook his head.


"I'm going back to the shop, I can't keep customers waiting. Get her back there without drawing to much attention." He droned carelessly, walking away. Namine shook her head. This couldn't be happening. No, no, no...Couldn't anyone help them?!

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Suddenly, Axel and Luxord came rushing to the scene. Luxord ran and punched Marluxia's face. As he fell to the ground, Axel got Namine and started running. Luxord fought against Marluxia but addresses Namine.


"Don't worry about Demyx! When I'm done with this pink-haired brat I'll take him to the hospital! Now, run!"


(Lol I know right?)

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Namine looked worriedly at Luxord feeling reassured when she heard the sound of Marluxia's nose breaking. She prayed with all her heart for Demyx before looking up at Axel.


"H-how did you found us?"

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Axel looked down at her. We had no idea it was going down at first. Roxas wanted to go home and Luxord didn't want to stay by himself. He came with us. So after we dropped off Roxas, we wanted to get some coffee. That's when we found Demyx lying on the ground.


He turned back to look at Demyx's unconscious body.

"Sorry. We came as fast as we could..."

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Namine looked back at Demyx as they moved further away from him and sent out a silent prayer as she brought one hand to her chest and closed her eyes. After of which she looked up at Axel and thanked him.


"Without you...who knows what would have happened. I'm just grateful you helped..." Namine admitted, trying not to think on what could have happened.

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Axel nodded. "Yeah, don't worry about it." Axel then picked Namine up and carried her bridal-style.

"Sorry, I might have dragged you if I didn't hold you like this." he said, running significantly quicker.

"You have to stay at Roxas' for the moment. When we get the okay from Luxord, we can start to go to the hospital."

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Namine nodded, looking at the ground thankfully, a worried look in her eyes still.


"S-so you and Roxas made up?" She asked, finding it difficult to not think of Demyx's unconcious body.

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Axel blushed and nodded.

"I don't even know how, but we did. Guess we couldn't say mad at each other. I think that's what happens when you love someone. You just can't stay away."

Axel shot a look at Namine.

"Just like Demyx seems like he can't and won't stay away from you."

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Namine's body trembled at that, her fingers clutching the sleeve of her shirt tightly.


"I...It's al my fault. If I hadn't kept us out in the cold for so long, if I could defend myself and not get pushed around then..." Then Demyx would be the one carrying you... Her mind hissed, beginning it's slight turn on her.

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Axel shook his head. "No. He loves you. He'd do anything for you. Still, it wouldn't hurt him not to be so violent. Guess you do stupid an wreckless things when you like someone."

As they approached A sky-blue two-story house, Axel grinned. "Thats Roxas' house. He'll keep you safe."

Axel set Namine down and started out for the opposite direction. He put a hand out the air and yelled at Namine. "I'll be back!"

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Namine waved back at Axel hesitantly, hugging herself. It was freezing out! Looking up, she approached Roxas' house, knocking on the large door. She'd never seen a house so big before. It was very nice though..

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Roxas answered the door. An astonished look covered his face. "Hey Namine. What are you doing here?" Suddenly, an older blond approached behind Roxas. "Who's she?"

Roxas looked up at the man. "That's Namine. My friend Demyx's girlfriend. Namine, this is my brother Cloud."

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Namine gave a shy look to Cloud before her eyes widened in familiarity.


"I've seen you before. You stopped into the coffee shop not to far from here with Leon!" Leon was one of her dailys. She never tired of hearing his stories from home. But then it hit her as to why she was here, like Roxas asked. Her blue eyes glazed over as she looked up at Roxas.


"I-it's Demyx. Something's gone horribly wrong..."

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Cloud looked at Namine, dumbfounded. "You work there? Huh. No wonder you look familiar."

Roxas opened his mouth wide. "What happened?!" As soon as he said that, the phone started to ring. Roxas motioned Namine to come inside. He closed the door behindthem and picked up the phone.


"Hello?.......Really?!......So that's why she's here.... Okay.... The one downtown right?.....Alright. Bye." He hung up.


"That was Axel. He said to go to the hospital. They took care of those people and they're taking Demyx to the infermary right now." He turned to his brother. "Cloud, mind taking us?"

Cloud nodded and shoutedto his boyfriend who was sitting on the couch watching a baseball game. "Zack! I'm going to be at the hospital for a while! Don't trash the place!"


"Kay!" he called. With that, they departed the blue house.

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Namine breathed a sigh of relief. He was okay, Demyx was alright. Nodding as they headed to Cloud's car she prayed quickly, thanking for Demyx's safety.


"I'm so glad he's okay...Marluxia hit him pretty hard..."

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Roxas furrowed his eyebrows. "Marluxia? That's his name? Hmph. Sounds like a type of flower to me. Dont't worry. Demyx is fine. He can pull through. I know how you feel though. Once, Axel went to the hospital because he got in a fight with his dad. Axel's dad wasn't so keen on him being with me. Or liking men, for that matter. He was so badly injured. Shards of glass were deep in his skin, he was bleeding profusely, and he was shot in the leg... I felt like the worst person inthe world because I couldn't help him... But even when he was in the hospital bed, hanging on by a limb, he said he loved me."


Roxas smiled at Namine. "I'm sure Dem loves you too!"

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Namine looked up at Roxas, smiling gently at that. She couldn't believe Axel and Roxas had been through so much. It seemed like they both had a similar tale of forbidden love. Except Axel and Roxas had broken their boundaries.


"I...you think so?" She hoped so. She hoped with all her heart that Demyx still loved her, because she most certainly returned the feeling.

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Roxas nodded. "Yeah! I read somewhere that no amount of pain can make you stop loving someone. They can get to your skin and bones but never your heart and mind.


They arrived at the hospital and walked into the waiting room. There was Axel and Luxord. Luxord had a bruised lip and had an icepack to his head. He gave a thumbs up an smiled at Namine. Axel was in a much better condition. It seems the fight was over when he arrived.

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