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KHCoM Warp/Warpinator Sleights?

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Okay, so I'm starting this thread because I'm confused on the subject. I read elsewhere (I couldn't find anything on KH13) that the Warp/Warpinator Sleights help you get enemy cards. I'm sitting here playing Re: Chain of Memories right now and finding it quite aggravating not to get what is expected. So I have a few questions.

First off, does the enemy card benefit only apply to the Black Fungi and White Mushroom?Secondly, is it better to have 99 room cards?Also, does the trick only work if I eliminate all but one heartless, in which case, should I stock Warpinator until the end?Lastly, does the warp/warpinator trick have a better success rate if I perform it in rooms like Almighty/Teeming Darkness?All answers would be appreciated, and if necessary, will be replied to, publically, in the requirement of extra clarification.Thank you.

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