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Everything posted by VIIth Angel
Hey guys just letting y'all know that I'm going to be going to Canada on tour with my choir, and I won't be back until Sunday, so you guys can continue to post if you want but it might be best to put this RP on halt
(Jules) Entering the library, she approached the section of the library dedicated to the school records, where she was greeted by the librarian. "Hello, Jules. Have your teachers already assigned you homework? You know you're supposed to be home, the school is closed today on account of that horrible accident with Peter. Ah, I knew him so well, always checking out comics and manga and that sort of thing." Jules looked to the librarian. "I need you to cut me a little slack and give me at least an hour to do some research. Peter's death wasn't a horrible accident and you know it." The librarian sighed. "Every year, I try to find the extra student myself, but the records always seemed to have been altered. I don't think you are going to find anything even if you tried your hardest." Jules continued to look through the bookshelves. "I'm not looking for the extra student directly. I'm trying to find patterns in the past years, the ones that had the most deaths, the ones that had the least deaths, hell, even how many kids had blue eyes. Anything that could lead me to stopping the curse." "Do you think it can be done?" The librarian asked. "I have to try." She replied, pulling an old Centra High yearbook. (Lily) Lily knew that none of her family members would answer the door, and having looked out her window seeing it was Jeremy she knew it was for her anyways. When she had reached the doorway, she opened the old English two door opening of her house, and her head peered out slightly. "Can I help you?" She asked politely, but with obvious restraint of irritation.
(Jules) Jules wrote her number on a piece of paper and gave it to Jeremy. "That's my cell number. Try to give it to Ryo and Rosemary when you get the chance." She began to head out of the classroom. "I'm going to head to the library and pull up some records, see which class had the least deaths, and go from there. Maybe they'll have something to tell us about how to avoid the curse." She stopped at the door and looked back to Jeremy. "Try to talk to Lily, maybe the curse is more tied to the family than we realize. She might even be the extra student, I don't think we've had a Williams go to this school since the 90's. But I could be wrong." And with that she was gone. (Lily) Lily stared out of the window in her second story room, tracing some kind of symbol against the glass. She knew more about the curse than she was choosing to let on, but she didn't know whether to tell the others about it or not. She knew that bad things had happened when her family tended to interfere with the supernatural, it happened quite often. So she thought it best to just wait it out, and hopefully no one else would have to get hurt.
By the way you guys, feel free to include some close calls with death to add suspense and keep the rper's on their feet, but I'll pm you to let you know if your character has been selected to be killed, and you can either let me kill them off or you can do it yourself
(Jules) When she had realized what had happened, her heart dropped. It's already started, and I've already lost someone. I can't lose anyone else. Jules sighed and then replied to Jeremy and Rosemary in a hushed tone, no longer trying to hold the attention of the entire class, realizing most of them were probably too far gone, worrying about what was to become of them. "Well, I'm not sure about you, but my knowledge about curses and ghosts is minimal, so I say we start doing some research, find some people that still live in town that were a part of 139, and see what they did to survive. It might not be much, but it's all we have to go on." Shortly after her suggestion, the school made an announcement telling all the students that they were dismissed and for the teachers to meet in the teacher's lounge. Jules stood in front of the class again. "You know this is real now. As sorry as I am for that guy's untimely death, he wasn't careful, and got himself killed. You all must be on your guard, while we figure this out together. Be safe." (Lily) Lily finally arrived at her house, an old Victorian style house, and entered, being welcomed with eerie piano music, being played by her younger brother. She climbed the spiral staircase and went into her room, where she laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Rose... Are you doing this? She wondered. Lily turned to her side, and eventually drifted off to sleep.
(I know not everyone has posted, but I'm just going to go ahead and get the plot moving. Get ready for a lot of exposition mwahaha) (Jules) When most of the students had arrived, Jules straightened her school uniform, and cleared her throat, signaling to the others that she was about to speak. "Good morning homeroom 139, my name is Jules Parker, and I am head of the Homeroom 139 Protection Committee." Jules glanced out the classroom window to see the oak tree in the center of the courtyard, then she glanced at the teacher behind her. Poor guy, I don't think the school administrators have told him yet. The teachers in 139 usually never stay for more than a year or two. She cleared her throat before looking back to her classmates and continued. "I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors about this class, but most of the rumors are inaccurate. So I will clarify the truth... A few decades ago, a junior that was in this class named Rose Williams, died, most likely being murdered on school grounds, though no one was able to identify the killer. Weeks after this tragic event, a student in 139 pointed to her empty desk, joking that she was still here. This joke continued on until the end of the year. When everyone got their yearbooks, they noticed something odd. Rose was in the homeroom 139 class picture, even though the picture was taken after her death." Jules began to pace the room, making sure she made equal eye contact with everyone that was present. "Every year after that, the class of 139 is plagued with a student that has passed away. A ghost. All records somehow seem to include their names on the roster, and everyone seems to remember them always being a part of the school. But this is not true. The dead do not belong with the living, and because of that, unnatural events begin to occur. Death attracts death, and as a result, every year students begin to experience unexplained accidents. Approximately once a month every year, a student has been known to be killed, their deaths never fully understood. This is the Curse of Rose." Jules stopped in front of the class again, and the teacher decided to speak up. "Excuse me, but what kind of joke are you pulling right now?" The teacher asked skeptically. "This is not appropriate-" "The administrators of Centra deny the curse because they believe that it's all just one big four decade coincidence." Jules interrupted. "But the evidence doesn't lie, every year many of the students in 139 die from the curse. They've tried to move everyone to different homerooms before, but the curse just follows all those that the curse has latched on. There's no denying the curse." She paused to let this sink in with the students, and then began again, "However, there are many school years where the death count has been kept to a minimum. I've heard of class years that only had three or four deaths. I've made it my job to see that I do everything in my power to save as many of you as I can. But I can't do it on my own, I need all of you to be as careful as possible when going about your daily lives. Tread lightly. I also need two helpers to assist me in my plans to keep 139 as safe as possible. Any takers?" I must make the best effort possible to find a way to stop the curse. Jules told herself. But how? To my knowledge, it's never been done before, and I don't know where to begin in trying to find out. Jules waited patiently for the others to speak up. (Peter) Peter's heart began to race. So it's true? There is a curse? Am I gonna die? I CAN'T die, I just CAN'T. He made his best effort to stay still, and tried to block the negative thoughts from his mind, but eventually he couldn't take it anymore, and stood up. "I'm s-sorry, I can't be here! I I've gotta get out!" Peter grabbed his things and raced out of the hallway. When there were about three steps left in the stairs he sprinted down, he had lost his footing and fell against the wall before him. From the high ceiling above, the jolt from his collision with the wall was just slightly enough for a loose screw that was keeping the 6 foot by 6 foot large rectangular light 10 feet above Peter up had fallen out, and the light followed with it, at an increasing speed. Peter didn't even have the chance to look up before the light made contact with his bare neck. The glass from the light shattered, and Peter was decapitated, as his body fell to the ground lifeless, and His head rolled to the wall he had bumped into. His glasses were still attached to his head, and his nervous fit had ended. A student at the edge of the stares simply stared as the blood seeping from his body trickled to her shoe, and eventually she let out a piercing scream, alarming the nearby classrooms and triggering more screams and gasps. Within a few minutes everyone was aware of the poor student who was beheaded, having just started his first day as a junior. (Lily) Lily had just finished drawing the wilting flower when the screams began, and she had gotten up, grabbing her things and leaving the drawing on her desk. She knew it would not be long before the school ordered everyone to go home, and she was not going to bother with waiting until they made the official call. Lily was out of the door before the teacher of 139 followed, to see what the commotion was. The teacher simply covered his mouth, as he tried to hold in his vomit.' And Lily slowly began to walk home, entering the line of cul-de-sacs that were on the way to her house. She pulled out her sketchbook and began on another drawing.
I'm glad we're getting more students, I just wish y'all did this sooner haha. But I understand its all circumstantial, accepted. I'll seat Ellie in the back next to Charlie
(Jules) Jules looked at Jeremy with a blank stare. She could tell his heart was in the right place, and the comment about her sister didn't even bother her that much, but she made it her goal to keep her distance. "It's nice to meet you." And walked past him without asking his name. I can't form relationships. She thought to herself. I can't have any weaknesses. If I get close to them, and I were to lose one of them, like Kaitlin... I can't get attached, there's no telling who's going to wind up dead. Jules approached the teacher and whispered something into his ear. He nodded. "Let's wait for a few more students, and then you can give your talk." The teacher assured Jules. And so she stood in the front of the classroom, examining all those that were present. (Peter) Peter awkwardly approached Ryo, trying to start a conversation. Dad said to try to make friends Peter, you got this. He thought to himself. "H-hi! My names Pet-t-ter!" He shouted at Ryo louder than he meant to. Oh God, what are you doing Peter? He hit himself on the head. He probably thinks I'm one of those weird kids that sit in the corner and make cat noises. He turned slightly to where Sora was, examining her cat ears, and then slowly turned back to Ryo. "How a-are you?" He tried to save the conversation he was failing at having with Ryo. (Lily) Lily was startled by the fact that someone had talked to her. Aside from the people that occasionally stared at her eye patch, she almost never had anyone notice her. The only person she occasionally talked to was the librarian. Lily adjusted her eye patch and continued drawing, and muttering her name to Seth. "Lily." Within the wilting flower, she began to engrave the name Seth into the sides of the petals.
I was hoping you would have signed up a long time ago! Accepted I seated you in the back row
Homeroom 139 Seating Chart: (Front of the class) ROW 1: Seat 1/Seat 2/Seat 3/Seat 4/Seat 5 Cesare Abasalo (Junko)/Ryo Ainle (Junko)/Jeremy Hunter (Oathkeeper136)/Nimue Lloyd (Junko)/Rosemary Nerthuz (Junko) ROW 2: Seat 6/Seat 7/Seat 8/Seat 9/Seat 10 Peter O’connell (VIIth Angel)/Jules Parker (VIIth Angel)/Lieoa Sang (Proper Gentleman Crona)/Sora Takagi Voelker (OathKeeper136)/ Seth Carter West (The Basic Nerd) ROW 3: Seat 11/Seat 12/Seat 13/Seat 14/Seat 15 Sonya Miles West (The Basic Nerd)/Lily Williams (VIIth Angel)/Jon Wilson (Josh Wilson)/Charlie Mors (Yuffie Kisaragi)/Ellie Hunter (Oathkeeper136) (Back of the class) I have randomly selected the “extra” student, the one who is a ghost, and it will be up to you all to find the culprit, before you fall victim to the curse. I will display the month when the month changes, and by the end of the month (but it can happen somewhere in the beginning or in between as well), someone will be destined to die. Good luck to you all. SEPTEMBER (Jules) Jules pulled into the Centra High School parking lot, and she parked her car next to the big tree just a little to the left of the center of the entrance to the school. She exited her car and opened the back door, pulling out her backpack. Closing it, and locking the car doors, she put her hand up to her forehead, blocking the glaring sun from her eyes. “It’s a nice day, considering the gloomy circumstances.” Jules said to herself, throwing her backpack around her shoulders. She straightened out her skirt, and started towards the school. She knew when school officially started today, as part of the Homeroom 139 Protection Committee, she would ask for two volunteers to assist her in her work to protect her classmates. But before that, she would give a speech on the circumstances revolving around the curse of Homeroom 139. The Curse of Rose. (Peter) Peter sat in the library, having gotten to school an hour before Centra even started. He was reading an X-Men comic, when the bell for school to start had rung, and he nervously got up, and grabbed his things, dropping some comics once or twice before even leaving the library. “I w-wonder if the rumors about 139 are true…” He muttered to himself as he shuffled towards the classroom. “N-nah, there’s no such thing as c-curses.” He continued to convince himself of that as he finally entered 139. The teacher handed Peter a seating chart, and he quickly found his seat. (Lily) As she walked to school, Lily drew a flower in her sketchbook, one that was halfway beginning to wilt. Without once looking up, she somehow managed to make her way down the suburban neighborhood that surrounded Centra High, and eventually found herself in the courtyard of the school. She stopped in her tracks and ceased her drawing, as she slowly glanced up at the oak tree that stood tall and stout directly in the center of the courtyard. It was where Rose’s body was found, a tree had been placed there to commemorate her. Benches surrounded the base of the tree, encompassing it on all sides and forming a square around it. After standing there for a couple of minutes, she heard the bell ring, and started toward her class, continuing to draw her wilting flower. Entering 139, she grabbed a seating chart, and sat down where she was assigned to sit, in the back row. She quite enjoyed having a last name of Williams, as most of her teachers would assign seats in alphabetical order as this teaher had done, which meant she got the back seats. It was low key, and she could disappear from everyone’s radar, living in her own world and drawing all the things she wanted to. Lily quietly waited for everyone else to show up and for class to begin.
Both accepted Alrighty here is my characters: Name: Jules Parker Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: In 2005, her older sister Kaitlin was a part of homeroom 139, and was one of the unlucky victims of the Curse of Rose. Ever since, Jules was racked with nightmares and depression, without much support from her parents who shortly divorced after Kaitlin's death. When she received her schedule for her junior year and realized that she was doomed to be placed in the horrid room 139, she made it her goal to protect the entire class, instituting a Homeroom 139 Protection Committee before the start of the year. With hopeful but cautious eyes, she intends to watch over the class, trying to save everyone from her sister's fate. Name: Lily Williams Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: A relative of Rose Williams, her entire family has been known to be strange and mysterious, even before Rose's untimely demise. Mostly quiet, Lily is usually seen drawing a multitude of sketches, never smiling. She is always seen with her eye patch on her left eye, no one knowing why exactly she has it. It must have been faith, or something darker, that led her to be assigned in homeroom 139. Name: Peter O'Connell Gender: Male Appearance: http://rs877.pbsrc.com/albums/ab331/inocent_girl_93/school%20kokoro%20yaoi/anime.jpg~320x480 Bio: A nervous but down to earth guy, Peter has for the most part lived an extremely low key life. Always carrying around a comic or two, Peter is extremely obsessed with Marvel superheroes. He is in essence the pinnacle of a true geek. And with that, the sign ups will be officially closed. However this thread will remain open as a discussion thread. I will work on the seating chart and a good intro post, and we can get this show on the road!
I would like to see a little more in the bio, but accepted all the same Accepted. I'm glad people are making two characters, and I recommend that, because well, there's a chance your character might get killed
Glad you're interested, accepted Quirky, I like it accepted
I love it! Accepted, I'm excited to RP with you
Shrouded in mystery, a junior girl named Rose Williams was murdered at Centra High School in 1979 in a small town in Colorado, her mutilated remains were mysteriously found in the courtyard of the high school, with no evidence as to who did it. In her 1st period homeroom class, room 139, a student pointed to her empty desk a few days later and said, “I don’t know why everyone is crying about Rose, she’s right there!” Pointing at the empty desk she used to sit at. Though of course she really wasn’t there, the joke continued until the end of the year. As everyone got their yearbooks in the summer, people that were a part of homeroom 139 noticed something very peculiar. In their homeroom picture, was Rose Williams. She was smiling gleefully as ever in a picture taken three months after her death. And so begins the Curse of Rose. After that school year, all juniors that are a part of homeroom 139 get an extra student, one who was a student last year in 139, and was killed. This ghost cannot be found through the attendance rosters, as their names are somehow placed in all the school’s records, and everyone around them seems to remember having always had classes with them. And every month, a student is tragically killed through some kind of freak accident, a result of the Curse of Rose. The school cannot prevent the curse by switching the students out of 139, as the curse will just follow the students to their reassigned homeroom. The only way to lift the curse, is to find out who the extra student is, and kill them. This RP is based on the horror anime Another, and I’m sorry if the explanation of this complex plot being placed in two paragraphs was confusing, message me if you have any questions. It’s been a LONG time since I have been in the RP business, but I thought I would try giving it another go, and I recently fell in love with this really short anime, and thought the plot was interesting enough to do an RP on. Rules: 1. No Godmodding 2. 5 sentence minimum posts, no rapid posts please 3. I will make an actual seating chart, and after a certain amount of people have signed up, I will officially close sign ups, and randomly select the “extra student.” Only I will know who this is, even the extra student will not know 4. As added help to the students, as part of the curse there will be a student who will get occasional visions, helpful hints to determine who the extra student is (this will be the character I make) 5. Though there will be hints throughout the rp as to who it is, you don’t need to know for sure who it is before you make an attempt to kill someone. Feel free to kill anyone you think is suspicious. We gotta have some crazy antagonists for an interesting story right? 6. Write 139 curse at the bottom of your signup sheet to show you have read everything Character Sheet: (I reccomend making two or more, as your characters may be killed) Name: Gender: Appearance: Bio: And that’s about it, as everyone who signs up will be a junior that attends Centra highschool, with their homeroom being 139. Happy Hunting!
Ao No Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Rp Sign Ups
VIIth Angel replied to VIIth Angel's topic in Roleplaying
Throwback! Haha ah good times -
Akoni glanced at Minato who had just entered the conversation. "Funny, we seem to be attracting a lot of attention, I wonder what it all means..."Eliza had kept an eye on Minato, making sure he didn't do anything stupid like try to figure out who she is. Unfortunately he drew the conclusion and figured out her identity."Darn, now I have to kill him." She said to herself. "And I was starting to like him." She witnessed the attack on Minato and watch him struggle, then leave to find help. "Hm," Eliza began "It seems my sources were correct. Looks like I don't need to kill him, they'll do it for me. It has begun."
Akoni sighed. "Maybe I really am seeing things..." He thought aloud, laughing the thought off. "Anyways, I'm glad to have finally started up a conversation with you, even if it was on strange terms." Akoni looked behind him, then back to Akai. "So, you really don't know anything about your friend changing into a cat?" He asked curiously. Eliza laughed so gracefully it was almost as if it was a response to a joke you would hear at a cocktail party. "No need to be rude, we're all friends here. I was just curious as to why you were so open about transforming the way you did. You know there are all kinds of dangerous people looking for people like you and me." Her eyes glossed to the left side of her face, then back to Akito. "Like the guy watching us for example, although I don't think he's dangerous at all. Friend of yours?" Eliza asked
(If Trevor is with Akoni, then they aren't anywhere near the Cat morpher) Akoni quickly began to chase after Akai. "Wait Akai! I, I, I'm Akoni, we go to school together. Who was the boy that turned into a cat?" He asked, hoping Akai had heard him. Eliza left the shadows, a glimmering smile evident on her face. "Very keen senses, boy. I guess that's the least you can expect from someone who's part cat." She slowly began to approach Akito, though there was no sign she was going to attack. "I'm not going to harm you, yet." She said comfortingly, walking around from behind and eventually stopping when she was right in front of him. "I just want to get a good look at you. I haven't seen one who could change like me in a while... It's so invigorating." She said excitingly.
(There's a lot of names that start with A, should I change Akoni's name to make it easier to follow?) Akoni walked down the suburban streets, glancing every which way at his surroundings. His school was located right in the middle of Tokyo, but the housing which all the foreign exchange students stayed at was located in the suburbs, so he cherished all the time he could get strolling in a less busy area of Japan, it reminded him of home. Turning the corner, he noticed Akai in the middle of a conversation with a boy he did not recognize. Akai was a schoolmate of Akoni's, although he did not speak much to her. Even though Akai was one of the few students at his school that spoke English, and he wasn't too shabby with his Japanese himself, he decided to keep to himself most of the time. But he did find her cute... Noticing the boy turning to face the direction Akoni was in, he quickly jumped to a bush and hid nervously, his afro protruding from the top of the leaves. When the boy transformed into a cat, Akoni was stunned. "Ok, your homesickness must really be getting to you..." He said to himself. When the boy was out of sight, something in Akoni pushed him to follow Akai. "What am I doing?" He whispered to himself, catching up and following Akai close behind. Eliza sat above the roof of a small restaurant, eating noodles and watching over the kids that were walking home from school. "So innocent, these children seem to be. But not for long, all things must come to an end, as does the innocence of a girl or boy." She said to herself, quietly eating her noodles. Eliza looked toward a cul-de-sac and saw a boy morph into a black cat. "Another one... Well this should be interesting..." She muttered. She quickly rose and picked up her sheathed katana. After doing a quick stretch, she back flipped off of the restaurant roof and landed on the ground. Eliza then quietly dashed towards the cat, hiding in the shadows.
Hope I can still sign up: Character Sheets— Name: Eliza Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance (Normal): Appearance and (Form): A poisonous Viper Weapon(s) (Two at the most): Poison shurikens, as well as a poison edged katana. Biography: Having murdered her father at age 15 when he tried to hit her, something had snapped within her, and from that point on her morales had become corrupt. She lives in Tokyo, associating herself with some powerful Yakuza members and occasionally being hired as an assassin. For Darkness or Light?: Darkness Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Character Sheets— Name: Akoni Lakhani Age: 12 Gender: Male Appearance (Normal): Appearance (Form): a large golden eagle Weapon(s) (Two at the most): Two pistols Biography: Born in New Zealand, his parents shipped him off to a private boarding school in Japan, hoping that Akoni will gain a top notch education. He now roams the streets of Tokyo, in a foreign land far away from the island life he is used to. For Darkness or Light?: light Silhouettes
American Horror Story: DETH (Signups and Discussions)
VIIth Angel replied to VIIth Angel's topic in Roleplaying
Accepted. I guess I'll be playing the staff myself, unless someone signs up for it. I'll post my character sheets and get this started soon -
American Horror Story: DETH (Signups and Discussions)
VIIth Angel replied to VIIth Angel's topic in Roleplaying
Accepted. Let's try to get one or two staff members and we'll start -
American Horror Story: DETH (Signups and Discussions)
VIIth Angel replied to VIIth Angel's topic in Roleplaying
Yayyy it's all coming along nicely, hopefully we can get a few people other than myself to be staff