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Blaze Yeager

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Everything posted by Blaze Yeager

  1. funny thing is that I looked at ULTRAMAN suits for reference here
  2. Tekken 7 Grand Finals be like: Knee is the Tekken 7 champion. Korea taking Ws.
  4. I think the one for 4 is Yozora sounds like his actor in Japanese Missing Link I'm not sure
  5. https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/QcSsIVi9NoK5bYx-cxOEM3ohC_JjS1aABnB6LWlB60U/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FGNOTb7X0AsDc5P.jpg%3Alarge?width=1075&height=605 K9999 is back WHAT THE firetruck SNK DID IT
  6. I'm done with Endwalker MSQ all of the screenshots I took lmao
  7. finally got DRK to 70, also new glam
  8. https://tenor.com/view/michael-myers-scary-creepy-1978-gif-17430160
  9. Netflix Ultraman, SEVEN, and ACE Hell yeah that's good
  10. https://tenor.com/view/hey-you-there-hello-its-me-scream-gif-16141892
  11. https://tenor.com/view/hannibal-buress-this-sucks-man-ha-gif-12215277 on the plus side better sticks on the minus side drift gonna get worse on the hilarious side don't have a camera on you while streaming, elsewise you're gonna look like you're crankin' it
  12. hoping for Riku at least with a Destiny Island stage I know I'm saying now it really is a big ol' one I am a bit sad that besides loving the KH1 Hollow Bastion pick for the stage I wish it was Destiny Islands Would've made for a great KH stage perhaps if a future Smash game with Sora again comes we get a second stage and rep hoping for Riku at least with a Destiny Island stage
  13. I mean yeah first time he's been in a proper fighter and honestly it opens the doors to a lot of things that handshake with Sora and Mario was 20 years in the making it really is a celebration of video games now
  14. watch Nomura make Smash canon to KH lore and that too sparkly keyblade also because of Sora now officially in this opens up a lot of fanfics LMAO watch Nomura make Smash canon to KH lore
  15. hoping it's the KH2 Keyhole seal animation somehow that Mickey icon plus music plus the fact that you have a premium due to HJO's voice alone. HJO being the second Hollywood actor to be in Smash. Right behind David Hayter. Hayter was an actor, yes. it is HJO's voice recycled from KH3 I heard clips of it it's his KH3 clips yeah so it's recycled from DDD and KH3 either way good shit honestly wondering what his third victory pose is since we've only seen two hoping it's the KH2 Keyhole seal animation somehow also some funny lore Mario being able to hold the keyblade is a reference to KH's origins since KH was originally made out of inspiration from SM64 and the rest is history and if we're being honest I'm glad KH1 Sora was used as the primary because maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan it feels so good if my seven year old self saw this I would imagine losing it LOL I was 7 when KH1 came out yep am glad they did include his other outfits including DDD I was shocked DDD was included lol
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