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sam raimi is god

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  1. head* i dont know this personally that andrew is an asshole but ive heard stories andrew and adrew being assholes
  2. but i guess it happens to most of those actors
  3. i dont remember that he identifyed as they but they def hinted he was gender queer the wiki refers to him as he but he's def genderqueer he had boobas on his tryant form PS2
  4. i frgt what i was gonna say but the gender queer guy from dead aim was more normal then this before after the virus even more after i dont care if anyone tells me he's not but he's def genderquuer they hint it LMFAO
  5. tom cruise would never lose lmao
  6. that's not a meme thats's the truth you pay 60 bucks for a downgrade
  7. funny cuz the japanese box is on my desk riht now it's next to me
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