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  1. Walk with me for a second In conclusion, we are almost close. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
  3. Haven’t responded in a while, but this is just my opinion. I think Mickey should always be included with the BBS Trio. I feel like they were always meant to be a team Anyways have a good day or night
  4. Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️ I just thought since Chocobo gp and Disney Speedstorm exist, it would be perfect cross promotion rn But I haven’t seen anymore announcements for DLC for Chocobo and Speedstorm hasn’t been released yet. So maybe sometime down the line in the future… Or around the time KH4 releases
  5. Question, is Kingdom Karts still a possibility or not?….
  6. I don’t even know. I thought they could be saved/turned back from being a dream eater But if they’re actually dead or can never be human again, then that’s actually sadder ☹️
  7. Wait they’re dead, not a comatose state?!?!
  8. Can I ask something I just got back into the franchise lore and saw that the dream eaters were sleeping wielders. Can they be turned back or are they stuck like that forever?
  9. Say fellas, is where we come to know Kingdom Hearts news? Anyways yo
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