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  1. I think 4 is going to be a massive game but I hope they don't tack most lore at the very end in a massive info dump like they did with 3. If they paced it out between the chapters it would have flown smoother imo.
  2. I did fanart of Ava today https://mobile.twitter.com/Malieza13/status/1551045452157665281
  3. Hey so I was reading past trivia and interviews on older KH games. I have a question on KH2. What had censorship and what didn't? From what I assumed... original KH2 in Japan was uncensored, but original KH for NA was censored. Then final mix was released which was the same release in all countries so everyone had the same censorship in the game which was a little less than the original 2? But then I found out recently some people said KH2 Final Mix in Japan had less edits to the some scenes than the international version of KH2 final mix? I'd like some clarification because the old forum threads had me confused.
  4. I remember new story updates are coming around August, maybe it's to prepare for that?
  5. I made very little fanart but I posted this on my Instagram (all my colored pencils and markers are in storage. Working to find them soon.) https://mobile.twitter.com/Malieza13/status/1517994618046058496
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