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  1. Albert98

    Fan Art Chat

    It's all coming together
  2. Albert98

    Fan Art Chat

    Will premiere in 3 minutes
  3. Albert98

    Fan Art Chat

    Celebrating Disney's 100th year using Data Greetings. Didn't bring in the Disney Trio, because of the limit of 25 earlier (since it reached to 23, which one of the trios must go, and yet I decided to take the entire trio off). However, I did bring in the cutouts of Vexen, Demyx and this edit of Strelitzia that I tried hard to edit and blend in very well. But hey, here they all are The only ones who didn't smile in this picture are Anti-Aqua and Saïx/Isa. Vanitas can't take his mask off, so who knows
  4. Albert98

    Fan Art Chat

    My first Rokushi Artwork
  5. https://comicbookmovie.com/batman/batman-animated/original-harley-quinn-actress-arleen-sorkin-dies-at-67-a205283#gs.4x5y05
  6. I never found Terra to be dumb since I first played BBS. I always like to think he’s pretty Naïve
  7. Happy birthday Alyson Stoner, Xion's voice actress
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