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  1. So pretty! Aqua is honestly such a great character. Definitely had a huge crush on her as a kid 😊
  2. That's fair, and sounds tricky. Hopefully you get to see some this year!
  3. I’ve evolved though Also I’m sick 😔 If there’s another Xenoblade announcement maybe I’ll do a voice message then
  4. If I was still in high school you may have gotten me 😭
  5. Omg this was world breaking. I forgot that we folk on discord actually have voices!
  6. I was born in 2004 - so basically before my time - and it’s still one of my favorite consoles of all time! Like the start up is so nostalgic and magical I miss simple console hubs/menus
  7. Holy moly. Here’s to hoping DC universe is the greatest of all time 🥳
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