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Keyblade Master Rixec

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Everything posted by Keyblade Master Rixec

  1. Really? I've saved outside ion Lumiose City lots of times and have never gotten anything like that. Maybe I'm lucky.
  2. Where is this store located?! I demand answers!
  3. Rixec “I don’t have to tell you nothing you over-bumptious-oof!” Braig was shouting before I slapped him with the back of my hand. I had him by the throat in the other hand and had him pressed against the wall. The rest of the Organization – minus Larxene and Xemnas – was littered on the floor behind me; all of them had been useless in procuring the Intel I wanted. “Look, I actually walked in the front door, I held up my hands once I was surrounded and asked if there was a way to wake up my friend, and I just kicked all your @sses without using my Keyblades,” I explained calmly. “Now are you capable of helping me or not?!” Braig just chose to spit in my face and I retaliated by slamming his head against the wall multiple times until it went through completely. I let go of him and he slumped to the floor, his head getting caught in the hole with blood oozing around it. “That is one of my precious hosts,” a calm yet angry voice stated. I turned to see Xemnas floating up to me and I crossed my arms. Finally, someone important shows up. “I just want information Xemnas,” I told him. “I think a letter would have sufficed,” Xemnas replied as he held out his hand toward the fallen Organization members. “I didn’t throw the first punch,” I stated as I held up my hands innocently, “but I’ll certainly throw the last.” Xemnas floated up to me and smirked. “You think yourself so important ‘Bringer of Light,’ but there have been several like you and they have all fallen in one way or another. You weren’t chosen simply because you were the best, but because you were the only one left who was ready to take on the power.” I raised an eyebrow at what he was saying but I paid it no heed; I wasn’t here for me. “Do you know how to help wake up Lexa? She’s in a state similar to what Kairi was back when Sora first stopped Ansem,” I explained. “You all have hearts to give up yourselves, don’t you?” Xemnas smirked. “Or are you too selfish and cowardly to do it?” I glared as Xemnas as I tightened my fist. “Don’t push me Xemnas,” I gritted. Xemnas laughed loudly at this and exclaimed, “Insolent fool! You may have power hut I could destroy you without giving it a thought-!” Before he finished his sentence I jabbed my right hand forward and hit Xemnas right in the face. He fell back a few steps, dazed, before falling to the ground. Smirking, I walked up to him and pressed him against the wall, right next to Braig. “One punch, b!tch,” I said. “Now tell me what else you know. There’s no one left here to save you and…” My voice trailed off as I thought about what I was saying. There was no one else here, but there should have been. “Where’s Larxene?” I asked. Before he lost consciousness Xemnas smirked at me and said, “Securing a new base.” Sephirix I slashed threw a Nobody as three more slithered toward me. I cast a spell and an icy wing shot out at them, freezing them over. I leapt over and smashed them to pieces with ease. I glanced up at a house above and saw Larxene dancing upon it, lightning striking random places in Traverse Town. People were running and fighting, every one of them scared. Larxene had shown up unexpectedly and started a war right here. Many had already fallen and there weren’t that many warriors that could stand up to them that well. “I’m beginning to think Leon and the others should have stayed here,” I mumbled as I slashed off a Nobody’s head. I heard a scream and saw s small group of children surrounded by Nobodies. “No!” I yelled as I started running toward them but a swipe from a club knocked me to the side and one of Saix’s Nobodies stood before me. “Out of my way!” I jumped at it but it blocked my attack and threw me back. I quickly jumped to the side and got behind it and started slashing at its back. It finally fell and I turned to go help the kids. I didn’t need to. All of the Nobodies had been slain and the children were looking at their savior with awe. I was surprised myself since he wasn’t heading anywhere near here, but then another thought came to mind. “Replicanitas?” Vanitas’s replica turned his head and smiled grimly at me. “Guess that’s my name now. Hey Sephirix.” “Thanks for showing up, I could use the assist,” I explained. “Why would you want somebody like me?” he asked. “I’m nothing.” “Oh for the love of! OK, you may not be Vanitas, but you’re still you, you can make your choices,” I told him. “And everyone here could use your help right now.” “We need to get out of here!” Neku shouted as he ran up to us. “There are more Nobodies on the way, along with real fighters. Our scout said they have about seven million!” “Damn,” I muttered. The children started to stiffen, worried on how they would escape. Neku reassured them, “Don’t worry. Everyone is heading for a Gummi ship that will evacuate them to safe worlds. Head that way to get to it.” The children nodded and started running toward the ship. I looked at Neku and said, “So Traverse Town is being abandoned.” “There’s nothing else we can do,” he insisted. “But the army of seven million is closer than I let on. I don’t know if we’ll make it in time.” “Then I’ll buy you time,” I said. “By yourself?” Neku gaped. “He won’t,” Replicanitas said as he stepped forward. “I’m here.” Neku started to say something but he hesitated. He sighed and started running toward the ship but he stopped and turned around to say, “Thank you!” We watched as he left our sight and I gripped my Keyblade. “Man, this is gonna suck.” “Not really,” Replicanitas said before he slammed the butt of his Keyblade into the side of my head. Everything blacked out. I woke up later and I saw people looking over me. I stood up and asked, “What happened?” “Someone brought you here to get you to safety but he stayed behind,” someone said. “Said he would buy us time.” “NO!” I roared. Replicanitas I struck the ground with my Keyblade as I caught my breath. I had already killed so many enemies but I had barely placed a scratch in their forces. I didn’t think I could stand for much longer. I looked up and the image of Lexa before me. I knew it wasn’t real, but at least it gave me someone to talk to. “Man, why did I do something like this?” “For your friends, right?” she answered me. “Heh, friends,” I muttered with a smile. “Lexa… am I going to die?” “Probably,” she said sadly. “Well, if that’s the case you better make sure to go out like a hero!” “Right,” I grinned as I rose to my feet. I yelled as I charged at nearly seven million army before me. “Enemy!” a general shouted as fireballs and lightning were fired at me. I dodged each attack and jumped at them and swung my Keyblade, a blast of darkness killing a hundred of them. The dust cloud made from the attack gave me cover as I ran out and started slashing at them all, buying everyone the time they needed. “Look out!” Lexa shouted as a large fireball landed at my feet. I was thrown back but I jumped to my feet and struck the ground with my Keyblade for support. “Damn, if I knew this was going to happen I would have asked Lexa that question sooner,” I grinned as I stood up. I watched as they pointed all their guns at me and fired a hail of bullets. I raised my Keyblade and filled it with darkness; I started blocking the bullets with supersonic speed, each bullet falling to the ground dented. I was sweating terribly as I stood my ground before the oncoming metal. After a few minutes two caught me in the leg and another grazed my cheek. I roared as I struck my Keyblade into the ground and let out a Dark Gamma Bomb. The explosion covered a good chunk of area and I grunted as I felt someone punch me in the chest. When the explosion ended I fell to the ground, panting heavily. I was covered in blood and I was holding my chest with one hand as blood poured out. I glanced around and saw thousands of soldiers and Nobodies dead, but there was still more than six million around me. They all kept their distance though as they reading their magic and guns. “Lexa,” I breathed, “I don’t want to die yet.” Luckily,I had gotten something important from those I had killed. I had done the reverse of what Lexa did with Sephirix. I had transferred Hearts from those I had killed and had started sending it to Sephirix to hold onto. He would know what to do with it. “NO!” Lexa shouted as I smiled one last time at her image. “FIRE!” Larxene shouted and every soldier and Nobody left sent out their attacks. Fireballs, lightning, bullets, and cannonballs went up into the air and then they started to come straight down at me. “LEXA!!!” I shouted before they hit. Sephirix “Dear God,” I cried as I felt energy transfer into my heart. Replicanitas was gone.
  4. Rixec “Our lives have more drama than any soap opera,” I concluded. “Even more than all of Twilight combined!” We were all sitting around the table, some of us worse for wear. Sephirix was seated nent to Avon in his new armor – I would have to find time to learn more about that dark light I had been hearing about. “We should be looking for Replicanitas,” Xoncron suggested. “We should focus our efforts on the real Vanitas,” Anders declared. “We should find them both,” Sephirix stated. “Especially Replicanitas. Nothing good ever happens to those guys, particularly after they head off on their own.” “Where do we start looking though?” Nita pondered. “We’ll just have to send out squadrons of SOLDIER knights to search the surrounding worlds,” Avon sighed as she tapped the table depressingly. “The Plan has fallen apart and God knows what we’re in for in the near future.” “And what about Xero?” Anders asked as he crossed his arms. “Notwithstanding her actions we leave her alone for now the moment,” Avon ordered. “Things have gotten too far out of hand as they are. I’d rather not mess things up any further.” “What are you talking about?” Xoncron asked. “Not important,” Nita answered gently. “Not now, anyway.” “What about Lexa?” I asked. “We need to find a way to wake her up.” “I agree,” Avon said grimly. “But that heart essence was our best shot. I don’t even want to think about what the consequences of destroying it are.” Xoncron averted his gaze from the rest of us. He was still blaming himself partially for its destruction. “Isn’t there something else we can do to help Lexa?” Sephirix whispered, his fist tightening. “Who rained on your parade?” a familiar voice said. We all turned to see the form of Vanitas behind us. “Replicanitas?!” Xoncron exclaimed as he jumped to his feet. “Do I look like a replica to you?” he smirked. “Vanitas!” Sephirix yelled with a big grin on his face. Scary. “Now where’s Lexa?” Vanitas aksed, serious once more. We led him to the room where Lexa was currently sleeping. Once Vanitas saw her… my heart broke for him. He walked up to her slowly and took her hand in his, holding it firmly. He gently kissed it and we decided to give him some time alone. After twenty minutes he finally emerged, tears streaming down his face. “How did this happen?” he asked. “Sephirix?” Before Sephirix could answer I spoke up. “It’s been Xero and Replicron,” I explained. “They’ve been manipulating us for a while, breaking our bonds of trust to make us weak, vulnerable. Didn’t help that your replica went to the extreme in trying to help Lexa. Things have just gone to hell since we beat Norcnox.” Vanitas took a deep breath as he thought about what I said. Sephirix glanced at me but I shook my head. We had already been through enough crap. No point in adding any more to the mix. Especially considering what I’ll have to do once we save Lexa. “Now that we’re all together again,” Xoncron said, “what do we do now?” “We should go look for Replicanitas,” Sephirix suggested. “What, did you fall in love with him while I was gone?” Vanitas smirked. If only he knew. “Maybe we should,” I mumbled. “He might be able to help us. We could learn more about his creation and possibly a way to help Lexa.” “How?” Xoncron asked. “I don’t know – I’m grasping at straws!” I admitted. “But we might as well hope there is.” “I agree,” Sephirix nodded. “We should get moving.” “Normally Xero or someone like that Replicron would be good to follow up leads, but I don’t think we’ll want to run into them right now,” Vanitas said. “Good call,” I said. “We need to-!” An alarm rang out and we all froze as we realized it came from Lexa’s room. We smashed through the doorway and saw Lexa on her bed, her chest up heaving as her mouth gaped open. Vanitas ran to her, whispering to her that he’s her, that he’ll help her. Xoncron tried using healing spells and Sephirix was trying to hold her down to make sure she didn’t hurt herself. I just stood there, realizing that Lexa was running out of time. Two medics rushed into the room and pulled out a syringe. “Hold her down!” he said. The other medic, Xoncron, Vanitas, and Sephirix took a limb and held Lexa down as the shot was inserted into her heart. After a few moments she started to grow calm and was back in her tranquil sleep. “She won’t last three days,” Avon said as she entered. “That can’t be…,” Vanitas paled. “We have to work fast,” I said, my voice raising. “We have to split up.” “Split up?” Xoncron repeated. “After all it took to get us back together?” “Lexa won’t last like this,” I argued. “We need to divide our forces – preferably into four – to search more area. That’s Lexa’s best chance!” The guys looked at each other a few moments before finally nodding to my logic. We all gazed upon Lexa, our leader; we had three days to save her. May Kingdom Hearts guide us.
  5. Sephirix I was starting to think Vanitas was a lost cause; how could he possibly come back from something like this? I grunted as I rose to my feet, Avon readying her sword. “We have to take him alive,” she said. “We can’t afford to lose him.” “I think we’re a little late,” I said as I fired a Dark Firaga at him. The blast hit him but it seemed to merge with his shadow body rather than harm him. A ripple started to appear on his body and it made its way upwards until it reached his throat. Vanitas arched his head back and then snapped it forward, a larger Dark Firaga spewing out of his mouth. Avon and I cast wind and reflect spells to block the attack, the black fire dancing around us as our spells protected us. I groaned and bent one knee; my injuries were starting to get to me. “Heal,” Avon said as she cast the spell on me. I was still in pain, but at least the bleeding stopped. Vanitas leapt forward and landed on top of our defenses, shattering them. Avon cried out as she stumbled backwards and hit her head against the wall. “Damn!” I muttered as I looked into Vanitas’s hollow eyes. I couldn’t see any sign of the person I once called ally. The only way to save him might be to kill him. I gripped my Keyblade as I charged at him. I slashed Vanitas across the chest and he screamed; it sounded like nails on a chalkboard while whistling. Vanitas stumbled back and growled. He sunk into the shadows, meaning he could attack from anywhere. I frantically look around as a whooshing sound enters my ear from behind me. I dive to the left as Vanitas thrusts a clawed hand at me. Vanitas lunges for me while I’m down but a blast of lightning hits him in the face and he cried out again as he hits the floor. I looked up to see Nita who had her sword out. “Leave you alone for two minutes and this happens,” she scoffed. “Thanks,” I said as I stood up. I glanced at Vanitas who was getting his second wind. “I don’t think we can save him.” “We have to,” Nita said. “Why? What’s so important about saving him for you?” I asked. Nita bowed her head before she turned to face me. “It just is, all right,” she whispered. “We have to save him.” I didn’t know why, but I felt like it was Lexa speaking to me at that moment. Maybe it was because of Vanitas here. What was so important about him? “All right,” I said. Vanitas lunged at us, bullets made of darkness firing from his claws. Nita and I dodged to the side and proceeded to attack with fire and blizzard magic. Vanitas started howling as the combined heat and cold struck him, the change in temperature getting too much for him. “We’re doing it!” Nita cried. Yeah, we were doing it all right. We were making him angry! Vanitas roared and the sound waves emitted paralyzed us for a moment and the after effects of the attack threw us against the wall. Nita’s sword clattered toward Vanitas and he proceeded to step on it, smashing it to pieces. Nita groaned as Vanitas crept toward her. “No!” I yelled as I rose to my feet and charged. Vanitas just b!tch slapped me though and I was sent fying behind him. I skidded across the floor as Vanitas came closer to Nita. “Sephirix,” Avon muttered as her eyes fluttered. “Don’t hold it in.” I glanced at Avon and then over at Nita, who was vulnerable. “Stop it Vanitas,” I growled as I rose to my feet. “Don’t touch her!” Suddenyly,a dark light appeared above us and Vanitas turned away from Nita to look at it. I couldn’t help but look to, look and feel its familiarity. I felt the power within it, the power I had lost sight of. I had let myself grown weak over time, well no more. I raised my Keyblade up and I felt the dark light come down and wrap around me. After a few moments it broke apart and I was standing before Vanitas in knight armor that was black with silver linings. The armor was light and flexible, but it felt as if it wouldn’t break easily. My guns were holstered onto my arms. I glanced at Vanitas who started speaking. “Sho tht s te drk lite,” he growled. “Doesh thsh men it has choshn its oen mstr thn?” Vanitas walked closer before me and stopped. Black electricity cackled at his right hand and a dark, twisted blade appeared in his hand; it had no handle. Vanitas gripped it tightly as he stared at me. I pointed my Keyblade at him as I summoned my power. I could feel it flowing, ready to burst. I had been holding back for far too long. I cried out as I charged at Vanitas and he howled as he came at me. The dark light emitted around my Keyblade and I swung my weapon at Vanitas. Our blades clashed, a metallic ring echoing through the base. I used the force to jump over Vanitas and swung again, but Vanitas parried the attack and distance was put in between us. Avon and Nita were fully awake now and were watching us with awe. I placed a hand on the ground and the shadows came to life and shot straight at Vanitas. He didn’t even try to dodge so when it the attack it a look of shock came across his face as he cried out. I grabbed a gun and fired twice. As they hit Vanitas they exploded into two large fireballs, the heat melting the metal on the walls around us. Vanitas growled as I ran at him and thrust my blade. Vanitas knocked it aside and tried to bite my neck but I ducked and avoided it. I rolled under him and pressed my fingers to my Keyblade and ran them among the edge. Vanitas roared as a black light encompassed my Keyblade. “Dark Sunshine!” I yelled as I swung my Keyblade and a blade of dark light shot out and headed for Vanitas. Vanitas tried to knock it aside but it went through his blade and hit him in the chest. He stumbled back as blood started to pour out of his chest. Vanitas roared as he charged at me and I did the same. Our blades clashed and darkness and black light started to pour out as we struggled to win. The combined elements blinded Avon and Nita to our fight as we cried out as we pressed our blades forward and moved up, our backs to each other. The elements died, leaving the two of us standing. I turned around and pointed my Keyblade at Vanitas’s back. He looked over his shoulder and groaned as he looked at me. It was then he fell to one knee, his blade disappearing, before falling down. The darkness around hi started to disappear, turning him back to normal. But he wasn’t alone, next to him was Aqua, the missing Keyblade Master!
  6. Rixec “I’m fine,” I grumbled as Xoncron reached out his hand. I scanned the area and was upset that the replica got away. “I don’t believe this,” I said. “Now do you believe me when I didn’t bug you guys?” Xoncron asked even though I had already figured that out. “Coming from the guy who thought I murdered a village?” I raised. “Hey, I saw what I saw,” Xoncron defended. “I didn’t expect someone to go around looking like you.” “After finding out you had a replica and seeing me kill people you couldn’t put it together?” I gritted. “You didn’t figure out the replica wasn’t me!” Xoncron yelled. “Because he’s a replica! Even Sora couldn’t tell the difference with the Riku one!” I yelled back. We both grew silent after that, unsure of what to say. It didn’t matter that we knew the truth now; the replica did job. “You shouldn’t have come here,” I said. “If I didn’t come here then-!” Xoncron started to say before I cut him off. “Then the heart essence you broke when you smashed me into the wall wouldn’t have been destroyed and Lexa would be fine!” I told him. “And you wouldn’t have placed us all into a dangerous situation with your darkness.” Xoncron bowed his head. If things ever got to be the same again it wouldn’t be for a very long while. “Come on,” I said. “We better get back to SOLDIER. We’ll have to inform them of what happened.” Sephirix Avon was not happy to hear that the heart essence had been destroyed. We all – that is, me, Rixec, Xoncron, Nita, Anders, and Avon – sat around the table as we discussed on what to do now. “You really messed up,” Anders said to Xoncron. “I didn’t see you doing anything!” Xoncron exclaimed. “Because that’s what I was supposed to be doing,” Anders shrugged. “But you had to go and ki-.” “She’s not dead bro,” Nita said soothingly as she placed a hand on top of her brother’s. “We’ll find another way.” “At least our Bringer of Light is doing well,” Avon said. “Save for that devil deal.” “Not important at the moment,” Rixec said. “What matters are Lexa and Vanitas.” Everyone grew silent at that. No one knew what to do about either of them, and Avon seemed the most disturbed about that. Which made me wonder about her. She always seemed to expect things to go her way, but ever since Lexa saved me it was as if her own little world had shattered. Just how long had the world been in the palm of her hands? Who exactly was Avon? A loud snap echoed through the base and I saw the SOLDIER members at the table pale up and I knew why. “Vanitas,” I whispered as we all jumped to our feet and ran down the hall. When we got to his cell we saw that the door had been busted down and his chains had snapped. Two dead SOLDIER knights were at our feet, claw marks through their armor and skin. The blood was still spreading meaning Vanitas must still be nearby. “Weapons out,” Avon said. “But don’t kill him.” Xon, Rixec, and I summoned our Keyblades while the SOLDIER co-founders summoned their own swords made for SOLDIER. Avon started speaking, “All members of SOLDIER, the subject has escaped. Force is allowed but killing him is not. Subject is also highly dangerous and should be taken with caution.” We deiced to split into two teams to hunt Vanitas down. Rixec, Xoncron, and Anders went to the south end while Avon, Nita, and I went to the west. We proceeded down the clean hallways. That meant Vanitas hadn’t been here yet since he hadn’t painted them red. “Help!” a voice cried and we ran down the hall and turned left. We saw a young man squirming on the floor, his right arm nearly torn off. Avon and Nita ran toward him while I searched the area; where was Vanitas? “He’s a monster,” the man breathed as he closed his eyes. “He’s still alive,” Nita said, “but he needs immediate medical attention.” “You get him to the infirmary while Sephirix and I hunt down Vanitas,” Avon ordered. Nita grew a little glum but she agreed to. She slung the man over her shoulder and started walking down the hall. It was then I heard a slight growl coming from behind Avon. “Look out!” I yelled as I pushed her out of the way as the claws slashed me across the chest. I gasped as I crashed on top of Avon as we hit the floor. That attack had nearly hit my heart! Avon and I looked up to see what Vanitas had become. His eyes were solid yellow, fangs protruded from his mouth, long, sharp claws her on his hands, a pair of bat-like wings were on his back, and his body seemed to be made of shadows. Fresh blood dripped off his claws as he grumbled, “Whr s Lxa?”
  7. Rixec A shadow blast knocked me into the wall as Xoncron suffered from his own darkness. I wiped some blood off my chin as Umbra charged at me. I pressed my feet against the wall and leapt off of it as Umbra slashed his mighty sword, actually cutting the rocky wall in half. When I landed his back was exposed so I fired a Blizzaga at him. I watched as the ice started to freeze Umbra over. He tried to turn around, a hollow scream emanating from him. He started to raise his sword as he stepped toward me. Before he could swing it down though he had been frozen completely. I breathed heavily at the ice warrior before me; I raised my Keyblades as light started pouring out of their ends. “Stay where you belong,” I said as Umbra started to glow with bright light. “In the shadows.” The light grew brighter before dying; I looked down to see a shadow crawling along the floor as it came to my feet and slowly formed into my shape. Umbra had gone back to his origin. “AHHGHRAGH!” Xoncron roared as he flipped onto his back, black electricity cackling at his chest. I ran over toward Xoncron and inspected him. I had to get him out before Norcnox could escape. How did Xoncron get in here anyway? I had to go through a few hells to get here! I rose to my feet and held my Keyblades out. “Light,” I said as I closed my eyes. I felt the aura of light surround me and I could feel it spreading to Xoncron too. Next came the blast of speed as we rose up and smashed through the ceiling. Water started falling through and flooding the chamber but it didn’t matter; the heart essence was gone. And so was our best chance at helping Lexa. Xon and I continued to fly up through the tunnels, the light protecting us from harm, save for the darkness eating away at Xoncron. As Xoncron gave a mighty shout we finally breached the surface and I swerved us to the side, crashing into the sand. I spat out a chunk of sand as I steadied myself; I glanced at Xoncron and saw he was already starting to calm down. His darkness was being held back now. We were lucky this time. “Xoncron, are you all right?” I asked as he stirred. Xoncron opened his eyes and summoned his Keyblade as he rose to his feet. He proceeded to point it at me which earned a sigh from me. I could tell what was coming. “First you murder all those villagers and then you help me out?” he asked. “What are you up to Rixec?” “Xon, you are obviously deranged,” I said. Suddenly, a blast of fire landed between us and sent us flying in opposite directions. I looked up to see Sephirix standing on a sand dune. What was he doing here? He was suppose to be stopping Vanitas! I stopped as a familiar scent filled my nostrils. It was coming from Sephirix. That was when I figured it out. “What the hell Sephirix?” Xoncron muttered as he stood up. “Are you in on this too? Did you help Rixec kill those villagers?” “Sephirix” gave a hollow laugh as he said, “Not very bright, are you?” “You’re not Sephirix,” I said. “Pardon,” he frowned. “The smell,” I said. “That strong, gut-wrenching smell, only one person could give off such a stench, unless there was another.” I glanced over at Xoncron as I said, “Let me guess, you have a Replica.” Xoncron blinked in surprise as he said, “Yeah, I tried to tell you guys last time we met. But what does that have to do with… transformation.” “And the Einsteins finally understand,” the Replica said as it transformed into me, giving off an evil smile before turning into Xoncron. “So, what smell?” “Xon wears some kind of deodorant or cologne and I could never stand the smell of it,” I said. “And you give off the same scent. Not even you could hide that?” “I think you just insulted me,” Xoncron glared. “Not the time,” I said. “I bet this is the guy that killed those villagers you saw.” “Yeah, I guess so. And he was the one who placed the cameras and microphones in you, not me!” he yelled. “Fine, we’re both at fault,” I sighed. “Now let’s kick his @ss.” Sephirix When I arrived at the Keyblade Graveyard, I ran into Vain. Figures Vanitas would be too cowardly to face me himself. “So, are you really gonna try to get by me?” Vain smirked. “I think you and I know there’s only one way to fight,” I said as I cracked my knuckles. Vain called out his Keyblade and flew over at me. I pulled out my guns and fired twice; Vain knocked one aside but the other managed to hit him in the shoulder. In his moment of weakness I called out my Keyblade and threw it at him. The spinning blade struck him in the chest and he started to fall; Vain regained his composure though and was flying again within seconds. He flew downward and I made haste. I wasn’t going to let him get away; couldn’t risk fighting him and Vanitas. When I landed amongst the old Keyblades I scanned the area, but I couldn’t find Vain. Suddenly, I felt something ram up against me and I fell on my face. I glanced over my shoulder to see a monster truck had run me over. And the one driving it was Vain. “Just where the hell did you get a monster truck?” I exclaimed “I know people,” Vain smirked as he hopped down and started laughing off to the side. Just far enough away for me to do this! I pressed a button and watched as a missile flew through the sky and landed on top of Vain. As he groaned from the impact of the metal on his skull I pulled myself out and passed by him while saying, “Whooooshh mushroom cloud whoooosh....” This was the closest I could do to firing a nuke at him; by launching a dud! Still, it had good results. Vain started to stand up but I ran at him and threw my fist at him. “Take this you son of a b!tch!” I yelled slowly. “Don’t talk that way about my mother!” Vain replied slowly as the fist connected and knocked him out. Satisfied with the results, I hopped on my bike and drove up a high ledge. I looked out and saw Vanitas with Sora. I called out One-Winged Angel as I hopped off my bike and leapt off the ledge. “Vanitas!” I yelled as I flew at him and knocked him on the head with the side of my Keyblade. He crumpled to the ground and I grinned. “Sephirix!” Sora exclaimed. “No thanks are needed Sora,” I said as I slung Vanitas over my shoulder. “Wait, you don’t understand!” Sora started to say but then I found myself teleported back to SOLDIER HQ. “Well done,” Avon said as Nita and Anders took Vanitas from me. “Lock him up in chains for the moment. Don’t want to take any risks.” “Glad I could help,” I muttered. Avon placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “You did good, but we have another problem. It appears Xoncron has a Replica.” “You know, I’m beginning to think he’s more trouble than he’s worth,” I said.
  8. Rixec When I had arrived in Agrabah earlier that day I wish somebody had told me the hells I’d be going through. Finding the chamber was easy enough. Within thirty minutes of landing I had managed to find the mouth of the cave buried in the sand. I peered into the darkness and licked my lips as I wondered what would be awaiting me down there. I called out Oblivion and walked into the darkness. The cave was surprisingly damp for a desert cave, but it meant there was water down here. That would be a good thing to know. “Turn back,” Chernabog said. I looked around, trying to find the Disney devil. But there was neither hide nor hair of him. “Where are you?” I asked. “Leave now before you regret it,” Chernabog told me A sly smile spread across my face as realization hit me. “Not even you can enter here, can you?” I asked. I was answered with silence and I knew I had just p!ssed Chernabog off badly. “I’m not going anywhere,” I told him, knowing he could hear me. “Lexa is counting on me and I’m not gonna let her down.” “I may not be able to enter the chamber or stop you, but I can cause enough mayhem from a distance to make you turn back.” I heard a booming crash and rocks started to fall down from the ceiling. Small ones, slowly, at first. But then larger ones started to come down at a much faster rate. I yelped as I sliced one rock with Oblivion and started running. Chernabog wasn’t kidding when he wanted to stop me, but why would he? Why did it matter to him if I got the heart essence? I glanced behind me and my jaw dropped at the sight of the rocks starting to form together into one large rock dragon. Two small holes in its head started to glow yellow and the mouth started to slowly breathe in and out, the traces of boiling mud dripping onto the floor. I sprinted down the tunnel as the dragon reared its head back and sent out a wave of the boiling mud, which was flowing down the tunnel quite easily due to the downward slant. I could hear the sizzle of melting rock as the whooshing sound drew closer to me. “Blizzaga!” I yelled as I pointed Oblivion behind me as I ran. A blast of ice shot out at the mud but it was disintegrated by the mud within seconds. It was too hot to put out and I couldn’t let it catch me! I felt a drop of water hit me on the head as I ran and I looked up to the ceiling. I summoned ball of light and saw trickles of water on the ceiling. There must have been an excessive amount of water up above! I bit my lip as I considered a new idea. If I miscalculated by the smallest margin I would end up dead anyway. Oh well; at least that would be less painful than boiling mud. I called out Lost Memory and pointed my two weapons up at the ceiling and yelled, “Thundaga!” I heard a boom of thunder and I saw large cracks appear above me, water starting to shoot out. Within seconds, the ceiling collapsed and it seemed as if an entire river had just been dropped on me. For all I knew, that was the case. I swallowed a lot of water from the sudden impact, the speed sending me down the tunnel. I glanced back to see the mud slowing down, the boiling bubbles dying away. Thirty seconds passed and I was having trouble breathing. I wasn’t that good at holding my breath and it was starting to get to me. At a sudden turn in the tunnel I was thrown against a wall before being sent in a new direction. At the one minute mark I was frantically trying to find a way out. I was gonna drown at this rate! You should have listened, “Chernabog said. “The moment you entered that tunnel your healing power became null and void. When your lungs burst your body shall be left down there, never to rise again. I had such high hopes for you. I’ll have to find someone else to do my dirty work. Perhaps Vanitas or Sephirix if I awaken their dear Lexa…” I felt my anger boil as Chernabog dared to suggest messing with my friends. I was not going to let that happen. Gripping my Keyblades I struck the ground and felt the metal tearing through the earth as the water pushed me along. I focused all of my concentration into my light and into the magic of fire. I had no idea how many minutes had passed now, but I was in danger of blacking out, I could tell that much. I opened my eyes, my determination flowing faster than the water. I yelled out, bubbles escaping my mouth. Fire and light erupted from the ends of my Keyblades and the combined heat and light blinded me as the water around me started to grow hot. I cried out as the explosion went off and I suddenly found myself crashing onto the floor, soaking wet. I coughed loudly as a large amount of mud fell on top of me. At least the water had managed to cool it off. I groggily stood up as I wiped the mud off the top of my head. I looked out to see three new tunnels before me, and I found myself in one of the chamber’s trials. There was only suppose to be one way, but it was forcing me to find the way in one go. I could sense death coming from two of those two tunnels, but I had no idea which two. I placed my Keyblades down and sat down myself, crossing my legs. I had to think this over if I was to save Lexa. I closed my eyes and tried to figure out which way I had to go. I couldn’t simply turn back if I went down the wrong one. This was do or die. “Poor little boy,” a familiar voice laughed. “Xero,” I muttered. It was okay though; she couldn’t possibly enter the caves. “Listen little Bringer of Light,” she said, her voice harsher now, “I know what you’re up to. Chernabog was kind enough to inform me.” “And what did you give him?” I asked. “Nothing; see Rixec, when you’re on the right side things are so much easier. If you leave now that little deal of yours can be gone in an instant. I promise you that,” Xero explained giddily. I opened my eyes at the thought of breaking out of my deal with Chernabog. It was a moment of weakness, yes, I admit it. But a few moments later when I had calmed myself I knew I had to keep going. “I’m still going you stupid child,” I said casually. The silence around me was louder than when Xero spoke up a few seconds later. “CHILD?! You insolent boy! The darkness that empowers me is far older than one such as you! Not even Xehanort can call himself an adult when compared with me! You want to play hero? Fine; it’ll pleasure me to take you and Lexa out in one go. I have no need of you in the future anyway. Xoncron or Vanitas though…” I stood up as I looked down the tunnels, trying to decide where to go. That was when I heard the rumble. I looked down at the ground to see darkness seething out and crawling toward my feet. I watched as it started to form into hands, arms appearing moments later. When the darkness emerged it was in the shapes of Lexa, Sephirix, and Riku. Why him though, I wondered. All three Shadow figures summoned dark Keyblades and pointed them at me. I summoned my Keyblades to my hands and charged at the three of them I clashed with Riku and Sephirix, but Lexa was leaping over me and thrusting her Keyblade at me. I shot my head back, the tip f her weapon grazing my nose. “Light!” I yelled as two bullets of light shot out of my Keyblades and hit Riku and Sephirix in the head. I watched as the two stumbled back as I turned to face Lexa. Black fire erupted from her Keyblade and the flames were coming right at me. I cast a spell of my own and a fountain of water appeared around me, the fire dying out on impact. But then I felt a blast of electricity flow through the water and shock me. As I fell to one knee as the water fell I saw Riku and Sephirix, the bullet wounds to their heads being healed by shadows. This wasn’t good. I wasn’t in any shape to take on the three of them. I glanced at the tunnels behind Riku and Sephirix and knew I was going to have to make a choice now. I struck the ground with my Keybaldes and light erupted, the three shadow warriors screeching as the light made them explode. But I saw that they were already starting to reform themselves. With no hesitation I jumped into the middle tunnel. I heard a large slam and when I looked behind me I saw a stone door was covering the exit. That was never a good thing. A light appeared above me and I found myself in a smoothed out section, a pillar of light standing before me. A voice spoke out, “Bringer of Light, you have chosen the path that brings death.” “Tch!” I muttered as I looked ahead. That light pillar did not bring friendly feelings. “Then why am I still alive?” “Because there is still a choice to be made,” the voice said. “Turn back now, never to return, and you can live. Choose otherwise, and the light shall test you. If there had ever been any wavering in your light, then you shall die.” I froze as those words echo across my heart. I couldn’t deny it; there had been several times my heart wavered. The time I asked Sephiroth to attack Lexa, the time I could summon heartless, Sephirix, my deal with Chernabog, and so many others. To enter that light would be a death sentence. If I turned back now, then maybe we could still find a way to save Lexa. I didn’t have to die meaninglessly. Before I could speak I found myself choking. No, my heart said. That wasn’t the way. Running from myself was never the way. I was the Bringer of Light and must continue to be until I no longer was. Even if I had to die. I looked at the pillar of light and calmed myself. I called out, “If I die, what becomes of the light within me?” The voice seemed startled, as if it hadn’t expected this. After a few moments, it said, “A new Bringer of Light shall be born. One you can fulfill his duty and bear the light.” I looked over at the pillar of light one last time and breathed in and out. I had to face my light. I knew I would die upon entering; there was no avoiding death. But at least somebody else could continue my duty. Maybe they could still save Lexa. If I poured my wish into my light as I died, he or she might know what to do. “I’m ready,” I said as I took a step forward, followed by another. The pillar seemed to echo death across the room as I drew closer but I was no longer afraid. This is what I was meant to do. I would fulfill my duty as the Bringer of Light. I stepped into the light and I gasped out as I felt my light ripped out of my body, being sucked up by the pillar. But even as I felt darkness flow over me, as my heart started to slow down, I laughed. I could feel that the Bringer of Light would be far more powerful and with that, I could live with it. I closed my eyes as I died. Sephirix Sora and I were having a chat about Vanitas in a cave somewhere in Neverland. “I have to go rescue Kairi,” Sora insisted. “Do that and you’ll be walking into Vanitas’s trap,” I said as I tried to convince him not to go. “Just tell me where you’re supposed to go and I’ll do it.” “If I don’t go who knows what he’ll do to her,” Sora muttered. It was true; none of us knew what Vanitas was capable of now. We didn’t know what he would do for Lexa. He could have very well killed her already. I doubted it, but he was possibly capable of it. “This is my fault Sora,” I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder. “So let me fix it.” Sora smiled at me and placed his hand on mine. “Thanks. All right, he’s at Twilight Town.” “I’ll be back with your girl in a flash,” I said as I ran out of the cave and hopped on my bike. I drove off as black feathers started to swarm around me. But they didn’t teleport me as they usually do. I skidded to a stop quite a distance from the cave. I watched as Sora flew off in the Gummi Ship. Figures he wouldn’t want to rick me or put ma and Vanitas in a fight given our connections. But I had to protect him. Based on his direction, I could narrow down where Vanitas was now and hopefully catch up with Sora and save Kairi. I started up my bike again and drove off as I teleported off Neverland. Rixec I opened my eyes as I woke up in the same room, feeling better than ever. “What?” I said as I stood up. “You have done what no other Bringer of Light who has come here has done before,” the voice said. “You faced your light despite the times you’ve fallen. Those who fled only continued to fall into darkness until there was nothing left. But you who chose to embrace the light died and thus reborn in the light. The darkness of your past has been erased, making you a new Bringer of Light.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but it was true. I was about as pure of darkness since I came to this universe. But there was one problem still. “The deal made with Chernabog could not be erased so easily,” the voice said. “He won’t be able to force you to commit terrible acts but others can still be done. You must find a way to break his hold.” “I will,” I promised as the door opened up in front of me. I looked down to see the true chamber that held the heart essence. The chamber was a light blue; crystals decorated the walls, giving off a tranquil light. In the center was a vial filled with a pink light. That was it. That was the heart essence. We could save Lexa. I slowly walked down the stairs as I started to tear up. Chernabog, Xero, and the trials were unable to stop me. I had done it. But then I watched as a figure appeared out of thin air and stood between me and the vial. He was eight feet tall with long, black hair and red eyes. He was bulging with muscles and he wore a sleeveless, tight born shirt and tight white pants. He held a large sword between his hands, pointing at the ground. It was all silver and twice as long as any Keyblade and twice as wide. “I am Umbra,” the man said. “Do we have to fight?” I asked. “Even for the Bringer of Light the heart essence is very powerful and cannot risk falling into the wrong hands. That is what I am here for,” Umbra said as he raised his sword up. “I am your shadow, the shadow casted by your light. If you can best me than you have earned the heart essence.” “I’d rather avoid a fight,” I said as I called out my Keyblades, “but it appears we have to do this.” The two of us stood there a few moments as the mood settled. A water drop fell from above and hit the ground. Umbra leapt forward but I summoned the power of the wind to create a barrier between us. Umbra was pushed back by the wind but he flipped himself through the air and landed on his feet. “Impressive,” he said. “But you’ll have to be better.” I shivered as a blizzard appeared and snow and ice started to fly around the chamber. I closed my eyes at first due to the intense storm but a moment later I realized that was a mistake and looked up in time to see Umbra up in the air and falling toward me. Jumped back as he struck the ground, his strength creating a small earthquake. I stumbled back and hit the wall, but I was ready to fight back. I threw Oblivion up into the storm and watched as fire rings erupted from it and started to merge with the snow and ice. Water fell to the ground as the storm died. “Excellent,” Umbra said as shadows appeared behind him and fired at me. I summoned my light and blocked the shadows. I yelled as the light formed into orbs around the shadows and heard them die out in my light. “Now take this!” Umbra cried as a large shadow wave appeared behind him and started to crash down. “Take in the darkness,” I said as I raised Lost Memory, “and return it to light!” I slashed at the dark wave as it came down upon me and split it in two, the two halves turning into light which evaporated seconds later. I fired a sonic blast at Umbra and sent him flying before the alter that held the vial. I leapt into the air as I roared. I readied my Keyblade for the final strike to claim the heart essence. I had done it. I had conquered everything. Lexa could be saved. And then the last hell came at me. And won. “RIXEC!” Xoncron cried as he slammed into me on his glider. He carried us to the far wall and slammed us into it. As it did, I heard a shatter and my heart fell. No, please don’t. Not that. I looked behind Xoncron to see the vial that held the heart essence had fallen. I watched as the pink light turned black and died away. Without a heart to contain it there was no way for it to live. Xoncron grabbed me by the shoulders and held me up to the wall. “Why Rixec?! Why did you do it?!” he yelled. “Why did you kill those people?!” A moment later, Xoncron was blown away from me and I fell to the ground. I looked to see Umbra glaring at Xoncron. “Villain! You have trespassed on sacred ground and destroyed one of the greatest and purest treasures there is!” “What? But I just saved – agh!” Xoncron yelled as he clutched his side. “The darkness in you is eating away at you now, killing you. Soon, the darkness shall emerge and take on a new form,” Umbra scoffed. I paled up at those words. If something like that happened than Norcnox could be… I leapt to my feet and ran over toward Xoncron. A shadow wall appeared in front of me and I glared at Umbra. “Not the time dude!” I yelled. “He must be punished for his crimes,” Umbra said. “We’re all gonna feel that if his dark side gets loose!” I argued as I called out my Keybaldes. A shadow fist came out of the wall and hit me in the stomach. I was thrown back and hit the wall. I looked up at Umbra and then at Xoncron. Despite what he had done – and whatever state his mind was in for thinking I had killed – I couldn’t let him die. And not just because Norcnox would escape. I got to my feet and glared at Umbra as my light formed around me. “Let’s finish this,” I said.
  9. Rixec “We gotta stop Vanitas,” I said when we all came together. I, Sephirix, Avon, Nita, and Anders sat around a table in a small room with a single, dimmed, lightbulb. I don’t know what SOLDIER”S thing with lights is, but I had to admit it created a mood. “No duh Captain Obvious,” Sephirix said, “but we still have to help Lexa. And you’re gonna help!” “I don’t even know what the hell is happening with her,” I countered. “How can I do anything that can help her?” “Because you’re the Binger of Light,” Avon said. “And one of the most powerful warriors in the universe, I might add.” “Have you met me?” I scoffed. “Give it time,” Avon smiled. “You should hurry and get to the point Avon,” Anders said, agitated. “I don’t like how we’re deviating from our mission.” “What does that mean?” Sephirix asked. “Don’t mind him for now,” Nita said. “Saving M – uh Lexa, is what’s most important.” “Of course it is,” Sephirix gritted. “Then what am I suppose to do?” I asked, exhausted. “You have to go to Agrabah,” Avon explained. “There is a special chamber, a hidden chamber that contains a substance known as heart essence.” “Heart essence?” I said, an eyebrow cocked. “The source that gives a heart life, gives it emotion, gives it power,” Avon explained to me. “The amount we have naturally is decided at birth; usually it the reason those with Keyblades are chosen. Usually.” “Then what’s it doing in Agrabah?” I asked. “This is pure, unadulterated heart essence,” Avon went on. “Born not of people but of the very universe itself. So that makes it very powerful. So it was sealed away to protect it, with many dangers along the way to protect it.” “So how does being the Bringer of Light help?” I asked. “Only the one who is the Bringer may safely enter the Chamber directly. “Otherwise, terrible fates await those who do. They tend to vary, but none of them are ever seen again,” Avon said gravely. “But just because you can enter doesn’t mean you are exempt from the dangers within.” “OK, I got all that down,” I said. “But one more thing: how do you know all this?” Avon bit her lip and – even though I couldn’t see her eyes through her mask – I could tell she was shifting them from Nita to Anders, who nodded at her. She stood up and walked across the room and pressed her hand on the wall. Light appeared in the shape of a square and I watched as a hidden compartment opened up. She reached in and took something out. She closed the door closed. She came back to the table and placed the object on the table. I recognized it immediately. It was the book she took from our house before Xero destroyed it. “So that’s what that book was about,” I muttered. “It is only one of the things this book mentions,” Nita explained. “The information in here in unbelievable; which is why we had to obtain it before someone like Xero did.” “What else is in there?” Sephirix asked as he leaned closer. Anders slammed his hand on top of the book and drew it closer to him. “Sorry; SOLDIER privileges only,” he said. “Seriously, kid,” Sephirix said as he slowly rose to his feet. “If there’s stuff in there that can help us then by God we’ll look at it!” “All right,” I sighed. “I’ll go to this chamber of yours. Where is it?” “Hold on,” Avon said as she walked over to me and placed a hand on my head. “This might sting.” I felt a wave of images flow into my head, maps, locations, darkness, and – wait, was that myself? And what was with that evil smile? I gasped loudly as the images stopped. “I know where to go,” I muttered. “Then hurry up!” Sephirix snapped. “There’s still the Vanitas matter,” Nita said. “I’ll deal with him,” Sephirix said. “Without killing him,” Anders added. “He’ll be going after Sora,” Avon said. “Sora is currently at Neverland.” “Then that’s where I’ll go,” Sephirix nodded. Sephirix Rixec and I stood side by side as we exited SOLDIER HQ. We didn’t say a word to each other as we walked, concerned about what we were supposed to do. “I think we should see Xon,” Rixec said. “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said, wincing at the thought of what he did to them. “I know, but I feel like I owe it to him,” Rixec sighed. “Yeah, well, do it after we save Lexa and Sora,” I told him. “We don’t have time to smell the roses.” “You’re right,” Rixec said as he summoned his Glider. “See you later.” I watched as Rixec took off, hoping he and Lexa would be OK. For now, I had to stop a very emo lover boy. “Neverland,” I repeated as I hopped on my bike. I started the engine and drove as a swarm of black feathers surrounded me. Within moments, I found myself on Neverland. I looked up to see Peter Pan flying by. I waved at him to talk so we could about Sora. Hopefully, I hadn’t missed Sora.
  10. Rixec “I hate you,” Vanitas said. “Don’t,” I sighed, “don’t go there now.” “Bad enough that Lexa up and vanished after what Sephirix did, but after we find out Xoncron screwed us over you decide to bring us here and look what happens the minute we get here!” I’ll admit having the two of us hanging upside-down over a large pit of poisonous spider-rats – I’m still wondering who came up with those – was not what I was expecting to happen the minute we landed. “So our guests have arrived,” Saix said as he walked up to us. “If this is how you treat your guests, I hate to see what you’d do to your enemies,” I said. “If Xoncron comes around – and if you’re still alive – we’ll show you,” Saix said. “I’d like that. I really would,” Vanitas said. “Not the time,” I said. “Look, we didn’t come to cause any trouble.” “I know you are here on Chernabog’s bidding,” Saix said. “But we want to know why. What is he planning?” “Hell if I know,” I shrugged. “That is unfortunate,” Saix said as he pressed a button and we found ourselves being lowered, the spider-rats snapping their fangs at us, their hairy legs stomping fairly quickly. “Why lower us in slowly?” I asked. “Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just throw us in?” I asked. “Shut up!” Vanitas exclaimed. “Because maybe your master will show up to save you,” Saix answered. “We don’t need any saving,” I huffed. “Uh, yes, we could,” Vanitas glared. “Are you suicidal or something today?” “No,” I answered a few feet above the spider-rats. “I just wanted to wait long enough to do this.” I started to glow with light and a few seconds later a wave of light exploded from me and washed over the spider-rats, turning them into ashes. The chains holding us weakened and we were able to break free and land in the empty pit safely. “You mean you could have done that all along?” Vanitas asked angrily. “Oh no, not anytime,” I answered as I called out my Keyblades. “Only when it’s most dramatic.” Vanitas grunted at me as he called out his Keyblade and we pointed them at Saix. Saix jumped into the pit and brought out his weapon. “Then I will slowly peel the skin off your flesh myself until you or your master answers me,” he said. “Not today!” I said as I jumped up out of the pit. “Hold him there for a few minutes Vani,” I said as I ran off. “I’m gonna kill you when I kill Sephirix Rixec!” I heard Vanitas roar. I turned down a corner and ran out the door. I stood atop the castle and was now in the right spot to work. I held my hands out and began to draw in the light. Particles appeared before me and started slowly moving toward my hands, being absorbed into my flesh. As I did, the world grew paler in color – like it wasn’t pale enough already – and I was done only after a couple minutes. There wasn’t much light here. “Good,” Chernabog said. “Now you must travel to Wonderland.” I was starting to get annoyed with Chernabog. I had my own life to lead to after all. “You,” Vanitas growled as he came over to me. “I should kill you now for leaving me.” “Like you couldn’t handle Saix,” I laughed. “Not the point,” Vanitas said. “Well, we’re done here,” I said. “So let’s go.” Sephirix I landed on The World That Never was and noticed it was paler than usual. I could barely sense any light in this place at all. Just what had the Organization done to this place? A group of Nobodies appeared around me and I sighed. I was on an important mission. I didn’t have time to play. I pulled out my guns and started shooting, trying to end this as fast as possible. I watched as the bullets penetrated their empty skulls, their limbs being torn off their bodies. After a couple minutes I was the only one standing. I put my guns up and started walking down the street when I saw Rixec and Vanitas coming up. “Yo!” I said. “Sephirix!” Rixec cried. “Kadaj,” Vanitas mumbled. “Seriously, you want to go at it now?” I growled as we grouped up. “Not now,” Rixec said. “We have to move before the whole Organization catches us.” “Better them than Xon,” Vanitas puffed. “What are you talking about?” I asked. Rixec quickly filled me in on the situation. “HE DID WHAT?!” I roared. “I know, right?” Vanitas said. “We’ll deal with him later,” Rixec said. “Right,” I said. “I gotta get you to Lexa.” Vanitas grabbed my collar and yelled, “What did you do?!” “You can see for yourself when we get to SOLDIER HQ,” I gritted. “Stop this, now,” Rixec said and Vanitas let go but was still asking what I did. “Wait,” I said, interrupting him. “Did you hear something?” We all turned around the corner and ended up pointing our weapons right at Xoncron. “Rixec! Sephirix! Vanitas!” he exclaimed. “Boy am I glad t see you guys!” “Let’s kill him!” I said. “Finally something you and I agree on,” Vanitas nodded. “I got better things to do but what the hell? I’m sure the three of us can make a damn good mob,” Rixec sighed.
  11. Sephirix “Lexa! Lexa” I cried helplessly. Avon ran in and held her hands up to her mouth. “No… this isn’t how it’s suppose to go… get her on heart support – now!” Two knights ran in and took Lexa from me. I watched as they placed her on a bed and hooked her up to a strange machine with a pink crystal in it. “This’ll keep her together until we can fix her heart,” Avon said. “How can I help?” I asked as I jumped to my feet. “It won’t be easy,” Avon mumbled. “You’ll have to go talk with the old man. With Rixec.” Rixec Vanitas held on to me as we went through the lanes between. “Where is SOLDIER?” Vanitas asked. “That’s gotta be where she is!” “Like I know,” I said as we flew by Traverse Town. “It could be anywhere.” “Can’t your buddy help you?” Vanitas asked. “Chernabog is the nicest guy,” I said sarcastically. “He’ll help if we ask.” “Okay, okay,” Vanitas sighed, frustrated. “Rixec, go to the World That Never Was,” Chernabog said. “Speak of the devil,” I muttered as I found myself going toward that dangerous world.
  12. Rixec I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He made the plans because of the time I needed to make sure Vanitas was on our side? Wait, no, that couldn’t be right. That happened LONG BEFORE we even knew about the contingency plans, and when Vanitas figured out about the attack Xoncron was shocked for it to be suggested, much less be true. So, unless… I glared at Xoncron who paled up, just realizing he said something he shouldn’t have said. “You didn’t know until like, what, a week ago? Those contingency plans were made long before hand,” I said. “So, if you made those in response to the time I needed to check up on Vanitas then that means… you’ve been lying to us.” Before Xoncron could react I cast a time spell to stop him in his tracks for just a minute. It was all I needed to search him. After rummaging through his pockets I found a small screen and touched the buttons on it to find what I was looking for. A video of me and Sephiroth came up and I heard myself say, “’Sephiroth? Can I ask a favor?’” I fast forwarded and saw me and Sephiroth on the Grid and when then to the point where the two of us fused. That’s when the feed was cut off and didn’t start up again until we split into three. But that wasn’t the end of it. There were things where I was nowhere near on here. “’Son of a b!tch,” Lexa said. “Oh, I’ve managed to mess everything up again.’” It wasn’t just me, it was everyone! I went through it and even found videos of Vanitas and William. Nothing on Sephirix, but I bet Xoncron was never able to get near him. It looked like Xoncron tagged us not long after we met up again when I stopped being a Nobody. He had captured us during everything since! There were even videos of us bathing for crying out loud! This was a ^&*%ing crime for Nomura’s sake! I started searching my body and found what I was looking for. On the side of my neck I felt a lump so I used my magic to make a cut and pulled out a small video and microphone. Son of a b!tch; he put it under our skin. The magic wore off and Xoncron knew he was in trouble. “It’s not like that…,” he started to stay before I did what no man should ever do to another man. I kicked him HARD in the groin. Xoncron gasped out as his hands shot in between his legs and he fell to the ground. “How could you? Contingency plans because of what I did?” I gritted. “We should have started making one for you ourselves! This is a crime Xon! Why?!” “I – I,” he wheezed, “needed to keep an eye on everybody, make sure we could find each other again if something happened.” “Then what about when Sephirix took Lexa?” I asked. “The feed was being disrupted,” Xoncron groaned. “Probably because of wherever Sephirix took Lexa or maybe because of him himself. I’m not sure.” “I may have crossed a line,” I said, “but I needed to know about Vanitas. You crossed the line long before that when you stuck THESE inside us!” I threw the camera and microphone at him and said, “I’m done with your games Xoncron. You invaded us. Well, I’m done.” I destroyed the screen and walked off in fury. After everything we’d been through Xoncron had been working against us all along. Well, enough was enough. Xoncron had been lying to us nearly from the start. How could I stick around with him doing things like this? I walked to Vanitas’s room and woke him up. “Ah!” he exclaimed. “Rixec – ow – what are you…” “Listen,” I said as I raised hand. “There’s something you need to know about Xoncron.” As I said this I examined Vanitas and found what I needed. I made the cut – which startled him and pulled out the camera and microphone. “What is that?” Vanitas groaned. “Xoncron,” I said.
  13. Sephirix It felt like the world had ended right there. Screw whatever Norcnox or Xero or the damn Organization had done or planned. Nothing compared with that one word Lexa just said. A flash of images filled my mind, the memories we’d all made together, my feelings for Lexa, the knowledge I had about Sephiroth. It occurred to me that there was no longer any reason to keep this going. All I was to her and everyone else is Sephiroth. Why keep fighting when there was no one to fight for or with? That was something Sephiroth never understood. And if that was the case, then I could at least stop from being like that at least. Unable to stay anything to Lexa, I just clenched my fists tightly, as the image of what Sephiroth truly was filled my mind. I wouldn’t let it be so. I raised my hand up and summoned One-Winged Angel. Lexa just puffed out her chest, expecting a fight, confident that she was right about who I was. Maybe she was, but I wouldn’t let it be. “Do it…,” a sinister, feminine voice whispered in my mind. “You're gonna regret that comment...,” I said as I turned my Keyblade around and thrust it into my chest, the tip coming out of my back. I saw the look on Lexa’s face as blood quickly poured down my front and back. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Lexa roared as she raised her hands to the sides of her face, sheer horror plastered on her. “Ending... everything...,” I muttered as I fell to the ground, my Keyblade disappearing from my chest. Everything was starting to go dark. The last thing I could see was Lexa standing where she was, unable to move. Rixec “Gah!” I cried out as I fell to my knees. No, it couldn’t be. That word couldn’t have been spoken. Things couldn’t – didn’t – get that bad. But I felt the pain in his mind, and what he did after that. Avon was right. Why didn’t I listen? Why didn’t I warn them? Why did I put so much trust… in my friends? “Seph…,” I whispered. “What’s wrong?!” Vanitas cried as he knelt down toward me. How could I tell him? How could I break it to him that Lexa just as well did the equivalent of killing Sephirix? “Sephirix's trigger word was activated, something I learned recently,” I explained as I remembered the conversation I just had with Avon. I was sweating heavily; despite our differences Sephirix and I still had a strong bond and I could feel what was done to him. “WHAT DID HE DO?!” Vanitas roared, actually having concern for Sephirix now. “Stabbed himself...,” I said as I looked up to the sky, dark clouds forming. “Chernabog!” Vanitas barked out at the sight of the Disney Devil as he appeared before us, his arms crossed and a bored look on his face. “Let us in!” I cried out. For some reason, he did. Chernabog raised a finger and the dome shattered to pieces that slowly evaporated into nothingness. I saw Lexa standing frozen in one spot and Sephirix was bleeding out on the ground, his eyes barely opened. I rushed over to Sephirix and got on my knees as I cradled him. Vanitas had gone to Lexa though and grabbed her by the shoulder. “Are you okay?!” he asked her, her skin paler than it had ever been before. She just slowly shook her head as her lips twitched, trying to find the right words. “What have I done?” she said, her voice choked up. “Not you. Xero,” I said as I checked Sephirix’s pulse. Okay, not true. She did do something but I didn’t want – or need – her blaming herself. Especially in a time like this! Avon teleported right before us and looked down worriedly at Sephirix. “I warned you,” she said as she bowed her head. “What?!” Lexa cried, confused. “Alright, you all better explain what the hell is going on!” Vanitas exclaimed as he glared at Avon. “Like I told him, Xero placed a trigger word in Sephirix so that when ‘Sephiroth’ was said with full meaning at him he would end himself,” Avon explained. “She did it recently, after she found out what he did with you,” I said, remembering what Avon told me in the caves, as I pressed down on Sephirix’s wound, casting healing spells that seemed ineffective. “So, Sephirix is going to-?” Lexa said in horror as she covered her mouth. “Not if I take him with me,” Avon said as she ran over to me and Sephirix. “And why should we let that happen?!” I glared. I know she warned me, but I still didn’t know who this Avon girl really was. Whose side was she on? “If he's going anywhere, I'm going to,” Lexa said as she stepped toward us. “What?!” Vanitas cried, rooted where he was. “That is not happening,” Avon said scornfully as she snapped her fingers. And just like that, Sephirix teleported right out of my arms. “Hey!” I cried as I jumped to my feet. “No!” Lexa yelled. Lexa and I were running straight for Avon. We both jumped at the same time but before we could get to her she teleported away. The two of us crashed into each other and hit the ground. We moaned as Vanitas ran to us and helped Lexa to her feet. “:.....I take it we're going after her?” he said. “No need to. Chernabog, take us to her,” I demanded of him. Chernabog looked down at me and said, “No.” “What?!” I cried. “I'm not here to do as you ask. You belong to me,” he explained. “I will have a mission for you soon so be prepared.” And with that he teleported away, leaving us alone. “Well,” Vanitas said. “^&*%!” I swore. Lexa bowed her head and muttered, “.....This is all my fault. Every single bit of it.” “It was Xero. She played us all. She knew how you would react to this and used it,” I said. I had to keep her calm. No way we could have Lexa overreact now of all times. “And who's fault is it for Xero, Rixec?” she glared at me. “I can take my share of blame in this,” Vanitas offered. “Mine,” I answered Lexa. “For not stopping her when I had the chance.” “Wrong,” Lexa scowled at me. “It was mine for creating her in the first place.” Vanitas was unable to find the right words to comfort Lexa, so he remained silent. “I knew she was trouble. All this time during the truce I knew she was up to something. And I didn't end her,” I said as I clenched my fist. “...you know, by technicality, I wasn't covered by that treaty. I could have struck her down as well,” Vanitas whispered. “This is getting us nowhere. Let's group back up with Xon and talk this over,” I said as I summoned my Glider. “WHAT PART OF ‘THIS IS MY FAULT’ DO NONE OF YOU GET?! I TRIGGERED SEPHIRIX TO GO PSYCHO, I CREATED XERO, I MADE US ALL ENTER THIS REALM, I-,” Lexa roared as I walked up to her and slapped her right across the face, knocking her to the ground.
  14. Sephirix For a moment, I hesitated in shooting Vanitas. I should have done it sooner, or maybe not even attempt it at all. Because when Rixec suddenly jumped in between us the shock caused me to pull the trigger. BANG! Vanitas and I watched with horror as the bullet plunged its way into Rixec’s chest, just below his heart. Blood was pouring out of it much faster than the hole in Vanitas. Rixec gasped out, struggling to stay on his feet. After a few seconds though he fell to one knee, clutching his chest, breathing slowly. I dropped my gun to the ground, too stunned to do or say anything. Vanitas was also gaping at Rixec, reaching one hand out to him, despite his own pain. “Why? Why did you-?” he asked. Rixec kept his head down, his fingers soaked in the crimson blood, slowly dripping off them.”To save… you…” Rixec couldn’t hold himself – even on his knees – any longer. He fell onto his side crying out from the pain. “…both,” he finished. To save us both. I gawked at him, unsure of what to do. Why would Rixec go so far for us? The two us of weren’t exactly the kind of guys Rixec put his full trust into. So why? “What?!” Vanitas exclaimed as he stood up, slowly walking toward Rixec. Over to the side, Lexa was looking at us; I could see the confusion on her face as she wondered wha the hell was going on. I also saw the concern she had for Rixec, lying in a pool of his own blood. “Dammit Rixec!” I yelled, the words finally pouring out. “Why didn't you stay out of this?!” Rixec just gave us a soft laugh and said, “Got nothing... else... better to... do...” Vanitas raised his eyes up to me, filled not with hatred but with disappointment. It was like he was looking at me not as an enemy, but as a lost ally. “I hope you are satisfied, Sephirix. You finally get the girl of your dreams. When he and I perish, the only ones you will have to worry about are Xon, the Organization and Xero. Do you feel content?” he asked me. I was unsure how to respond so I just stayed silent as I looked down at Rixec. I knelt down and placed my hands against his wound, trying to keep the blood in. Rixec sighed, his face paler now. He looked up at Vanitas and said, “Hey now... don't kill me off... yet...” Vanitas fell to his knees, holding his own wound as he looked at Rixec. “Still hanging in there?” he asked. I didn’t like the sound of those words. They sounded like something a villain would say when the hero is still alive after a near fatal wound. “It actually sounds like you're the one who wants him to die,” I said. Rixec chuckled before it was cut off by a gasp. “Have to agree… with him there...” Vanitas’s eyes softened as he shook his head. “On the contrary....he's...one of Lexa's best friends...right?...That's...good...enough for me...Sorry for not trusting you before...I've been a fool...” “We've all done foolish things... huh?” Rixec said as his chest moved up and down slowly. “What?!” I exclaimed, unsure of what he was saying. “You've...no idea...” Vanitas said as he struggled to stay on his feet but managed to stand up. “I promised...Lexa, I'd always protect her....If it means I die again in the process, so be it...That promise also extends to those who connect with her heart, except for you....You betrayed Lexa, manipulated her mind, kept her from the world, from her friends, from her light. I swear on my word as Keyblade Bearer, I'm going to keep that promise!” Vanitas raised a hand to his mouth as he started to cough up blood. He couldn’t support himself any longer and fell to the ground. Off to the side, Lexa was still watching us. But something had changed on her face, as if she was thinking about something. Rixec Ah man. This cannot be how I die. Not after everything I’ve been through. There was no way I was meant to die here. I couldn’t. But I could tell not even a Curaga could help with this kind of injury. I needed something… anything… “If you would stop being so melodramatic and let the magic I infused you with do its work,” Chernabog’s vice said in my head. I felt my chest urged itself up and I gasped out from the shock. Both Vanitas and Sephirix were shocked from my actions and backed up a little, unsure of what was happening. I was unsure myself. I slowly stood up as red electricity started to form around my wound. I could feel it charging my blood, replacing what I had lost. I felt my skin starting to stitch itself back together, the pain slowly leaving my body. “Van, you're not in any shape to do the sort...,” I said in reply to what he just said to Sephirix, “but I will be in a few moments, I guess...” “What do you mean?” Sephirix asked. “Don't...I can still...,” Vanitas muttered as he stood up, and summoned Void Gear. “I'll get over it. I've been hurt worse. Much worse.” “Except you didn't recently make a deal with Chernabog,” I said as my wound healed completely, “who apparently gave me healing in addition to everything else for my soul.” “You did what?!” Sephirix roared, unsure if he heard me right. “YOU DID WHAT?!” Vanitas roared, as if he thought I was incapable of such a thing. I noticed he was casting some slow healing spells to stop his wound. “Long story short, Xon and I were dying,” I said to them. “I'm gonna need more than that,” Sephirix said. “For the first time, Idiot over there is talking sense,” Vanitas agreed as Sephirix glared at him. “Xero collapsed the house on us and we got hurt badly, Xon worse than me. He was far closer to death but I wasn't doing so well either; broke my own arm trying to get out. Anyway, Chernabog showed up and offered a deal. I accepted,” I explained. “Jesus,” Sephirix whispered. Vantas had a WTF face and he said, “That's commitment. Didn't know you cared that much. Jesus.” “Anyway, back to the main subject...,” I said, “what will you do now Seph? You willing to take me on?” Sephirix just stood there and looked down at the ground. “We can resolve this all if you just give Lexa back,” Vanitas begged, a tear falling down his cheek. “Please...I'll do anything to get her back. Except anything that would hurt her in turn.” Sephirix walked away from us and toward Lexa. He stood there a few moments before speaking. “I... I... need to talk...,” he said before the barrier disappeared and a dark dome surrounded them. “Guess we're finally getting somewhere,” I said, knowing Lexa should be able to save him. “I pray Lexa has some sort of break through,” Vanitas nodded as his wound started to finish healing. I nodded. Everything should be all right. What Avon warned me about shouldn’t happen. There was no way Lexa could possibly let “that” happen. She would surely be calm and rational about this, right? A flash of memories flew through my mind and I gulped. I calmed myself, knowing Lexa’s friendships would always overpower her anger.
  15. Sephirix I wanted to burst into laughter right there; the thought of Vanitas saying something so cheesy was hilarious! But now was not a time to be laughing. I was the only thing between him and Lexa and I knew it was only a matter of time until he said something that jogged her memory. For the moment, we stood where we were, our Keyblades pointed at each other. Typically one would think the first move is the most important and, normally, they would be right. But in a battle like this it was the second move that was most important. In that moment the first attacker would let his opponent know what state of mind he was in and how he was willing to fight. “Lexa,” Vanitas said. “There’s something I need to tell you. I’m…” I had to take the first move, no matter what would happen as a result. I leapt forward and thrust my Keyblade right at Vanitas. Vanitas countered me by swinging his Keyblade up as I got close and pushing my weapon up toward the ceiling. I grunted as the sudden impact tried to force my Keyblade out of my hands but I held on to it tightly, my fingers getting scraped. Blood now covered the handle and I jumped back as I cried out. “That all you got?” I said and Vanitas ran at me at supersonic speeds. I felt him punch me right in the chin and I went flying right through the cave wall and heading up towards the surface. As I flew through the seventh wall I came across daylight and fell across the ground like a stone being skipped across a pond. I felt a trickle of blood at the corner of my mouth and wiped it off. “Heh,” I smirked. “That felt good.” I saw Vanitas jump out of the hole I made when I broke through and he charged at me again. I was better prepared this time. I raised a hand and sonic vibrations emitted from it. I watched as Vanitas dropped his Keyblade as his hands reached for his ears, screaming in pain. I stopped the sonic attack and, while Vanitas was trying to get up, launched a fireball right at him. I saw him grab his Keyblade to deflect it but the moment he saw the attack he hesitated and that was enough. The attack punched him in the chest and he flew up into the air as his chest caught fire and he fell back toward the ground. He screamed as he rolled around trying to put the flames out. Once they were he glared at me and said, “How dare you… making that fire look like Lexa…” “I’d think she’d appreciate a fire attack being done in her image,” I shrugged. Vanitas roared as he jumped to his feet and I saw the sky turn dark above me, spears of purple light appearing above me. “Oh &^*%,” I said as they rained down toward me. Rixec “’You go get Lexa, I’ll handle the @sshole with the bad hairdo’,” I repeated to myself as I walked through the Underworld. Next time, Vanitas and I switch places. Why? Because I recognized his darkness as a purple spear struck the ground right in front of me. If I hadn’t stopped to sneeze that was the spot where I would be right now. “Take it easy up there dammit,” I said. “Don’t go killing us both.” Unless that was what he wanted. In his current state of mind I wouldn’t believe Vanitas wouldn’t try to kill Sephirix and me. Someone has got to get that guy to some couple therapy sessions. And maybe some anger management sessions as well. And maybe a cooking session to give him a damn hobby besides keeping Lexa away from Sephirix. “Lexa!” I called out. “Rixec?” I heard an echo from the left tunnel. “Rixec!” I heard footsteps coming up and soon enough I saw Lexa coming toward me. “Lexa!” I exclaimed. “Thank God you’re o-!” I was unable to finish that statement as Lexa jumped right into me as she pressed her arms around my waist. We fell to the ground and I grunted as I hit my head on a rock. “Ow!” “Sorry,” Lexa said as she got off me and pulled me to my feet. “Whatever,” I said. “Are you okay?” “Better now that you’re here,” she said. “You have to help Sephirix; Vanitas is attacking him.” Oh boy. This was gonna be tougher than I thought. If the group came out unscathed after this it would be a miracle. “Let’s hurry!” Lexa said as she ran off. I started to chase after her but a familiar face teleporting in front of me stopped me in my tracks. “Avon,” I said with contempt. “Old man,” she smiled before growing serious. “Listen, there is something I have to warn you about.” “I’m looking at you,” I sighed. “Not me. Xero,” she said. “And Sephirix.” Sephirix I was panting heavily, my favorite clothes in tatters because of Vanitas’s crazy dark spear attack. I plunged my Keyblade into the ground and a row of ice pillars started shooting up and heading toward Vanitas. Vanitas jumped high into the sky, out of their range, and that gave me the advantage. “Thundaga!” I yelled and an enormous lightning bolt struck Vanitas. He cried out in pain as the electricity shocked him, keeping him suspended in the air. When it stopped he fell to the ground, black smoke emitting from him. “Give up and leave,” I said as he rose to his feet. “If you keep fighting me you will die!” “Not if I kill you first,” he said. Boy, his anger sure did give him a one track mind. “Sephirix!” Lexa called as she came up. “Lexa!” Vanitas cried as he started to move toward her. “Barrier!” I roared and a rectangular barrier formed around Lexa, keeping her out of Vanitas’s touch. “Sephirix, no!” she cried. “I can fight so let me out!” “You’ll be safer in there,” I said as Vanitas turned toward me. “Take down the barrier,” he gritted. “Not on your life,” I said as a drop of blood fell of my head. Vanitas leapt at me and our Keyblades clashed. I watched as darkness charged his weapon as he swung it at me. The impact sent me flying back and I hit the ground with a thud. As he ran at me I charged my Keyblade with darkness as well and stood my ground. As Vanitas swung at me I parried it, the combined darkness creating a shockwave that uprooted all the trees nearby. Clouds started to form together in the dark sky, lightning was cackling and thunder booming. “Stop! Both of you!” Lexa called from the barrier, trying to take it down. “Jesus!” Rixec said as he came out of the Underworld in a new outfit. I wonder where he’d gotten it and why it was so similar to mine. I also wondered why he looked so pale. Vanitas thrust his Keyblade at my chest but I swung my Keyblade down on it, the darkness splitting the earth beneath our feet. We both flew in opposite directions but Vanitas was able to push off a nearby wall and fly right at me. He swung his Keyblade and a dark wave of energy shot out at me. It hit me dead on and I crashed to the ground. I felt the tip of Vanitas’s Keyblade against my neck and he was breathing heavily. “Surrender and let Lexa out,” he said. “Or else. All I do is smirk which confuses him since he has me cornered. BANG! Vanitas gasped out as he looked down to see the gun in my hand and the hole in his chest, slowly bleeding out.
  16. Sephirix I wandered through the shadows of Traverse Town as I searched for clues on what happened to the others. This was one of the few places they could go if they needed to avoid Xero but after two days I had yet to find any sign of them. I was beginning to wonder if they had been taken captive by Xero or worse. Even Vanitas had been quiet as of late, which worried me because he would either be searching for me and Lexa with blood lust or taken down by Xero, and I didn’t know which was worse. Xero had yet to really come after the two of us, other than that time she spoke to Lexa. It made my blood boil to know she had gotten to Lexa like that but why hadn’t she tried again? Xero was making less sense these days. “Something wrong?” an icy voice whispered in my ear. I turned my head sharply as I jumped forward; there she was. Xero. “You must be suicidal to come after me after everything,” I said as I drew my guns. “Well, I already took care of Rixec and Xoncron,” she laughed, “and I have special plans for Vanitas very soon. For now though, I’ll deal with you and your so-called ‘girlfriend.’ Okay with that?” I fired four times and watched as she summoned her Keyblade and deflected each bullet. I cast a spell that sent out a sonic vibration, shattering the glass within a one mile radius. Xero was ready with a barrier spell though and was protected. “So sloppy,” she laughed. “Try this…” She casted the same spell, but stronger. The sound rang through my head as the buildings around us started to crumble. I summoned my Keyblade and launched a fire ball at her. She swerved to the left, the lames singing the edges of her hair, and I ran right at her and our blades clashed, the metal piercing the air. “You’ve been getting sloppy,” she smirked. “You’ve been getting b!tchy, what’s your point?” I asked, wondering if there was any truth to what she was saying. “What happened to the man who went psycho when he was ganged up on?” Xero asked as she started to push me back. “What happened to the man that caused quite a bit of trouble in these very streets right after he was born?” “Shut up!” I yelled as I pushed forward and sent her flying through the air. I leapt forward and slashed her across the chest, blood flying out. She landed on her feet and clutched her chest. “You shouldn’t scar a woman’s body,” she huffed. “I’ll live,” I said. “Not for long,” she said as a dark pyramid appeared over me. I tried to break it but its defenses were strong. I watched as Xero walked over toward me. “I think it’s time for you to accept reality. You’re no one,” she told me as the pyramid glowed purple. “Quiet,” I growled, my anger about to blow. “Not Sephirix, not Rixec,” she hummed. “Not even someone Lexa can accept. I can’t wait to watch her kill you.” “She wouldn’t,” I said. “I’m sure she would have no problem ending the life of…,” she said as she leaned forward as the pyramid brew a brighter purple, “Sephiroth.” That was it. I summoned all the darkness I had and made an explosion right inside the pyramid, shattering it. It injured me but I was ready to fight back. “I think that’ll do for today,” Xero smiled as a dark portal appeared at her feet. “Hold it!” I roared as she sank in. I fruitlessly slashed at the ground, unable to get to her. “^&*%.” Rixec I grunted as I slashed through three more Heartless, the trapped Hearts flying upwards. It disgusted me to see Chernabog show up as he had been the last two days to catch the Hearts and then swallow them whole. He had ordered me to go about defeating Heartless so he could take the Hearts within them. What he wanted with them though, I had no idea. “Are we done yet?” I asked. “My boy, you shall never be done as long as I have your soul,” Chernabog laughed. “Not to be rude or anything but I do have a life of my own to lead,” I said as I took out another Heartless. “Hmm… I suppose I could give you a week or so in order for you to get use to this. But take out any Heartless you find along the way.” “Yeah, yeah,” I sighed as Chernabog disappeared. Just what in God’s name had I done? What else would Chernabog ask of me as time went on? What would Disney’s Devil do with me? And how would it affect everyone else, especially my friends? I put my Keyblades away as I started walking back into Twilight Town. A large number of Heartless had appeared here recently so of course Chernabog had wanted them taken out. “You gotta know something!” a familiar voice said harshly. I turned to see Vanitas harassing a young man. He was holding him against a wall, a dark fire ball inches from his face. “Someone must know something about him,” Vanitas said. “I know nothing!” the man pleaded. “No one knows anything!” “That’s not what I want to hear,” Vanitas said as he prepared to punch the man with the fire. I cast a water spell and extinguished the flame before Vanitas could do anything. He turned around and was surprised to see me. “Nice duds,” he said. “What the hell are you doing?” I sighed. “Sephirix still has Lexa,” Vanitas said. “I have to find her!” “We have bigger things to worry about,” I said. “Xero attacked the house.” “What?” Vanitas said. “She bound me and Xoncron and made the house fall right on top of us. We were close to death,” I said. “Looks like you got lucky,” Vanitas said, though I could tell he was concerned about this. “She might go after Lexa…” “Which is why we have to find Xero first,” I said. “No,” Vanitas said. “Xero won’t let herself be found unless she wants to. We need to find Lexa and regroup with Xoncron. Then we can take her on.” “Waiting won’t do us any good,” I said. “And letting Sephirix have his way with her isn’t any better!” Vanitas roared. The two of us grew silent, as we pondered each other’s words. It was true, we had to find Sephirix and Lexa, but I wasn’t too keen on letting them see me after I made a deal with Chernabog. The reaction wouldn’t be good. And the longer we waited the stronger Xero might become. But we did need to warn Sephirix and Lexa though. “All right,” I said. “Let’s work together to find Sephirix and Lexa.” “Thank you,” Vanitas said, calming down. “But you have to promise not to go all psycho the moment we find them,” I said. “We need to be careful where we tread.” “…Fine,” Vanitas answered bitterly. “So, where’s Xon?” “Resting on a world made as a sanctuary for anyone else sucked into this universe but doesn’t want to get involved with what’s going on,” I told him casually. “Damn,” he said.
  17. Rixec A few minutes ago I had been pinned down by a large pillar. It had me by the left arm – nothing broken, but I was in constant pain from the impact. After all these weeks, all these suspicions, all preparations… and Xero goes and drops our house on us. Gotta say, I expected more. Xoncron was pinned down as well and with everyone gone no one was coming to save us. We were on our own. I tried to summon my Keyblade, to use the simplest of magic, but the pain and weariness was making it too difficult to concentrate. The pillar was also too heavy to lift or roll off me from my current position. Just a few inches difference would have made it easy to roll off. I wheezed heavily, wondering how we were gonna get out of this one. I couldn’t pull my arm out; the position it was trapped it would never allow me to move it. Not unless… I thought about it and then knew it was the only way. I knelt down and grunted as I started to push my forearm in the other direction I bit my tongue as I held in my cry as I heard and felt the snap in my arm. I pulled back and then upwards to get out of my imprisonment, my arm searing with pain. But that didn’t matter right now; I just wanted to get my hands on Xero. I slowly made my way over to Xoncron and got him free as well, but his leg was broken. He had asked me if I’d seen a raven but I hadn’t seen a thing. And how could there in all this rubble? And then Xoncron blacked out on me. “Xon!” I cried, panicked. I looked down and saw the ruble sticking out of his abdomen. Not good. If I didn’t get him some help soon he wouldn’t last the hour. I slowly dragged him along as I tried to find a hole in the rubble. There was nothing. Xero had planned this well; on the chance we survived the initial fall the rubble had fallen in a way that made it impossible for us to climb out. There was nowhere to go except darkness. And Xon was heading there fast. My injuries were finally starting to get to me and I fell to my knees, barely holding onto Xoncron. It was no use; I had nothing left to help either of us. It might have been better to just stay pinned down and wait for the end. “No,” I mumbled as Xoncron fell out of my grasp. “Someone… help.” “What would you be willing to do?” a dark voice asked me. “Who…?” I mumbled. “That is not important. What would you do if I could save you both right now?” the voice asked once more. I thought about it, and knew I should never make deals with unknown entities; they never turn out well. But our lives were on the line and Xero was still out there. If she got to the others before we could warn them… “Anything,” I said. “Everything.” I would later regret that last word. “Then everything it is,” the voice said as black smoke formed into a solid being. I looked as Chernabog came before me, smiling. Before I could say a word he reached out a hand and a dark pulse echoed across the rubble. I cried out as my bones snapped back into place, the fracture healing. I looked at Xoncron and saw the same happening with his leg and abdomen. After a few moments we found ourselves teleported out and in an unknown house. I could tell we were no longer in Radiant Garden. Xoncron was fast asleep on the bed and I was leaning against a wall. From what I could see under the blanket Xoncron’s clothes had changed. And so had mine. I now wore a white, sleeveless shirt, white boots, and a long white coat with a hood. When I looked in the mirror I almost thought I was Sephirix in white; a only a few minor differences were there such as me having an extra coat sleeve (two instead of one, like Sephirix has) and no gloves. “Rixec!” I heard William say as she came up to me. “This place is amazing!” “Hold on,” I said. “Where are we?” “Come look,” she said as she brought me outside. We were in a majestic city surrounded by a beautiful forest. A clean river ran through the city and people were having the time of their lives. After a few moments, I realized who all these people were. “These are the people sucked in by the virus,” I said. “Yeah, I was just teleported here before you,” William said. “Anyone who is tired comes here for peace and freedom. We don’t have to worry about all the crazy darkness out there. We can stay here and thrive until the day comes that we can go home.” “So this place is an absolute sanctuary,” I mumbled. “Who brought you here?” “The Blue Fairy,” William said. Then Chernabog wasn’t responsible for this world. So what was he planning? “We can’t stay here,” I said. “What?” she said. “Everyone else is still out there,” I said. “We have to hurry and find them…” “I’m staying,” William said. I blinked and looked at her, tears forming in her eyes. “A lot has happened and I can’t keep up. So I’m staying here until we go home. Or forever. Whichever comes first.” I bit my lip as I thought about why she was doing this. Why was I still doing this? I never seemed to be important to the group, so why not leave and stay here? Why keep fighting? Why keep going through all this suffering? “Because no one else will,” I concluded. “Pardon?” William asked. “I’m leaving. Now,” I said. “You can stay, but I’m leaving.” “… All right,” she sighed. “But tell the others about this place if they wish to come.” “I will,” I nodded. “Watch over Xoncron until he awakens. Tell him I went out to look for everybody and that we should meet up in Traverse Town in a week’s time to report anything we find.” “Got it,” William nodded. “Goodbye,” I said as I summoned my Glider and flew off this world. As I went to The Lanes Between I gazed back, wondering if I made the right decision. “Before you do anything,” Chernabog said in my mind, “you must go to the tower…” I bit my lip as the thought of doing what Chernabog wanted disturbed me. But I knew I had to obey. He owned my soul now. Sephirix It was a mistake, but I knew I had to go. I was shocked to see the house in rubble like this. What had Xero done? I sensed no life in the rubble so I casted a spell to bring up any dead bodies; none did. So that meant they all got out. I was relieved to know that and Lexa would be as well. Where had they gone now though? And what would Xero do next? I had to get back to Lexa. I hopped back on my bike and started to drive away as black feathers surrounded me. I soon teleported back to the Underworld and came to a stop by Lexa. “What happened?” she asked. “It looks like Xero drop the house on everybody,” I said. No!” she whispered, her eyes bulging. “They can’t be…” “No one was in the rubble,” I said. “Meaning they got out.” “That’s a relief,” she said. “But are they all right?” “I don’t know,” I whispered. “No one was around when I arrived. “They probably fled somewhere to rest meaning it’ll be hard to find them.” “There are only a few places they could go,” Lexa noted. “Radiant Garden, Traverse Town, and Disney Castle.” “Those are logical places,” I acknowledged. “But Xero may be watching them, waiting for us.” “Then we need to go confront her now and kick her @ss!” Lexa exclaimed as she raised a fist. I smiled, glad that Lexa was feeling fine. “We’ll need to make sure first,” I said. “She doesn’t know we’re here so we have a sanctuary for now. I can use some of my Heartless to wander the worlds looking for them until I find them.” “We should be out there ourselves,” Lexa said. “Especially me. I’m the one that made Xero get too close.” “It’s not your fault,” I said. “It’s hers. But she’s more dangerous now so we have to be cautious. So we should say here until we know where the others are. OK?” “All right,” Lexa sighed, not happy with it but knowing it was logical. I gave her a gentle hug before she went to bed. As she slept I wondered what would become of us now. This little fellowship of ours was hanging by weakened threads. It seemed like the tent pole of a movie script where everything goes to hell. I really was searching the worlds to be sure the others were safe – I’m not a monster – but I still had to keep Lexa away from Xero and Vanitas. I wouldn’t let anyone touch her.
  18. Last night's Psych was a jaw dropper and heart breaker.

  19. Sephirix It was the next day and Lexa and I were sparring down in the caves of the Underworld. I don’t mean to sound boastful but with the skill we were showing it almost seemed as if it didn’t affect us at all. I knew either Vanitas or Xero would be coming soon and it was important we were prepared. Lexa swiped at me but I managed to duck down and thrust my Keyblade at her. I stopped just short of her torso and drew back. “I think that’s enough for now,” I said as I put my Keyblade away.” I’m not done yet!” Lexa smirked as she leapt at me. I instinctively pulled out my gun and fired but she deflected the bullet and fell on top of me. We rolled down into the green waters in the caves and Lexa lay on top of me. We were both breathing slowly; after a few moments we both started laughing like idiots. Lexa stood up and held out her hand to me, which I took of course. She pulled me up to my feet and we got out of the water. “Hold on,” she said as she summoned rings of fire that surrounded us. After a few seconds we were dried out by the flames. “Thanks,” I said. “No problem,” she said. “Hey, shouldn’t we go look for Xoncron and the others? If this treaty is suppose to end today or tomorrow…” “It’s best if we’re apart for the moment,” I said. “In a big group that makes us an easier target to find. Once we know the full extent of Xero’s plan we’ll meet up with them.” “Unless she finds one of us and that makes it easier for her to win,” Lexa noted. “We’re not that weak,” Sephirix said, meaning it. They were all pretty strong on their own. “Besides, I’m sure Xoncron has something planned for her.” “Oh?” Lexa said. “Yeah, I’m sure he came up with a contingency plan for her in case she went rouge early or something,” I said, remembering all those plans he had for us. “That’s Xoncron for you,” Lexa nodded. “Always thinking ahead.” “Yeah, thinking ahead,” I said. Though not far enough, seeing how easily I manipulated one of his plans. “By the way,” Lexa said. “Yes?” I responded. “Is it really true you were born from Rixec and Sephiroth?” she asked. “It’s in the name, isn’t it?” I laughed. “It’s just – wow,” she said. “The idea of you being born from two men… freaky.” “It’s not like one of them became pregnant,” I shrugged. “Oh God don’t put that in my head!” she exclaimed, causing me to laugh. “Guess that part still hasn’t changed!” I laughed. “Let’s just change the subject,” Lexa said, laughing herself now. “Right,” I said as I sat down. “So, what is it like to be you?” she asked. “Tricky,” I shrugged. “People either think I’m like Sephiroth or worse. Doesn’t matter how much I help, their view won’t change.” “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s fine. For a while I really was emotionless. That is, until I met you,” I said. “Oh?!” Lexa said. “You gave me a new perspective on life, so to say,” I said. “And it’s been affecting me slowly over time. “Eventually, real love formed.” “And that’s how…,” Lexa theorized, incorrectly, of course. “Yep,” I said. “That’s how we got together.” “I’m sorry, but I still can’t remember,” she said. “No worries, take your time,” I said. “I’m in no rush.” “You really are kind Sephirix,” Lexa said. Anyone else would feel terrible about hearing that after doing what I’ve done, but I was fine with it. “Thanks,” I said. “All right!” Lexa said as she hopped to her feet. “Let’s get back to practice! I need to kick your butt some more!” “We’ll see!” I laughed as we called out our Keyblades. Rixec “Ten minutes,” I said as I watched the clock. It was ten minutes until the next day and Xero hadn’t done anything yet. So would she do it the moment the next day came, or was she still planning and waiting to catch us off guard? “This is pointless!” Vanitas sore as he paced around the room. “We should be looking for Lexa and Sephirix! Not waiting for some pretend attack or finding some book!” “SOLDIER wanted that book for a reason,” I said. “It was so important that anything involving Lexa and Sephirix didn’t matter. It’s important.” “Important my @ss,” Vanitas said. We heard the door open and Xoncron walked in. “I couldn’t find anything on SOLDIER,” he said. “They’ve up and vanished. “Great,” I said as I looked back at the clock. 11:52. “Then we should go after Lexa!” Vanitas yelled. “Vanitas, just shut your trap and think straight for once!” I yelled back. “No!” he responded. “Like I’m gonna listen to the guy that started all this in the first place!” “I didn’t do this!” I roared. “You and Sephiroth made Sehirix, back when you two ran off,” Vanitas said. “I’ve been thinking about some things and I think I know why he attacked Lexa then…” I waited for him to say it. “You told him to,” Vanitas gritted. “That’s insane!” Xoncron yelled at Vanitas. “Then tell us so Rixec!” Vanitas exclaimed. “Is it or isn’t it?” I sighed and then said, “It’s true.” Before we could do anything Vanitas opened up a portal and disappeared. Xoncron looked at me and yelled, “What the hell Rix?!” “I had my reasons,” I said. “I had to be certain about Vanitas back then.” “But to have that psycho attack Lexa?!” Xoncron roared. “You don’t get to judge me Mr. Contingency Plan!” I replied. “Oh, you are never gonna let that one go are y-!” he said before a loud crack silenced him. He and I looked around as more cracks appeared out of thin air. “Are you doing this?” I asked. “I was hoping you were,” Xoncron replied. “Xero?” I called out. Rings of blck fire bound me and Xoncron, leaving us helpless as the house started to fall dopwn around us. We both yelled as we were buried by the rubble. It was 11:59. The next thing I saw was darkness.
  20. I won't be on Wed, April 10, because I will be attending my grandfather's funeral.

  21. Sephirix What had happened? When Lexa had awakened without any memories I was shocked that it had happened at all. She didn’t seem at all the type to forget something. Well, at least it gave me a chance to work in a few new memories for her. She wasn’t entirely sure if what I said was true yet or not but she was afraid and confused s she was willing to stay with me for the time being. But what had happened to her memories in the first place? Was it the potion I gave her, or the shock of being taken? Maybe Xero or someone had done something to hurt Lexa somehow. I then remembered Nita was the last person I left Lexa with. But if she did it, then why? What was her purpose? I had too many unanswered questions and probably none of them had an answer. I would just have to do this gradually. “Um, Mr. Sephirix?” I heard Lexa say as she walked up to me. I turned and grinned at her. “I told you, it’s just Sephirix,” I laughed. “Right, sorry,” she said. “How long will we remain in these caves? It’s so dark and creepy.” “Until I’m sure Vanitas is no longer a threat to you,” I said. I had been sending out my Heartless mixed in with wild ones, making sure they wouldn’t be noticed. The sooner I found Vanitas the sooner I could end this. But I knew his Unversed were looking for me as well. It was a race to see who could find the other first. “Is this Vanitas person really that bad,” she asked, unsure. “Yes,” I said. “He’s kidnapped you before and tried to turn you over to the Organization’s side.” The best lies are always the ones that are covered up with the actual truth. It was statements like those that Lexa believes easiest; probably because there was a small part of her that remembered. Lexa held herself as she shivered; whether from what I said or the power of the Underworld I don’t know. “Hey, hey,” I said reassuringly as I wrapped my arms around her. “It’s okay. I’ll protect you no matter what. I’ll never let you go, no matter who comes after us.” “Thank you,” she said as her arms slowly wrapped around my waist. Lexa and I flinched at the sound of a shriek. I turned to see a group of Unversed coming right at us. Sh!t! They found us so soon! “Lexa! Get back!” I shouted as I pulled out my guns and started firing. Every bullet I fired managed to hit them dead on but they still kept coming. %^&*. Vanitas’s emotions must’ve been giving these guys a power boost. I called out my Keyblade and jumped right into the horde. I started slashing at them while using one gun to fire away. They were trying to claw at me and I could see they were eager to take my life. I wouldn’t let them do so. “Ahh!” I heard. I turned to see another group of Unversed grabbing Lexa’s hands and feet and starting to carry her away. She was struggling to escape their clutches, yelling for me. “Sephirx!” she cried as my anger boiled. “NO!” I roared as a blast of darkness shot out throughout the cave and the Unversed disintegrated into shadows where they stood. Lexa fell to the floor with a thud. She slowly sat up, clutching her back. “Ow,” she moaned. “Lexa!” I yelled as I ran up to her and threw my arms around her. “Sephirix!” she exclaimed. “What were those things?” “Unversed,” I said. “Vanitas’s personal underlings. He’ll be coming soon.” “What’ll we do?” she asked. Could I take on Vanitas alone? Probably not in his current condition, maybe. But with help… I gazed at Lexa as I brushed some hair out of her face. Not only was her memory gone – or was that the source in the first place? – her personality was different as well. The fiery Lexa I’d come to love seemed to be nothing more than a stereotypical damsel in distress. I needed the old Lexa back – with the few memory alters, of course – to fend off Vanitas and… I froze as I realized what day it was. The truce was about to end. On my own I knew I would be dead before I hit the ground when they came after us. “They” meaning anybody. I needed a strong ally. One who could burn a foe with her laughter. “Now?” I said as I helped her to her feet. “Now I re-teach you who you are.” Rixec We looked at the SOLDIER knight as he gazed at the floor. He was probably one of the only links we had to finding Sephirix and Lexa yet he didn’t budge even under threat from Vanitas. I respected that, I really did. But our biggest problem was the ending truce. We had nearly forgotten with all the hell that had risen since Vanitas came back. That was the whole problem: we were divided. Sephirix has Lexa, Vanitas could blow off at any of us – particularly me – if he didn’t find them, William was out in Radiant Garden and Xoncron wasn’t the most trustworthy after those contingency plans. If we were attacked right now we would all be dead – some of us once more. I knelt down and pulled the knight closer to me. “Listen,” I said. “This has been a really bad week. I want to know anything you might know about Sephirix or Lexa now. Don’t push me.” It was kind of a lame threat, but I was tired. But what surprised me was that he started talking… “ALL RIGHT I’LL TALK!!!” …very loudly. “SEPHIRIX TOOK HER ALL RIGHT. WE’VE BEEN KEEPING WATCH ON THEM UNTIL THEY LEFT!!!” he roared. Vanitas started running at the knight but Xoncron held him back. “He’s talking Vanitas! Let him without ripping his head off!” “Fine,” he growled as he calmed down, but darkness still bathed his aura. “Continue,” I said. “WE MADE A POTION FROM YOUR FRIEND, THE SLEEPING ONE WITH WEAKER EFFECTS!!!” he yelled. All eyes turned to Xoncron as he turned his head the other way. Why was it that everything he made was being used against us? “BUT THAT WOULDN’T BE ENOUGH!” the knight explained. “ONE OF OUR OWN – NITA – ALTERED HER MEMORIES AND PERSONALITY WHILE HE MET WITH YOU! HE HIMSELF DOESN’T KNOW THAT WE’RE RESPONSIBLE!!!” I felt Vanitas’s darkness choking us as he sat there, clutching his knees and gritting his teeth. I swear he was close to breaking them. “HE TOOK OFF WITH HER FOR PARTS WE DON’T EVEN KNOW! BUT WE’RE LOOKING AND WE’RE CLOSE NOW…” “Do you have to keep yelling?” I asked. “I wouldn’t be able to hear all of Kingdom Hearts if they came up to our door right no-” I froze as a thought formed. “SHUT HIM UP!!!” I roared and Xoncron casted a spell that prevented the knight from speaking. It was too easy how the knight suddenly started talking, and in such a deafening voice. I listened as I heard some rummaging upstairs followed by a snap! I was the first to get to the stairs and ran into Xoncron’s room to see Avon, who had broken through the floor and was taking out an old book covered with dust. It must have been there for decades. “Hello Rixec,” she said cheerfully. Before I could draw my Keyblade I felt a gust of wind hit me in the chest and I was blown back into the guys as they came up. We tumbled down the stairs and hit with a thud! We all groaned as Avon walked down and went up to the knight. “Good job,” she said as she undid his bindings. “Did you think you could capture me that easily?” he smirked as the two teleported out of the house. As Sephirix would say, “^%&*.”
  22. Rixec 30 minutes ago I grasped the dirt as I stood up in sheer agony. I was bloody, pain soared through my body like fire through a forest, and I wanted payback. I slowly walked back into town as I clutched my side, my teeth gritted together as I breathed in and out slowly. I was keeping an eye out for the others, waiting for another surprise attack from them. They wouldn’t get me this time though, I was prepared! “Rixec!” I turned to see Vanitas running right at me. I didn’t expect them to do that – they caught me unprepared dammit! No, I wouldn’t let them end me, I will not die here! “Jesus Rix, what is that thing?!” Vanitas asked as he pointed at my chest. I had no idea what he was talking about - -probably just trying to distract me so he can stab me. Well it wouldn’t work! “I won’t let you kill me,” I said as I called out Oblivion. “Kill you?” Vanitas repeated as I flung a fireball at him. Vanitas called out Void Gear and blocked the attack but I was already on the move. I charged at him and slashed at his chest. Vanitas saw me coming and jumped back, but I still managed to get in an indirect attack. I watched as Vanitas stumbled back and clutch his bleeding torso. “What the &^%$ Rixec?” He swore as he took a closer look at my chest. “Oh don’t tell me that’s Xoncron’s contingency plan for you? What did Sephirix do to you man?” “Won’t let you…,” I muttered. “I won’t let any of you kill me!” I leapt into the air and thrust my Keyblade down as I fell. Vanitas raised his Keyblade up and a sonic vibration broke all the glass in a twelve meter radius as the Keyblades struck each other. Vanitas fell to one knee as I pushed downward. “Snap out of it Rixec and let me help you so we can go kill Sephirix!” he roared at me. “You, Lexa, Xoncron, William, Roxas… I won’t let you kill me!” I shrieked as I pushed Vanitas to the ground and swung my Keyblade down. Vanitas rolled out of the way and rose to his feet. “This is much worse than Sephirix’s Dalek,” he muttered. “Got no choice then…” I charged at him, gripping my Keyblade so tightly my hand started to bleed. Vanitas struck the ground with his Keyb lade and I watched as darkness rose up from where it was. The shadows came at me and wrapped themselves around me tightly. I gasped out as they started to envelop me. No! In my current state I didn’t have the strength to call upon the light to fight back. Vanitas was going to kill me! Vanitas was going to… When I regained my sense ten minutes later I yelped at the sight of my blue skin and went into a panic. Vanitas and Xoncron managed to calm me down and explain what I just went through. Around the time they finished my skin went back to normal and the first thing I did was punch Xoncron. He deserved it. Contingency plans, what the hell! But I was shocked when he showed us his contingency plan. “Xon, I’m not sure you’re aware of this,” I said, “but the point is to make a contingency plan for everyone but yourself!” “Couldn’t risk it after Norcnox,” he replied. “I needed a way for you guys to stop him should he ever return.” “My god,” I said. “Did you have to do something so stupid?” A bomb in your damn chest?!” “If Norcnox returns he must be stopped immediately,” Xoncron told me. “We’re getting that thing out of you first chance we get,” I said. “First, we have to go after Sephirix!” Vanitas said. “He still has Lexa!” “Vanitas, Sephirix is probably gone by now. We have no lead to chase him,” I sighed. “I’m not giving up!” he roared. “That’s not what I’m saying! We just need to cool down and look for clues!” I shot back. Vanitas turned to Xoncron and yelled, “This is your fault! If not for your stupid contingency plans Sephirix wouldn’t have been able to get the drop on Rixec and we might’ve still been able to chase him down here!” “I didn’t think this would happen!” Xoncron yelled back. “That’s right, you didn’t think!” Vanitas hissed. “Shut up!” I said. “It doesn’t matter now. What does matter is that we rest and get ready to look for them upon recovery. That’s all we can do now.” “You rest,” Vanitas spat. “I’m going after Sephirix and Lexa.” Before we could do anything Vanitas ran off, leaving us all alone. I sighed bitterly; with Lexa and Sephirix gone things went from bad to worse. I went to my room and locked the door. I needed to be undisturbed for a while. I fell down on my bed and pondered about what was going through Sephirix’s head. Sephirix “Thanks,” I said as I picked up Lexa. “Just be careful,” Nita answered. “I know; I’m heading off to the Underworld for the time being. Seems like a good hiding spot,” I explained. “SOLDIER is here whenever you need us,” Nita told me. “Thanks,” I said as I placed Lexa on my bike and hopped on. I set the coordinates and drove off into a portal to the Underworld. Now I just had to wait for Lexa to wake up.
  23. Sephirix I pity the woman that marries that fool, I thought as I watched Xoncron, Vanitas, and William get chased around by a miniature Dalek. Though it was a bit cute. I had heard enough to know that Xoncron had made contingency plans for us all; as if he knew enough about me – or even bothered to learn enough – to come up with a plan. I checked the time and thought I still had enough time to kill before meeting with Rixec. So while everyone ran around getting chased by a Dalek I sneaked inside and started snooping around Xoncron’s stuff. What else had he come up with? There were some papers with crude drawings and messed up formulas lying about and there were various gadgets and potions stacked up with labels on them. Xoncron sure didn’t make this easy to work with, but then again, he had said something about them not being ready yet. My eyes managed to make out Lexa’s name on one tube and I took the opportunity to crush it to pieces, the fluid dripping to the floor from my hand. As I shuffled Xoncron’s papers and gadgets I found a couple of things that caught y interest. Luckily, there was a notebook next to these items and I spent a bit trying to make it out. After reading and re-reading it I managed to get a basic idea on what these were for. I stuffed them into a bag and walked out, the sounds of “Exterminate!” still going on. I hopped on my bike and drove away. Hearing Vanitas swear very loudly after another laser went off. I take it back: perhaps Xoncron wasn’t as much of a fool as I thought. Rixec I waited in the abyss where Sora once fought a thousand Heartless. If Sephirix and I were to chat this would be the best place to do so. There wasn’t enough around for serious collateral damage. I heard a bike coming up and I turned my head to see Sephirix arriving barely on time. “Thought you wouldn’t show up,” I said. “I got held up,” he answered with a grin as he hopped off. “Let’s cut to the chase,” I said. “Where’s Lexa?” “Safe,” Sephirix said as he walked up to me. “Not good enough,” I said crossly. “Look Rixec, a guy like Vanitas is no good for her,” he told me. “All the times she or us have been hurt because of their relationship – I’m better for her.” “That doesn’t mean you can kidnap her,” I said. “There’s still time to let her go. We can work all this out.” “I’m afraid there’s no going back Rixec,” Sephirix said as he pulled out a small vial. “What’s that?” I asked, alert. “Xoncron’s contingency plan for you,” he answered. “He has them for all of us. You should see the one he has for me. It’s chasing them all right now.” “Cut the crap Sephirix,” I said. “I’m not amused.” “Fine, fine,” Sephirix grinned as he tossed the vial into the air and it fell to the ground with a shatter. “To be honest, I’m disappointed Sephirix,” I said as I started to walk forward. “Rixec,” I heard. I turned to see Lexa right behind me. Relief flooded my veins as I ran to her. “Lexa! Glad to see you’re all…” Lexa launched a fireball at me and I gasped as I was flown back as it hit me in the chest. I coughed horribly as I stood up. “Lexa… what the hell…?” “She had to do that,” I heard William say as I turned around. She and Roxas were right behind me. “Scum like you shouldn’t be here.” Roxas fire two beams of light at me and I just barely dodged them, but then I felt a cold air come across my feet and I looked down to see two blocks of ice where they should have been. “It’s over Rixec,” Xoncron said as he walked toward me. “Time to do what I should have done when you showed up.” “Xon! What are you doing?!” I yelled as they all closed in on me. I watched as Vanitas appeared and walked toward me. He pressed his Keyblade to my neck and said, “Everything that’s been happening is because of you, Bringer of Light. All this darkness is coming at you like a magnet. So we need to exterminate you to stop all this.” “No! I didn’t mean for!” I started to say. “Save it Rixec,” Lexa smirked. “Just die with dignity, though you have none,” William said. I felt a slash across my back and I fell to my knees; I looked back to see Xoncron, his Keyblade dripping with blood. “Goodbye,” he said as he raised it up and brought it down. Sephirix “^&*%,” I said as I watched Rixec cower on the ground before me. He had fear and anger in his eyes, and had a circular device attached to his chest that sent our four tentacles that wrapped around his torso. The liquid quickly entered his nostrils once the tube was shattered, making him see illusions of God knows what. The device on him let him feel what was happening psychologically, so he would think it was real. He might realize it eventually but for now it gave me all the time in the world. I hopped on my bike and drove back to pick up Lexa. It was time to go.
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