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About TheErryK

  • Birthday 02/27/1995

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  1. Proud, I managed to do it on Standard just under 15 hours (14:33, to be exact) but I had to sacrifice my progress on the "Unchanging Armor" trophy, which I'm doing on Beginner now. I also got the Undefeated trophy.
  2. Chain of Memories had a similar graphic style but do you see 5 year olds playing that?
  3. Guys, I tried to do this trophy on my run, I got to End of the World in just barely 14 hours (14:33 was when I got to the save point at the beginning of EOTW) but it never appeared so you would have to complete the game under 15 hours, but it shouldn't be that difficult on Beginner.
  4. I wouldn't mind one for the Vita. I was hoping for one more game prior to KH3 but it could come after it, I don't really mind either way.
  5. On Critical, probably 83 with Riku, and 81 with Sora.
  6. I have already linked this to Dchiuch but I'll just leave it here. www.twitch.tv/theerryk I'm expecting the game today or tomorrow (based on GMT +3). EDIT: Started streaming a while ago, at Traverse Town now.
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