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Master Eraqus

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Master Eraqus last won the day on November 13 2017

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About Master Eraqus

  • Birthday 02/17/1999

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    Focuses only on positive.. so basically not a spoiled critic
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  1. Probably one of the most confusing things I ever come across the internet is when people clearly don't enjoy watching a TV series or series of movies/video games and yet they continue to watch/play it. And I'm just like, "Why?" You're clearly not enjoying it and unless you're a critic or something, why 'torture' yourself to continue watching/playing? If I was watching a TV show and I didn't like the first few episodes, I'm not gonna continue watching it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DoDo4869


      Right? I never understood that either. They continue to watch/play and hate it and complain, I don't get why either :(

    3. Felixx


      Ehh that depends. I mean some shows start off great and I really enjoy them at first. But when they lose quality and get bad I still wanna know how the show ends so I continue watching it, even though it’s bad.

    4. Exiblade7


      Maybe the show or game is so bad to them that the only way they can enjoy it is to find a small thing they like about it. I do that with Sonic 06. I dislike Sonic 06 so much because of how underdeveloped the game is, but it is the same reason I like the game.

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