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Isa and Lea fanattic

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Everything posted by Isa and Lea fanattic

  1. I doubt that Isa will join the light, he's just too fargone, but I REALLY hope that he does. I just can't take seeing two best friends fight against each other. Hopefully, Isa will see the light and help Lea in KH3, AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, we'll find out what happened between them if they DO end up fighting or making up.
  2. Ok, let's get this out of the way- Yes, i'm new here c: and yes, I am obesessed with the subject i'm about to explain. So, I want you guy's opinions on what happed to Lea and Isa, how they became Nobodies, how Isa got Norted, how Isa got his scar, what they were doing in the castle in the FIRST place, AND WHY SAIX AND AXEL ARE NOW ENEMIES. I mean- How is that NOT an interesting subject? WELL, MY theory is.... When Isa and Lea snuck into the castle, they got caught my Xehanort, and Xehanort thought that Isa would make a good vessel, and, well, you know, Norted him. And used him to dispose of Lea, so Lea and Isa fought, and Lea somehow gained his chakrams and gave Isa that scar and blah blah blah, i'm writing a whole fanfic about it called 'A Broken Friendship', so, yeah... So, what are you guy's theories???
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