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About mag77

  • Birthday 12/03/1993

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    Your wish is my command
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About Me

Hello everyone, I'm mag77!  Well, even though I've been on this site for about a year, there hasn't been much that's changed for me.  So yeah... I guess I'll give a little info about myself.


Well, for starters, I'm your typical nerd.  I love reading, writing and drawing (though I'm not very good at either of these), listening to music, watching stuff on the internet and TV, and playing video games!  Heck, I even wear glasses!  Although, I'm not very tech savvy, so maybe I'm not really a nerd... I'm also bad at explaining things, so some things I try to explain might be pretty vague and simple.  I'm also very shy, so I probably won't talk or write very much.


I usually spend the majority of my free time reading books and manga and playing video games.  My favorite genres are: fantasy, sci-fi, psychological horror, psychology, astronomy, and ancient history.


When it comes to music, I'll listen to pretty much anything, except for rap.


I don't watch much TV, and usually just stick to watching stuff on the internet, since its easier to find stuff I like.  I mainly watch anime, cartoons, and other stuff like: 

- The AVGN (Yep, the guy that started it all.  I still find him to be funny, and he's very nostalgic for me)

- The Nostalgia Critic (Yep, he's a lot like the AVGN, and I find him funny)

- Game Grumps (Yes, I like both the Jon era and the Danny era)

- JonTron (I love this guy; he's so funny!)

- Markiplier (I just started watching him a few months ago, and I think he's pretty funny.  And I love his voice)

- Jacksepticeye (I found out about him because of Markiplier, and I'm really liking him)

- Happy Tree Friends (I love this gory show~)

- Creepypastas and Conspiracy Theories (Sometimes these can be really interesting, and sometimes these can be really funny!)


The cartoons I watch are:

- We Bare Bears (Yep, this is my favorite show on right now!  Its just so cute, and I love all three bears!)

- South Park (This is definitely my favorite adult show.  I just like the characters and the humor)

- Steven Universe (I'm really enjoying the story and characters so far, not to mention the art is gorgeous)

- Bob's Burgers (I really love the characters and the humor, though it did take me a while to get used to the art style)

- Gravity Falls (Not gonna lie; it took me a long time to give this show a second chance, as when I first saw it, I did not care for it.  But I'm really glad I did, because it really is fantastic!  A pity that by the time I got into it, it was almost over and all the mysteries were already solved)

- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (Yes, I do like this show, although not as much as I did a few years ago.  I just hope I don't get any trolls for admitting this fact...)

- Older cartoons that I'm too lazy to list

Yeah, I'm really childish.


The only non-cartoon shows I watch on TV are:

- Game of Thrones (Hm, well I really like the story, and the characters are interesting)

- Face-Off (If you're wondering what this show is, its about amateur make-up artists competing against each other.  They have three days to complete their work, and then it gets judged by professional make-up artists.  It starts off with sixteen candidates and it goes until there is only one left.  Anyway, its so cool to see how talented people are and seeing their designs)


As mentioned above, I really like anime and manga.  My favorites are:

- Higurashi (This is definitely my favorite anime!  I love the psychological story and the psychotic characters!  In fact, Shion is my favorite female fictional character)

- Magi (This is by far my favorite manga!  The art's good, the characters are awesome, and I really like the story.  The anime's good too)

- Attack on Titan (Or Shingeki no Kyojin for those that prefer the Japanese name.  Again, I just like the story and the characters.  Although, I like the art in the anime way more than the manga)

- Diamond/Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice (This is a reverse harem with Alice in Wonderland characters, so yeah...)

- Tegami Bachi (I'm really liking the manga, and I believe it has an anime too, but I haven't seen it yet)

- Digimon 01, 02, and Frontier (I like all three of these seasons, with Frontier being my favorite!)

- Mirai Nikki (I like it, but it feels like a toned-down version of Higurashi that and Yuno is extremely overrated)

- Naruto (Its pretty much a starter anime and manga, and it was one of my firsts too.  Its definitely not as good as others on this list, but I like it enough)

- Yu-Gi-Oh (This was my first anime, I believe, so its very nostalgic for me.  Its only the first few seasons with the original characters though)

- Rosario + Vampire (Its strange that I like it, but I do.  Stick with the manga though; the anime's nothing but fanservice)

- Soul Eater (Its been awhile since I've seen it, and I haven't read the manga, but I do like it)

- Akame ga Kill (I haven't read the manga yet, but the anime is awesome!)

- D-Gray-Man (I really need to reread this series again, as I really liked it)

- Vampire Knight (I just started reading this again, and I like it.  Not nearly as much as the others on this list though)


Now, I love to play video games!  I have since I was little.  I mainly play platformers, sidescrollers, and rpgs.  My favorite games are:

- Kirby (Not gonna lie, this is my favorite game series.  Kirby's Adventure was one of, if not my first video game.  I always played this with my mother when I was little, and I still enjoy it to this day!  I have all the main series of games, except for Kirby and The Amazing Mirror.  Kirby's Return to Dreamland is my favorite of the series.  I just love the little pink fluffball!)

- Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest (If Kirby's Adventure wasn't my first game, then Dragon Warrior IV was.  If I wasn't playing Kirby with my mother, then I was playing Dragon Warrior with my father.  They may not be the best rpgs, but these games are very dear to me.  If it weren't for these games, I might have never become a gamer.  I have every mainstream game [except for X, but that's because it was never released out in the U.S.] and Rocket Slime.  Dragon Warrior IV is my favorite.  I do love these games very much!)

- Mario (Everyone should know of the red plumber!  To be honest, when I was little, I was actually kind of afraid of him for some reason.  I'm not anymore though, thank goodness.  I have Super Mario Bros 1-3, Dr. Mario, both Super Mario Galaxies, Super Paper Mario, Paper Mario Color Splash, New Super Mario Bros Wii, 2, and WiiU, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart Wii, 7, and 8, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, Mario & Luigi Paper Jam, and Mario & Luigi Dream Team being my favorite!)

- Final Fantasy (I think many who like KH also like FF, and I am no exception.  I have Final Fantasy I-VI, IX, The After Years, and Dissidia 012 and have finished them all.  I also have VIII and X, but I've only played bits of them.  While I haven't played XIII, I have seen a complete walkthrough of it, so I know what happens in it.  Final Fantasy VI is my favorite)

- Star Ocean 4 (Yeah, I don't think this game is well known, but I love it!)

- Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning (Another unknown game that I really enjoy)

- Undertale (Ah, this game is just completely amazing!  I love it!)

- Horror rpgs (I find these to be really interesting!  I've seen and played a few of them, and Ib is my favorite)

There are a lot of other games I've played and enjoyed, but I'm too lazy to add them.


And, of course, I love Kingdom Hearts!  If I didn't, I wouldn't even have this account.  Although, to be honest, I didn't always like it.  I know, I know, its a bit blasphemous, but its true.  I remember seeing the commercials for the first game when I was little, and I was mesmerized!  It looked fantastic; I had to have it!  So, for the Christmas of that year, I got Kingdom Hearts and a PS2 (yep, because of KH1, I wanted a PS2)  I was so happy!  However, when I started playing it, I wasn't very good.  I was just learning how to read, so I had to have one of my parents read to me what was going on.  But neither of them are very good at these types of games, so they weren't that helpful.  I didn't have the heart (no pun intended) to get rid of it, so I kept KH1, hoping that one day I would play it again and enjoy it.  And about five years ago, that is exactly what I did.  And I was right; I adore the series now!  I love how its a crossover (I love crossovers in general), the story (as convoluted as it is), and the characters (be they original, Disney, or Square Enix).  Currently, the games I have are: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 365/2, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 2.5, and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.  The last one is my favorite, oddly enough.


Of course, I have characters I love, and the top ten are:

- Roxas (I actually played a bit of 365/2 before replaying the first one.  And I completely adored him!  In fact, if it weren't for Roxas, I might have never replayed KH1)

- Xion (Like Roxas, I liked Xion from the very beginning.  A pity not many seem to like her)

- Saix (I know what many of you are thinking: 'How can you like this guy; he treated Roxas and Xion like crap.'  To be honest, I'm not so sure why I like him myself.  Maybe its because of his looks, he has blue hair, and that he's number seven.  I even kinda like his stoic personality.  Yep, I'm weird like that)

- Young Xehanort (Not gonna lie, its purely because of his looks.  Hey, at least I admit I'm weird)

- Xemnas (A lot of the reasons why I like Saix apply to Xemnas as well)

- Axel (Ah, there he is!  Yeah, its strange that he's down here and not up with Roxas and Xion, but that's how it is)

- Sora (I love happy-go-lucky idiots, and Sora is no exception!  I'm surprised he's not higher up tbh)

- Demyx (Just like the reasons for Sora)

- Terra (I feel like he was Riku in KH1 done right)

- Riku (I used to really hate Riku, but after playing DDD, I really like him now.  I prefer him to being a little dorky as opposed to being angsty)

I could make a list of my least favorite characters, favorite pairings, and despised pairings too, but that could start some arguments, so I won't.


So yeah, that's about it.  Sorry if it seems too, err, formal'?', but that's how I'm am.  Anyway, thanks for visiting and have a great day! :D

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