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Everything posted by gabrahamsandwich
I don't think so. I get varied reactions from everything I do that's accessible to the internet, but with Kingdom Hearts it seems like the biggest fans of the series take it to another level that I don't often see. Also: Subtle!
This conversation has gone into too many different directions for me to really explore in a reasonable timeframe, so I'm going to reign it in a bit. I came to this thread to find out if the whole KH community acted like the people who reacted to my youtube video and my Twitch playthrough of KH 1.5. That theory was false, so hooray! There are people here who think I'm complaining about my video being disliked. That's also false. You can like or dislike my opinion about Kingdom Hearts 1, and you can think my video is overly "negative", implying that negative somehow equals bad, or that I should accept that people will shit on the video because it's also shitting on someone's beloved video game. What I'd like to know, however, is if people here think the general reaction to a video like this is normal for the typical community and if the answer to that question is "no", I want to know what it is about Kingdom Hearts in particular generates this kind of extreme response in Kingdom Hearts fans. If anyone here thinks unfavorably of Kingdom Hearts 1 but still loves the game, I'd like to hear why.
I will again say that people disagreeing with the video is not of consequence, but you don't see any comments like "The reason you had so much difficulty with the boss is because you were playing like blank even though you chose the blank class at the beginning of the game, and if you hadn't done that you would not have been nearly this frustrated", or "you're under-leveled and under-equipped, and all this crap being thrown at you would have been peanuts if you just prepared properly" or even "hey this video is too long and redundant!". Any of those might have been valid points. There's plenty of room to make me feel like an idiot too. Instead it's just "I see that you dislike my favorite game, thumbs down" or "this video is bad!". I'll also say that this video wasn't a review, it's a video that shows why I hated this game as a montage of a Twitch stream I did. You're also assuming I had anything nice to say about the game, which I do, but the point of the video was not to break down the pros and cons of the game, it was to show why it was so frustrating to play for anyone who didn't think that anything else the game had to offer was enough to justify what was horrendous about it. Also, no criticism? Did I have to outright say what was bad about it even though I clipped together every terrible thing that was thrown at me during that boss segment? The camera issues? The game throwing a weird mechanic at me in the middle of a fight that didn't make any apparent sense? The tedious 5+ phase boss fight that acted as a giant filler? The camera lock problems? Sora going out of his way to jump into danger and away from the thing you're trying to hit? The laser beams that spawn constantly and serve only to delay the battle? The boring tactics used by the boss? The game using an ability that depletes your mana bar but doesn't make any effort to inform you that that's why your mana bar is suddenly empty? No instruction booklet to refer to in or out of the game to look up game mechanics? Enemies clipping through scenery and being positioned in places that make Sora's unreasonably wide swings bash off of said scenery instead of letting me focus on strategy and basic positioning? Attacks that force you to wait instead of react? Do I need to explain all of this?! There's a big difference between not having the same opinion as someone and just outright flaming them because they don't share it. I'm tired of people justifying that because something harshly criticizes something they don't like, that just getting upset about it is rational. It isn't. I think people who are incapable of telling me why my video is bad, whether or not they do, probably aren't disliking it for the right reasons.
I guess every time I dislike something and say so openly, I should expect an onslaught of hatred, as though that hatred is going to accomplish anything but shout down the opinion of the person it's targeting, which appears to be the goal of some of the KH community who have seen this video. I don't care if people dislike my video, but none of the people that have said anything constructive. It's just obvious triggered behavior from people who didn't like that I don't like their game, not that the points were invalid. It seems like the vast majority of people who have reacted to it did so because I simply don't like their game. I came here to make this thread to look into that, and like I said, plenty of people here don't act that way. Also, having something you like shat on by someone else is not a free moral pass to just get mad about it, because that anger is just self-serving. You're not achieving anything by flaming a guy that doesn't like your stuff, you're just showing that you're insecure about it and that different beliefs make you upset.
Did it though? But in all seriousness, I think the biggest problem with the story is that Square Enix took two franchises, molded them together, and then took their own franchise and overshadowed the other one. They didn't make the story have enough to do with Disney so it's just basically a Final Fantasy game guest starring Disney characters, which was disappointing. I wish they had made a real attempt at mashing up the two worlds. Not a professional. Why should I be careful about what I say, to appease a mass audience that can't handle it? I can see why you would think that, but 80 hours in and being fed up with the game, all I wanted was a satisfying boss fight and I got the most gimmicky one ever. The possessed Riku fight was far more satisfying, but that wasn't part of the video. I posted it as an example of everything I hate about the game because it hits on almost all of it. There are nice things about the game but few of them contribute to actually making the game fun. This is not a review, this is simply a montage that highlights specifically what I hate about the game. Also, I don't get why people like it, and except for the friend I started the bet with, I've heard few arguments for why it is (but even he admits that KH1 is not good compared to others in the series). Correct, lol. The problem is that I'm not personally attacking anyone, I'm just commenting on something a community likes, and unlike most of the people in this thread, everyone who wanted to react to it took it personally and downvoted/whined in the comments. That was an indication to me that the KH community could be mostly these people, but this thread has luckily proved me wrong. Edit: Also, to clear one thing up, I don't actually care that KH fans dislike it. The point of this thread was to find out if the KH community were all like the ones who dislike the video. That said, if you have an open mind, I hope that you would find it funny because even if it's taking a dump on a game you like, I can still find fans finding humor in it.
A lot of people like to, despite that I played the entire game, criticize me for just automatically not liking it. I sank like 80 hours into that game, you would think I would have enjoyed it if I were capable. I just figured I'd see if the entire KH community was like the kinds of people who comment on that youtube video. Glad to see that you guys as a whole aren't supremely offended when people don't like the game!
You really shouldn't get upset with me for criticizing something anyways. It's not an attack on your personality to hate something you like, it's just an exchange of ideas on what makes a game good or bad. Don't hate-watch it, just watch it! It's funny. At one point I go on a rant about how there's no instruction booklet in the case, and I also get so pissed off at dying and teleporting back to the first phase of the boss that I had to take a break. You can visibly see the serenity I feel when I finally kill Ansem. I might check it out, assuming I survive DDD. There were a lot of things I hated about KH1's battle system, but it was mainly that it was clunky and unresponsive, or faulty, but I think later games may have fixed that. Even my friend complained about stuff like the camera.
Actually, as part of the bet we made, we decided to extend it and he had me play his favorite KH game: DDD. I have it on 3DS. So far it's not that bad, I just find the motivation to continue on storywise a bit bland at the part of the game I'm on. We'll see if I hate this one too!
Just because a lot of people have started arguments with me about it simply because I disagreed with them since I had openly ridiculed the game. I wanted to see what the community as a whole thought since all I've gotten to see is the worst it has to offer.
A few years ago I finished playing KH 1.5 as part of a bet I made with a friend. My friend was a huge KH fan and mentioned how excited he was for it and how great it was many times, spawning arguments between us both. Finally we decided that the only way to settle the score was for me to actually play the game, start to finish with an open mind, and find out if the game really was garbage. Turns out I was right! At least, my anticipation of how much I would hate the game was. I played through both games on 1.5 and even watched the cutscene marathon, and although I found parts of the GBA remake more enjoyable than the original, I still found both the games to be subpar. I also made a video on youtube (https://youtu.be/YAZbbHpJ8DI) that was a cut down version of the entire final boss fight, which originally took me around 3 hours. It's garnered some hate from KH fans. The point of this thread however is not to take a dump on your game. I just want to know: when you see a guy like me that thinks KH is deplorable, do you assume I just have no taste in videogames? Do you hate me? Or do you think there's merit to not liking some or certain aspects of the game? I've not seen such a reaction from any other game I've hated and that's bizarre. Edit: