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Alicia Maddox

Anime | Manga Bleach: A Review

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Hello guys, how's everyone tonight? So I finished the Bleach anime some time ago, and after sitting on it a while, I thought I might give my two cents about the series. ^.^ I'll try to make this review as spoiler free as I can for anyone who hasn't seen the anime or read the manga yet. here it goes.Over a year ago, I decided to get serious about watching anime. I previewed several anime pilots and one of them happened to be Bleach. After watching the first episode, I was interested. After watching two more episodes, I was hooked for life. xD Bleach was my very first anime, and one of my top five favorites, for a number of reasons that I won't go into now. But that's not why you're here. You want to know about Bleach.Bleach is one of those shows that doesn't have one over arcing theme like death Note or Hellsing. So describing the story can be a little difficult, but the general plot of the story follows a young high school student with the ability to see the undead  by the name of Ichigo Kurosaki. Through a series of events, Ichi meets a spirit called a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki, who lends him her powers so he can protect his family from an attacking evil spirit. Thus begins Ichigo's journey throughout the rest of the series as both a student, and Soul Reaper. What makes Bleach so good, especially in the first half of the series, are the characters and the story. Bleach boasts a character roster that J.R.R Tolkien himself would be proud of. Each one is unique, quirky, fun, and they all have their own backstory that do get told over the course of the show.The mythology in Bleach is deep and long running, adding a rich history and background to many of the events that take place throughout the series. Several of the story arcs are amazing and engaging, with epic battle scenes, emotional climaxes, and many plot twists and turns along the way.Mind you, Bleach is not a short show. It boasts an impressive 366 episodes in length, with about half of the arcs being fillers and stand alone filler episodes. But trust me, even some of the filler arcs are just as good as the canons. So, if you're someone who likes short and to the point anime shows, then Bleach isn't right for you. But if you're like me, and like to stick around for the long haul, then you'll love Bleach!The animation is very well done, and the soundtrack is superb! But that's not to say that Bleach isn't without its faults. Because the series went on for so long, at times, the show's pace can fluctuate; having highs and lows in story telling and some inconsistency in character development, or almost none at all. But, all in all, Bleach is still a well done anime; its one of the longest running shows out there, and one of the most popular as well. Being put in the same league as Naruto, Dragon Ball, and One Piece. If you've never seen the show, or are thinking about seeing it, I highly recommend you check it out. You will very possibly get hooked after the first three episodes like I did. :D Bleach has a little something for everyone; action, comedy, adventure, a little romance, and PLENTY of feels. ^.^ I hope this review helped, and look for more anime reviews coming your way from me! Till next time, Bankai!Alicia  

Edited by Alicia Maddox

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I like the manga, but the anime moves sooooo slowwwwwly. Anime in general does that, and I'm also a fast reader so I can't stand things that take more time to watch than to read.


That said, despite the ridiculous tropes and convoluted plot, it's still a fun series overall. Certainly worth checking out, at the very least.

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Ah yes, Bleach...such a frickin amazing anime!  This anime has definitely got to be on my list of all time favorites!  Johnny Yong Bosch as Ichigo Kurosaki, Liam O'Brien as Jushiro Ukitake, and George Grant as Izuru Kira, among so many other amazing voice actors in this anime make it so fun to watch!  I love this anime, the stories it tells are compelling, and the fillers are fun!  Haha, I really hope the final arc of the manga gets made into an anime! Awesome review, Alicia!  Bankai! :D

Edited by Shigehiko

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