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Everything posted by 『R』

  1. I went to go see Jupiter Ascending, and to me it was OK. What I really want to see is Project Almanac.

  2. I confirmed my name a long time ago, but it never got changed...
  3. I have returned to confirm my name! 『』 or 『R』if the first one isn't possible.
  4. Supremacy 1914 has so many terms o.o

  5. I would like mine to be 『』 or 『R』if the first one isn't possible.
  6. I leave for weeks, but I only get 55 notifications.lol

  7. Hapy Thanksgiving!

    1. king of the hearts

      king of the hearts

      Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

    2. Caxkj


      I wasn't even aware that was today. xD Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Pocky taste good though!

  9. Grisaia though....

  10. Anyone play Osu! ?

  11. During the rough times of September through November, I have had extra-curricular stuff going on. And the battoru life. Now I can come back to KH13 for real.
  12. That feeling when you eat juicy,crispy, delicous, KFC chicken. :3

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