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Kirie last won the day on December 3 2020

Kirie had the most liked content!

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  1. Is the Spider-Man Miles Morales coming out for the ps5 only or for the ps4 also?
  2. Golden makes me cry every time I come to this place. Kirie, come back and say hi sometimes! Lots of people would love it. Especially Golden. He misses you a lot. All your friends do.

  3. Thinking of you, wherever you are... :(

    1. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      You pray for your sorrows to end

      And hope that your hearts will blend

    2. The Transcendent Key
  4. Hope you're doing okay.

  5. last pic of me Yes i naturally look like that And I look sick from what I can tell when I took this pic.
  6. Thank you. to be honest i find it funny over the years i've been drawing, i changed my drawings to kingdom hearts style to lolis in "neko mimi mode" style. Like many artists they make they're own style that includes imperialism, expansionism, romanticism, cubic, dots . Altho i am determined to make my own style its going to be called "Lolisism".
  7. When I first started drawing to how my drawing skills are now 2011 I believe this is my first attempt drawing something without copying a copyright drawing. 2012 This was copyrighted you can look it up at pixiv.net in organization 13 search tags. 2013 Copyrighted as well just search it up by the word "neko". 2014 Copyrighted, blare as a chibi in the anime of soul eater. I love that anime btw 2015 Kirie altho I dont recommend you to search up her full name unless you're 18 or older please refrain if you're under 18. reply and tell me what you think ^w^
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