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About littlebrownmermaid

  • Birthday 11/13/1996

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  1. Honestly, your whole about me is basically me but not really. I'm talking about the ships and like your interest. Lmao

    1. KHUndertaleFan25


      I'm kinda protective about myself. So i just put whatever i like onto my page.

  2. The reason I asked if it was going to be region locked is that I'm moving out of the country for a year in between the releases and I'm bringing my American PS4 with me....I'm going to Australia (obvlously a big difference), there is a different region code. I know the PS4 is region locked free, it's mostly the game CD when it comes to Square. That's my problem, the only one actually. I just want to know if I should even bother with buying the game in Aussie or just have someone send me the American game.
  3. I know Square Enix has a habit of being a company that region locking their games but only certain titles. I wanted to know if you guys think it would be a region locked because it's such an anticipated game. I'm wondering with KH2.8 too.
  4. The information on this is really week. The secret world/portal is actually nothing but an area of space with discarded fragments in it. They did have a girl in there who got trapped for a couple of years but she was put in a dormant sleep. However, the city was supposed to be sucked into that world in a plot revenge. Maybe they would turn it into a realm of darkness but I doubt it....They mostly used the Disney classics in Birth By Sleep too (discarding Deep Space). I doubt that a new world would be from the most recent Disney Movie.
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