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King Arthur13

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Everything posted by King Arthur13

  1. Trick or Treat Taste Defeat Missing Link will not Release
  2. https://tenor.com/view/kylo-ren-you%27ll-give-it-to-me-give-it-to-me-kylodom-adam-driver-gif-14627485114905688555
  3. Live action lion sora Leaked concept art for lion form Sora in kh4
  4. Hear me out "live action" lion king world
  5. In my own headcanon jf your nobody grows a heart before you're recompleted and then they die, their heart gets kind of absorbed into yours I think xion and Roxas being released from sora were special cases Since they were very unique nobodies even by organization standards
  6. "Realizing 2014 is only 3 months away yaàaaaargh"
  7. https://tenor.com/view/no-kingdom-hearts-news-state-of-play-summer-games-fest-kh-kingdom-hearts-gif-12453345385655517051
  8. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/962840713018626059/1257424334046236803/RPReplay_Final1719863590.mov?ex=6718abeb&is=67175a6b&hm=0ff04bda8cf099cddbac036ae110aa50a048d2347b686b03d116a9a44c67f9f4&
  9. It was today when I realized those shoulder plushies in khux are based on actual shoulder and bag clip on plushies from tokyo disney
  10. https://tenor.com/view/heavy-is-dead-spy-engineer-correct-right-gif-26313261
  11. https://www.gamesradar.com/games/kingdom-hearts/after-voicing-sora-in-12-rpgs-kingdom-hearts-actor-says-maybe-the-best-thing-to-do-is-let-the-long-running-series-end-even-if-you-have-something-that-you-love/ Haley Joel osment: i just want my boy to be happy
  12. Added the team dark theme song to the dark beginnings teaser
  13. This is such a cute Xion redesign
  14. https://fxtwitter.com/mellllllky/status/1839199033900093450?s=61&t=HRj49qwxVE6wFicoLf6p8Q
  15. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/962840672438714379/1274464690616926340/My_Movie_3.mov?ex=66f5c3bc&is=66f4723c&hm=c1ff9f3eb488a18a222d56a75a9c80a4c2333413c8c45ce6292a6a91f59d60b2&
  16. OH Man the day kh ends like truly ends will be an end of such a deep part of a childhood
  17. Or tragically fizzle out And be put on an eternal backburnee And be put on an eternal backburner
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