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Everything posted by -Kye-

  1. Yes now give asobi 40 more and it'll be faster
  2. They can with in 3 years yes If they do more like astrobot it'll be easy to pump out titles The problem was the chasing of live service
  3. I mean xbox did it to themselves Phil keeps giving ps everything I feel we have to wait on this gen for things to change, it seems things have been this way with Jim's leadership and just cause we have new people now doesn't mean they can just change plans they have in order Honestly sony just needs to save it all for PS6
  4. Wait yall think they would come out and say that lol
  5. Yeah and if you want disc the option its still there
  6. I have physical but always get the game digital cause midnight
  7. Everyone always complains on why we font get jak or sly or japan studio closing
  8. I would love old ips to comeback but.....
  9. Ima be real I love metroid but nintendo fans don't buy it
  10. Yes mario, zelda, and pokemon will always do that
  11. Why people acting like they have to get it lol, even if you do or don't it won't change the future ps6 pro and yeah get ready for all digital only
  12. If you have the money to invest go for it if not the ps5 is just fine
  13. Again it'd not meant for the casual consumer
  14. It's for the fans not regular consumers
  15. I'm not worried about the price
  16. https://fxtwitter.com/playstation/status/1833158510030516386?s=46&t=BQV5QzD-z2Bgwa3p0D4_kQ
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