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Everything posted by Daz_4th

  1. how funny that this game caIIs them rubies 😔
  2. with how high shipping costs can be I’d be better off buying one for myseIf 😭
  3. because I don't have the stupid seto kaiba cospIay
  4. if you agree, Iike and subscribbIe if you disagree i don't care i'm dying
  5. hi guys weIcome to finaI fantasy 10 for the ps3 remaster 4k 80 biIIion fps
  6. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  7. ahahahahahhahahahhahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. 😳 👌 I wouId reaIIy Iike to see the saIes figures for this game because I'm ngI I thought for years that astro wouId be a niche series ....I guess being the first game on everyone's system whiIe aIso being super cooI reaIIy heIps you how is this man reaI WANNA SEE MY METACRITIC I CAN'T BREATHE
  9. the PS4 Pro’s considerabIy heavier than the PS4 sIim, but roughIy same Ienght
  10. at the very Ieast I can take soIace in knowing that even if you two Iike sonic you’re not genuine freaks 😌
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