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  1. Sign-Ups and Discussion can be found here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/85936-the-normal-club-sign-ups-and-discussion/ Now then, without further ado, let's get started! -------------- Chisei Academy, a school for the intellectually elite. Embracing only the best and brightest the world has to offer, students from across the globe have gathered here today for the first day of the new school semester. Arriving at the Academy from the various planes, boats, trains and other forms of transport. Approaching the school's main building for the opening ceremony was one particular student named David Nightray. Walking along side his fellow students, David felt uneasy and almost sickly about his surroundings. Somehow managing to keep a straight face, the young man made sure his new uniform was in order as to not disappoint the teachers of this highly prestigious academy. However, David's attention was drawn to a set of paper aeroplanes, gliding through the air gracefully. Tracing back the trajectory of where the paper planes were thrown from, the freshmen noticed a mysterious blonde on the roof of the building. "Who Is that... I wonder?" Almost forgetting about his surroundings, David constantly watched the blonde until he disappeared from the sight. "... Weird." Looking back at the paper planes that were now beginning to draw the attention of the majority of students and landing towards a few of them, David took one of these papers and unfolded it. "What's this?" Reading it, David was only met with questions behind the blonde headed boy he saw on the roof. On the paper planes was a note that read: "Dear Losers, I understand that most of you idiots have been looking for some kind of way out. A way of truly expressing yourself despite your obvious lack of social understanding. Well, how would you like to be "normal"? If the answer is yes, then you'll know what to do after today's opening ceremony. ~Yours truly, Mr President." After reading the note, David looked up at the roof where the blonde had been. Continuing on his path to the opening ceremony while haunted by the curiosity of the note, David gave a self satisfying smile. "Maybe... This place might be right for me after all."
  2. This will be a splice of life Roleplay that I will be co-hosting with theswordinthethrone who is making his RP debut here on KH13. Plot Summary Chisei Academy is an international boarding school for the intellectually gifted. Created for the reason of gathering the world's best and brightest students, Chisei Academy strives to bring out the best from what the latest generation has to offer. Over the course of three years, students will learn many great skills that will help them fulfil the great tasks that surely awaits them in their adult life. Every student will each be a given a dorm room to themselves as well as a number of study areas in order to collaborate on problems that you are unable to solve alone. However, there is in fact a requirement that must be met in order for students to attend this school. All students must maintain a steady test score percentage with an average of 90% or higher in all of their subjects. This task may seem daunting, especially with each academic year becoming harder and harder, but here at Chisei Academy, we only accept the best of the best. To enforce this requirement, we will use a three strike policy and after the third strike, you will be escorted home and be declared as a drop out. Now, on the other hand, if you find yourself succeeding at our prestigious school, then we encourage you to join one of our many extra curricular clubs in order to keep your mind and body in top mental and physical condition. We have many clubs to choose from which will help you all to form relationships with your fellow students. Now, we hope you all succeed during the next three years and show us all that you are worthy to join Chisei Academy. "You guys hear all of that? Basically, if you screw up three times at this school, you'll be sent home as the laughing stock of the century. I know it's going to be tough, but I'm sure all of you will do just fine. After all, not just anyone gets invited to come here. You guys are the best of the best, just like me. Now, despite there being any number of clubs at this school, that I personally lost count of after 50, there are always going to be people who don't fall in anywhere. Whether it be lack of skill in a specific field, a problem or habit that causes you to be treated differently from the general populace or even something as trivial as not getting along with other people, there are always going to be people who will be left to suffer in this school alone. That's why this year there will be a new club for all of you struggling with life at this absurdly stressful school. To improve social insecurity and to help deal with any mental or physical problems, I invite you all to the Normal Club! ~President of the Normal Club, Chase Cross." ------- You heard it straight from the mouth of your club president guys. The goal of this Roleplay will be to show how the relationships of our fellow club members play out over the course of the three years they attend Chisei Academy. The Normal Club itself is a place for people from across the campus to come together and slowly become what the general populace of the world would consider "Normal". Your character is not required to join the Normal Club right away and you're free to leave the club at any time during the story. As your club president, Chase will make sure to provide all of the members with fun and exciting projects to make your time spent at the school that much more fun. These projects will vary from paying attention to certain members of the club and helping them overcome their problems or something more specific for the group such as "doing actual club work". Rules Both me and theswordinthethrone will be encouraging the following of these rules. So, here's the basic rules for being a part of this RP (Don't worry, they're not as bad as they sound. ) - Follow traditional KH13 Roleplaying Rules. - I follow a three strike policy in which if you break the rules three times then you will be removed from the Rp. So please, let's all abide by the rules. (And yes, this ties in with the the policy mentioned in the plot summary, giving the character an acceptable reason for leaving the Rp.) - You can only make another post after three others have posted after you. This is to maintain an even pace and make sure that each person isn't left behind during the story. - Each of you may control up to a maximum of two characters. - A post must contain a minimum of four lines. - Please be as descriptive as possible with your posts. Detail is key to making a good story. - Be respectful to your fellow RPers. - To prove you've read the rules, place your favourite colour at the end of you character sheet. - Lets all have some fun! Character Sheet Name: Age: (1st year: 15 - 16. 2nd year: 16 - 17. 3rd year: 17 - 18.) Gender: Appearance: (Can be a picture or a description) Academic Year: (Dependant on Age.) Average Test Score Percentage: (90% - 100%) Specialisation: (Which subject do you excel in?) Personality: (Give a basic description of how your character interacts with others) Quirk: (What makes them stand out? What are their problems?) Bio: (Describe the childhood of your character leading up to them joining the academy. Optional: If this isn't your first year at Chisei academy, then describe what it was like attending the school during your previous years.) ------- As an example to follow, I will put up my own characters below. My Characters Name: Charles Cerberus Cross Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Academic Year: 2nd Year Average Test Score Percentage: 97% Specialisation: English Literature and Music. Personality: Confident. Rebellious. Arrogant. Elusive. Devious. Mischievous. Disrespectful to authority. Reliable to those in need. Respectful to senior students. Quirk: Chase suffers from an authority complex, not listening when teachers or adults talk down to him. This often leads him to getting into trouble as well as being sent to detention. He is seemingly always picking a fight verbally. Bio: Charles Cerberus Cross was a shy boy who did as he was told. Never fighting his own battles, the boy was known as a coward who simply studied in his room alone. Living up to the expectations of his parents, Charles was accepted to attend Chisei Academy and found himself settling in at the Music club. This year however, Charles appears to have an almost completely different personality, introducing himself as Chase with a new found sense of confidence that almost seems out of place for all who knew him during his previous year. What could have possibly happened to Charles during his first year? Name: David Nightray Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Academic Year: 1st Year Average Test Score Percentage: 94% Specialisation: Mathematics and Physics. Personality: Timid. Quiet. Nervous. Shy around new people. Can become friendly after a while. He's also very kind and apologetic for everything. Quirk: Dave suffers from intense stage freight, unable for him to excel in subjects such as drama or present in front of large groups. This also leads to him awkwardly trying to either quickly dissolve or completely avoid any conversations that present themselves to him. If he is put on the spot and under pressure, his mental capacity will plummet to the point that he'll begin feeling sick. Bio: Growing up as the youngest sibling among five others, David was always the one who found himself ignored and placed to one side. David felt as if his parents were giving his older siblings more attention while he himself was left to study alone. Due to this lack of attention from his family, David found himself unprepared for the day to day interaction a teen would encounter while attending school, and so began his journey down the path of social anxiety. This however led him to have less time to worry about others and more time to worry about himself, studying harder for school than any of his siblings ever had. Proving that normal schools were simply not challenging enough for him, David personally sent in an application to attend Chisei Academy without informing his parents, not revealing to them what he had done until he received the very impressive acceptance letter. Leaving his family behind, David left for the Academy in hopes of making a new start and overcoming his fears.
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