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Found 4 results

  1. Greetings, Fellow Dandelions! As you all know, Synthesis has been a big part of Kingdom Hearts since the first game. It gives us ways to get items and weapons from drops from Heartless...but, do you really use it as much as you think? Like, you know it takes quite a bit of Synthesis to get to the good items and weapons, but...do you really use it after you get them? For instance, in KH1, you have to create almost every other item in the list to get to the weapons, but after you get those, do you bother spending the time grinding to get multiple of some items. One play-through, I made enough Crystal Crowns for my entire party and it took AGES! Way too long. And of course, there is the fact of remember what enemy drops what item, what world that enemy appears in in that point in time (Because Heartless and Nobodies have a really bad habit of moving house when things get more intense near end game), and of course, just how often those items drop. RNG is a cruel mistress. Granted, the tediousness of this could be removed if they somehow managed to streamlined this process. In KH2, if you got 50 or more of the shard, stone and gem variants of some materials, you could outright buy them from Moogle shops...but that's if you got 50 or more, which is really way too much grinding. By the time you complete them all, you'd probably have enough material to make anything you want and more! Fighting all those enemies for items is a pretty good way to get higher in level unless you already maxed yourself out, in which case, every enemy that doesn't have a drop is just another screen transition to get them to re-spawn. The usual ultimate prize for all your work is to be able to create the Ultima Weapon, though in more recent games, they've been able to find other ways of giving you that weapon.(Secret boss in DDD, Mirage Arena from BBS.) Who's to say you won't be able to get it from doing the Hades Cup in Olympus (Seeing that it's already in the game and that has been the token Tournament world for many games now.) I personally wouldn't mind if it came back, but wouldn't be surprised if the didn't include it in. What are your thoughts? Anyway, my B-day is soon, so maybe I'll get something KH related from my family. Until next time, Stay Shining!
  2. What do you mean I need 13 Orichalcum+ with only 7 existing in the game?!
  3. I am almost do e with all the materials, but, I will need help with the rest: NOTE: Using 2.5 Remix NEEDING: -Blazing Gem -Power Gem -Remembrance Stone -Energy Gem Please help soon!
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