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Found 86 results

  1. Both the Japanese and Global accounts on X for Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link have announced that closed beta testing for Android devices will take place from April 25th through May 2nd. Players selected for the Android closed beta test will be notified through email around April 19th. You can view the full announcement below Previously Square Enix had announced that the Android closed beta test, originally scheduled to take place in January 2024, would instead be delayed into Spring 2024, due to the need for further adjustments to be made to ensure the game ran comfortably on a wide range of devices. The iOS closed beta test for Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link was previously held in November of 2023. KH13's very own Kimpchuu shared his impressions of the closed beta test which you can view here. View full article
  2. Sqaure Enix have announced on the Japanese Twitter/X account that the Android Closed Beta Test for Kingdom Hearts Missing Link will be pushed back a week. The CBT will now been conducted between May 2nd and May 10th. Players will be notified on or around April 26th. In addition, a second iOS CBT will be happening during the same time as the Android CBT. This means the next CBT will be running on both Android and iOS systems, so this might mean that Kingdom Hearts Missing Link is within the last part of testing. UPDATE (April 22, 2024): Sign up for the second iOS closed beta test has begun for Australia and United Kingdom. The sign up period will be from Apr 22nd to Apr 26th. You can apply by clicking here.
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