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Found 2 results

  1. Now that Kingdom Hearts IV has been announced, people are already discussing what they would like in this new title. Some of GameInformer's staff, for example, has already published their wishes in an article: https://www.gameinformer.com/2022/04/11/what-we-want-in-kingdom-hearts-4. Now I will discuss what I would like from Kingdom Hearts IV, from the developmental side to the game itself. Development Team Nomura should have a writing team to help him build the story and cast. Let guest artists contribute to the character designs. One possible candidate, for me, would be Kimihiko Fujisaka. Tetsuya Nomura and the development team should allow critiques on the story and game from other developers like Naoki Yoshida, Yoko Taro, and Final Fantasy creator Hirobu Sakaguchi. Editing allows the scenes and dialogue to flow naturally. The Game, Itself: The pre-rendered cutscenes should be on par with Final Fantasy XIV's trailers in terms of visuals and story usage. Please don't let Sora be the only playable character, let other characters shine like Riku and Kairi. Multiple costumes like in Final Fantasy XV and Dissidia. The story is deep and makes full usage of its original and Final Fantasy cast, something Kingdom Hearts III had an issue with. Yozora makes occasional appearances throughout the game to give hints to who he really is before Verum Rex. Maybe let him be a temporary playable character. The overall tone should be dark, given the initial trailer's main focus was on Sora's time in Quadratum. Yet have occasional light moments, such as Donald and Goofy's visit to Hades, to balance the content. The Heartless and other enemies have more monstrous designs, like the Darkside in the trailer. The minor NPCs, like in Quadratum, have more diverse designs than what we were shown, which include costumes, hair, and faces. More Square Enix characters than what we have had in the previous games. Especially Final Fantasy XV's Noctis Lucis Caelum; let Nomura write Noctis into the game. For Worlds, I do not want anything franchises that Disney bought like Star Wars or Marvel. Just keep to the animated films, original live-action films, Pixar films, and Square Enix worlds.
  2. What do you think about kingdom hearts 4 ?
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