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Quiz Break during Twitch Pokemon marathon features Kingdom Hearts questions

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During Twitch Presents Pokémon marathon, Kingdom Hearts was featured during a commercial break. During this break, 2 15-second commercials were shown along with 2 quiz questions and a random fun fact about Kingdom Hearts III. The 1st question was a multiple choice question about what is a Heartless and the 2nd question was a True/False on if Haley Joel Osment was reprising his role as Sora for Kingdom Hearts III. The fun fact stated that over 300 characters from Disney and Pixar will appear in Kingdom Hearts III.

Special thanks to @Toominator for providing the screenshots from the stream!

Would you like to see Twitch do more quiz time questions for Kingdom Hearts? Have you seen any more quiz breaks during Twitch Presents? Let us know in the comments below!

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 I think the question means that with the release of KH 3 there will be over 300 characters that will have appeared in the KH SERIES overall not KH 3 itself.

Edited by keyslinger

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1 hour ago, KeybladeTerra said:

I assume the answer to the Heartless Question was "All of the above" but I thought that the unversed were the ones that feed off negative emotion not the heartless.

They don't feed off of it, but they can be attracted by negative emotions.

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