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Keyblade Card - Photoshoot

PHOTOSHOOT -  A Keyblade modeled after the ghost-filled mansion of Fatal Frame! This Keybkade increases the amount of health dropped by enemies. The hilt of the keyblade is designed in combination of Miku's Camera Obscura and the Himuro Mansion. The shaft of the blade is designed after the various torches seen throughout the mansion, with one being present in the center. The teeth of the blade is formed from the blue fire that is left behind when Miku exorcises a spirit with her camera. The keychain is designed after the hanging ropes found in the mansion with the Token being that of the Type-90 Film, the strongest film in the game. The World Logo is the infamous Himuro Mansion where Miku is trapped in. The name comes from when you have several photos taken in a location. 

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