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About TheGuide

  • Birthday 11/05/1996

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  • Member Title
    The Returned
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  1. Once Ventus had finished getting ready, he called over to Roxas "hey rox, I'm gonna go chat with the others, hurry up and finish getting ready so that was not late." He walked out into the hall, approaching Pence and Ephemer. "Hey, guys. Roxas seems to be having a stellar morning again. Hopefully, he'll be ready soon enough." He said, looked over his shoulder back at his dorm. "You guys ready for the first day of school?" He asked, expecting a resounding 'no' in much that same way he would answer. As he paused for a response, a thought occurred. "Didn't Xion ask us to call her when it was time to go? We might want to tell her that we're just waiting on my brother."
  2. im really glad Treasure planet has the most votes right now. I would love my favorite disney movie as a world.
  3. "Twenty minutes" Ventus repeated, without opening his mouth much. He sleepily began attempting to locate clean clothes as xion walked past, and roxas yelling caused him to inspect what he had been wearing to sleep. He wasnt much better than his brother, but he really didnt care. he gave a two-finger salute as a greeting, just before roxas slammed the door. "Christ dude, relax. You're gonna give me a headache." He returned to his hunt for clothes. Once he had pulled on an outfit, he attempted to make it to the bathroom. "Are you gonna heave in front of the door all morning or can i open it" he asked
  4. Ventus was dreaming a pleasant dream. People cheered as he held the trophy up high, "ven-tus, ven-tus, ven-tus!" And then, thwack. The pillow glanced off his face and jolted him awake. He sat upright for a moment, looked around, and then just flopped back down with his face away from his brother, groaning in response to Roxas. He knew he wasn't getting out of school, so after a few moments he rolled out of bed and began getting ready, still half asleep. "What time do we have to be in class again?" He asked roxas
  5. Honestly, I don't remember exactly what the /hardest/ boss to beat for me was, but larxene from re:CoM is etched into my memory as hugely frustrating and difficult.
  6. Ayy, ya boi got his hands on a switch

    1. WakingDawn96


      I got my hands on one when the Switch came out on March 3rd! And it was the colored one! :P

    2. TheGuide


      Isn't it awesome? So glad my friend was able to inform me that they were about to be in stock at our local Best Buy so I could nab one.

    3. WakingDawn96


      It's my favorite console at the moment, even though I only have three games for it. I am really fascinated about what the future holds for the system :)

  7. Ventus So much for heading out. Vanitas said some more dumb shit and it set Roxas off. He called Akira four eyes, and it was all over. Sure, he was mad, but Ventus wasn't a fighter. Normally he might have tried to stop his brother, but whatever Roxas did, Ventus deserved. Instead, he threw out a half-hearted "Rox, no don't, he's not worth it..." and posted up against the wall. Instead of being able to enjoy Ventus getting what was coming to him, he instead saw Marie appear, which might have even been better. She stopped the fight, and Ventus approached his brother, doing all he could to keep from staring. She offered him and his friends to go hang out, and Ven was immediately on board. "Yeah that would be great. " he said, voice shaking trying to reign in the excitement "my friends and I were going to get some food, i-if you wanted to uh, join us. Unless you had something else in mind." He blurted out that last bit. Ventus then realized he wasn't including anybody else in this. "If that's okay with you guys?" He looked to all his friends, in turn, his eyes pleading, as if to say "Please help me out here guys." Finally, he looked at Roxas, waiting to see what his brother would do. He wasn't certain he would let this Vanitas business go easily.
  8. That was difficult to watch, im not gonna lie.
  9. Ventus Ventus was still staring at his phone dumbfounded when Roxas affirmed his desire to go see Marie. He'd never admit it, but it was safe to say that he had just a /small/ crush on her, and he'd rather not pass up a chance to see her. "Yeah, uh, food sounds good" his eyes hadn't left his phone, until someone threw their arm around him. His eyes rolled as Vanitas went on about some party. As Roxas told Vanitas off, Ven chimed in "He's right. Lemme be honest with you Vanitas, i wouldn't really want to go to a party with you even if i /didn't/ have anything better to do." Ventus wasn't usually this confrontational, but Vantias just had this arrogance about him that ven really didnt like. Not to mention he was getting in the way of seeing Marie. Once Vanitas moved on to bothering someone else about the party, his thoughts drifted to why Vanitas had said "I feel like I'm going to miss you two! Especially you, Ven~". They certainly weren't friends, so the comment made Ven uneasy. As he pushed his phone back into his pocket, Marie popped into his head for justa moment, before he pushed her out becuase if he kept daydreaming about her all day, it would be even more obvious to his friends than he was sure it already was. "Well, do you guys wanna head to the diner? I'm about ready to ignore these textbooks for a couple months."
  10. Ventus Ven pulled the last of his books out of his locker, tossed them in his pack, and shouldered it. The weight of it pulled him down a bit, but he was used to the weight of all his reading. He approached his brother, clearly ecstatic that he passed all his classes. He sighed. "You know Rox, if you studied with me you wouldn't have to worry about this every semester." He loved to read, so he always had great marks. He worried for his brother if he kept this up throughout his high school career, but he loved him and was happy nonetheless. He patted Roxas on the shoulder. "Nice man. Dad will be thrilled you won't be in summer school this year" he said with a smile. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took a look at it and saw it was a mass text from Marie, the school news anchor. His face immediately became red as he stared awkwardly at his phone. "Hey, uh, what" *clears throat* "what were your plans for later Roxas? Seems like Marie is planning a huge paintball game." Ignis As Iggy buttoned up his double-breasted chefs' jacket and put on his toque blanche, he thought of the rush that would hit his restaurant since school would be letting out. Not that he didn't love cooking, but a busy day at work is rough on anybody.He walked past his boss on his way to the line. "Oh, hey Ignis. I need you to prepare a plate of the special for the servers to taste. Get your rest in soon, because we're expecting a hell of a rush in an hour or two. "Afternoon to you too mark. Business, as usual, i see" Ignis chided with a grin on his face. His boss, the restaurant owner Mark, was a nice guy. He just worried about his business before anything else. Ignis turned the corner onto the line and saw the other line cooks, who had all become comrades. "Iggy!" Tony called from all the way down the line. "Ready to feed a bunch of stupid kids?!" There was a huge ear-to-ear smile on his face. He clearly didn't mean anything buy that "stupid" comment, Tony was just as rambunctious as they come. Ignis took his place on the line next to roderick. "Hey, ignis. how are you doing bro?" "Not bad rod. How you?" Ignis poured some oil in his pan and swirled it around as he grabbed the ingredients for the special, as posted on the white board on the line. He started cooking, getting lost in the sauce mysticism of it.
  11. Oh shoot i goofed. i thought i read in your sheet that he was younger. Im a big dumb. Ill fix that. Fiiiiixed it~
  12. Name: Ventus Aberazio Age: 16 Gender: Male What Video Game you’re from: Kingdom Hearts Occupation: Student at Southway high Appearance: http://orig04.deviantart.net/350c/f/2010/286/a/7/smile___ventus_by_ciel_san-d30o2nl.png Human Appearance: N/A Personality: Quiet and thoughtful. Likes quiet, shady places to read. Bio: Ventus has always enjoyed learning to physical pursuits. Growing up in a rough neighborhood, he always felt safer inside with a book and his family. He loved his father and brother dearly, even though roxas could be a jerk sometimes, and he dosent remember his mother well. Sometimes it gets to him more than others.
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