Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted June 22, 2017 Okay guys please follow this thread and the sign up thread to stay up to date! The school bells blaired loudly, the sounds of children and young adults cheering loudly as school was dismissed for the rest of the summer. Summer vacation! It was time for sun and fun and freedom in the city! Sadly this year wasn't as fun as it was in the past. Crime was rampant in the city of Southway. With summer vacation, crime was only going to get worse. Many parents were worried for their children. Those who can afford it fled for vacation. With differing sides and passionate beliefs, anything could happen. -Roxas- A loud yell could be heard as a young boy named Roxas bolted out of the front doors of his school. He was absolutely sick and tired of the school year, so finally being out of the school was the best feeling in the world. There was also another thing that put Roxas in an even greater mood. “Woo! I am NOT in Summer School!” He cheered, absolutely ecstatic that he was going to spend another summer having to pass math class. Not to mention, his father wasn't going to kill him when he gets home. He stood off into the side, slowly calming down from the rush of adrenaline. He was expecting his twin brother right behind him. “Oh Ven, Ven. You have no idea how happy I am right now. I don't have to stare at the teacher’s face all summer.” He waited for his other friends, hoping they all could hang out to celebrate the beginning of summer. -Marie Calamari- Marie yawned as she trotted out of her classroom. She fell asleep yet again during school, completely bored out of her mind. “Sigh… school is so uncool.” With a small shrug and putting a strand of hair behind her ear, Marie went straight to her locker to throw everything inside out. There was no way she was going to need a periodic table ever again. Luckily she was able to make enough grades to pass each year. After her locker was promptly emptied, Marie whipped out her phone to send a message to everyone in school. ‘K. Schools out. Anyone down for a paintball match?’ The girl was absolutely addicted to paintball. Her favorite thing about it was painting the entire battlefield. Not only that… she has a paintball sniper rifle. -Guzma- “AWRIGHT YOU LITTLE SHITS!” Barked a man named Guzma, the proud CEO of Team Skull, one of the most ‘terrorizing’ gangs of the city as he put it. The thing most members don't realize is that most don't take them seriously. He stood tall on a dumpster in an alleyway across the school, watching as all the kids ran out. His followers sat in front of him, listening to his words as well as the classic Team Skull tunes playing in the background. “Time to get your little asses in gear! Schools out so that means we have a bunch of fresh meat ready to join our ranks! This also means that the little baby pansies in Radiant Heights are going to be coming into our territory. I want y’all to make them wet their little panties and go cry home to their mommas! Also, just a quick thing- if anyone orders a firetruckINING PEPPERONI PIZZA AGAIN INSTEAD OF A PINEAPPLE PIZZA I'M GONNA KILL YA!” The rowdiness could be heard right out of the alleyway and onto the streets. -Silver- A young boy sighed as he boarded the train to head downtown. Finally school was over at Radiant High, so he just wanted to forget the entire year and pretend he doesn't live in Radiant Heights in the first place. Everyone acts so privileged, so high and mighty. They're all so ignorant, Silver believed. Standing in one of the last carts, Silver decided it would be best to just keep to himself as always. The train went off straight to downtown and away from Radiant Heights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 22, 2017 -Vanitas-Vanitas stepped out of the school, a few students following behind him. "You don't have to take summer school?!" One of them asked. "Of course not! You really think the professor would risk having me in his classroom as an only student?" Vanitas hissed, which only caused a few of them to laugh. "Of course! You'd wreck the entire classroom the moment he looked away!" They laughed. Vanitas smiled. In reality, Vanitas had simply passed all of his classes. He was a delinquent, but he was still smart on his own right. "What will you do this summer, Vanitas?" Another one asked. "I don't know." Vanitas asked, looking over as he noticed the blonde twins. He smirked. "Cause trouble, I guess." Vanitas said, making his way to the two, waving away his party. He walked over to the twins, wrapping his arms around them and pulling them to an involuntary hug. "Why if it isn't the twins! Why, I feel like I'm going to miss you two! Especially you, Ven~" Vanitas teased. "Maybe you two should come to a party I'm heading! I happen to have a 'bring a guest' invitation!~"-Noiz-Noiz stepped out of the school, blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the sun. Being in the school's server room for most of the day did terrible for his vision. School was out. It meant more time for himself, but it also meant that for a whole summer, he had no job to gain a stable income from. At the very least, it also meant that he had more time for Ruff Rabbit. This summer would be a busy one. Summer meant more gang members having time for gang activities, and that brought a lot of tensions between territories, and even more wars. "(I have to remind my boys to take precautions.)" Noiz thought, walking down the stairs as he was mindful of the running students. His cell was going crazy with messages from his members, how they were excited for tonight's meeting and asking each other to bring snacks. Sure, they were technically criminals...but hey, they were friendly when they wanted to be. He texted back as he walked, only pausing to witness Guzma make a loud declaration to his members in the made up spot by the dumpster. "Annoying." He hummed, taking out his keychain, which contained a laser pointer, and promptly proceeded to point it at Guzma's chest. If they were dumb enough, they would think it was a sharpshooter somewhere, and scramble for the hills. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGuide 177 Posted June 22, 2017 Ventus Ven pulled the last of his books out of his locker, tossed them in his pack, and shouldered it. The weight of it pulled him down a bit, but he was used to the weight of all his reading. He approached his brother, clearly ecstatic that he passed all his classes. He sighed. "You know Rox, if you studied with me you wouldn't have to worry about this every semester." He loved to read, so he always had great marks. He worried for his brother if he kept this up throughout his high school career, but he loved him and was happy nonetheless. He patted Roxas on the shoulder. "Nice man. Dad will be thrilled you won't be in summer school this year" he said with a smile. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took a look at it and saw it was a mass text from Marie, the school news anchor. His face immediately became red as he stared awkwardly at his phone. "Hey, uh, what" *clears throat* "what were your plans for later Roxas? Seems like Marie is planning a huge paintball game." Ignis As Iggy buttoned up his double-breasted chefs' jacket and put on his toque blanche, he thought of the rush that would hit his restaurant since school would be letting out. Not that he didn't love cooking, but a busy day at work is rough on anybody.He walked past his boss on his way to the line. "Oh, hey Ignis. I need you to prepare a plate of the special for the servers to taste. Get your rest in soon, because we're expecting a hell of a rush in an hour or two. "Afternoon to you too mark. Business, as usual, i see" Ignis chided with a grin on his face. His boss, the restaurant owner Mark, was a nice guy. He just worried about his business before anything else. Ignis turned the corner onto the line and saw the other line cooks, who had all become comrades. "Iggy!" Tony called from all the way down the line. "Ready to feed a bunch of stupid kids?!" There was a huge ear-to-ear smile on his face. He clearly didn't mean anything buy that "stupid" comment, Tony was just as rambunctious as they come. Ignis took his place on the line next to roderick. "Hey, ignis. how are you doing bro?" "Not bad rod. How you?" Ignis poured some oil in his pan and swirled it around as he grabbed the ingredients for the special, as posted on the white board on the line. He started cooking, getting lost in the sauce mysticism of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted June 22, 2017 ~Miles "Tails" Thompson~ "I'm sorry, it's just that with summer coming, I'll have more free time," Miles continued, still seated in his last period, Engineering, even though the bell rang minutes ago. Mr. Mann looked upon Miles with a bit of disbelief and exhaust- Miles was his most persistent student, after all, and asking for a summer project was something he probably should've expected from him. "The store won't let me take more hours that I've already got- they don't want to have to pay me an actual paycheck. I don't know what to do with all this time." Miles seemed slightly disappointed in Mr. Mann's silence, his chilly eyes unwavering from the floor, as if his blond hair weighed his head down a bit too much. "I'm sorry Miles, but I ain't got nothin' for ya. Why dontcha try being a teen this summer, 'steada sittin' in that attic ya got?" Mr. Mann may have been a teacher, but his dialect was about as unkempt as a roosters nest- and his deep southern accent wouldn't help his case much either. Still, he got his point across. Miles left the room with a sigh, hoping maybe he'd be hit by a genius idea when he got home. Passing by the twins he came to know as Roxas and Ven being harrassed by the boy named Vanitas, he spoke up. "Vanitas, any party that you go to is bound to be raided by police- I seriously doubt anyone with half a brain would take you up on that offer." Miles didn't know Roxas or Ven aside from by their name. Heck, they probably didn't even know HIS name, but he still wanted to harass their harasser. ~Silver Giorno~ These kids... a bit riled, aren't they? Must be summer vacation. It's hard to keep track of all these events. A boy of mischief and red hair, Silver Giorno gazed upon the stampede of teens and young adults from the parking lot, making some sort of deal with one of it's attendees. One of those top class kids that somehow always managed to get their hands dirty with drugs, with money Silver never questioned the origins of. "...whatever. Just give me the money already and let me leave this place." "Chill dude, here." The boy handed Silver what he asked for- a rolled up wad of cash. Silver grinned, and handed off his deal- an unknown item wrapped in brown paper, tied with string. "Don't tell anyone where you got this. I will not hesitate to track you down." Silver walked away with his score, shoving it nonchalantly into his jacket pocket. Seriously, what's a kid with that kind of money doing at this school? Not that I'm complaining- easy score for me. This kid is gonna have one hell of a summer. I'm almost jealous- or I would be if I wanted to kill myself. But that's his loss, and my gain. He toyed around with the cash in his pocket, smirking only a bit. He hated drugs- at least, the ones that he saw dangerous. He drinks, and rolls the occasional joint, but he'd never get himself into something as deadly as anything else. His victorious strut, however, was intrusively stopped by loud voices from across the lot- a man standing on a dumpster. He tucked the cash away deeper into his pocket, and walked towards the alleyway the man was screaming from. "Hey, you wanna get yourself and your friends here arrested? Because your yelling is no doubt gonna attract attention." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheKeyofRose 282 Posted June 22, 2017 Akira The boy walked out smiling at Roxas "Could you be any louder?" He asked in a joking manner, Akira had been friends with the louder and far more social boy for awhile he just seemed to attract the bad boy types to him by complete accident, not that it bothered Akira much at all he knew Roxas was a good guy under all of it just misunderstood by people. "If you really want to celebrate we can just head and get something to eat and celebrate our success of not dying from the sheer boredom of High School?"Unlike Roxas, Akira had passed with flying colors he was a focused individual having been transferred to Southway after he protected a woman and was sued and kicked out of his school at Radiant Heights, which did have it's own issues but his parents didn't blame him for his choice they defended him all the way and supported it after all. "Listen to your brother if you bothered to take me up on the study sessions at the Coffee shop you'd probably get by with no issues." He joked adjusting his glasses giving a nod toward the younger Ven.Xion "Did he actually not get into summer school?" Having just arrived with her own bag "We may just have to celebrate his overwhelming achievement." She joked approaching Between Akira and Ventus "You two shouldn't push him, let him enjoy his overwhelming achievement and bask in it it'll eventually hit he only got by because Akira probably told him the answers to some of the questions when it came to the tests?" She was merely joking around about and having found herself enjoying poking fun at Roxas the most between their little group of friends. Dante "Devil May Cry... Sorry, we don't do deliveries." He tossed the old phone back onto it's holder as his legs were propped up on the desk he sat at reading a gun magazine of sorts as some people were browsing through the gunshop. "We close at 8 by the way guys." He commented aloud before going back to his magazine some of these guys had been here since 10 in the morning... He wasn't one to force someone to just pick out a gun but he was seriously questioning why it was taking so long for some of these guys to pick one out get him to pay for it and move on with their day... Some of these guys were obviously gang members or were in some sort of gang as long as they didn't bring their turf wars onto his shop he could careless... Whatever he was hungry taking his phone as he dialed number "Yeah, Cheese Pizza no olives and thin crust..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted June 22, 2017 --Sophie-- A nervous smile was plastered on the violet-haired girl's face as she closed her locker for the final time that school year. The bells sounded throughout the entire school, signaling the beginning of summer at last. A part of her was grateful for the break, but a larger part of her was disappointed not coming to school everyday. She was one of those strange children that loved learning, not to mention being surrounded by people made her feel good. She was often a bit more shy about breaking into conversation than the others, but she did lurk often and try to get a word or two in whenever possible. Sophie shouldered her way through the crowded halls, noticing Roxas exclaim cheerfully that he didn't have to go to summer school. This brought relief to Sophie, as she knew his father was rather strict and unforgiving and didn't want him to be in trouble. She took a step forward to approach him, but nearly dropped her satchel at the sight of Vanitas. It swung off her arm and hit a fellow student, though Sophie was too stunned to even acknowledge it. Vanitas terrified her, he always had. He was the school bully and had a very cold demeanor about him; normally he was never good news wherever he tread. What should she do? Surely Vanitas noticed her standing and gawking at them by now. She tried to move past as quickly as possible, hoping that the dark-haired teen was distracted enough to not notice her. --Richard-- "A . . . gun shop?" The blond rose his head to the signage on the door, cell phone in one hand as he fumbled with his car keys in the other. "I don't think you ever told me that I was arming myself, Frederick. What is this all about?" The voice on the other end was inaudible to the rest of the store as Richard entered, silver eyes flickering around the store as he listened in to the explanation on the line. "Ah, okay. I see. Still a little weird, but whatever you say, boss." He ended the call and pocketed the phone, approaching the counter where a young man (Dante) sat. Apparently he was on the phone, and from the sound of it ordering pizza. He offered Dante a shallow smile, waiting for him to get off the phone and, if he had, would say: "Greetings. So, yeah, this request is a little odd, but I need a BB gun. Is that something you would carry here?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted June 23, 2017 -Roxas- Roxas chuckled as his best buddies arrived to make his afternoon even better. Nothing like celebrating a finished school year with best friends. Even if they did tease him a lot. "Hey! I'm a good student! I just hate trigonometry. Next year I'm definitely going to haul in the food grades. And no Xion, I did not cheat off of Akira." He felt his phone buzz, taking it out to see a text message from Marie. A paintball match? Sounds fun. Akira's suggestion of food made it better. Upon seeing Ventus' face from the text message, Roxas smiled. "Okay~ if you really want to hang with Marie I guess we can. Come on guys, how about some dinner at the diner and then paintball?" His great mood was cut off oh so short however due to a familiar black haired boy that approached them. He threw his arms around their shoulders. Roxas hissed and swatted Vanitas' arm away. "Well I'm definitely /not/ going to miss you. Like my brother and I would go to a party with you." Suddenly, a boy with blonde hair come in. Roxas recognized the boy, he saw him around in some classes. Roxas grinned. "Yeah he's right. I wouldn't be shocked if your party got swatted." -Guzma- Guzma sat there on the dumpster, a grumpy look on his face as he watched his grunts shake in their Jordans. He was going to say something again until he noticed a red dot on his chest. Guzma raised an eyebrow. "The hell?" "OH MY GOD BOSS NO!" One of the grunts suddenly ran forward, tackling Guzma and knocking him off the dumpster. Two more grunts came in to shield him. "ILL PROTECT YOU BOSS! "SHOT ME INSTEAD!" Guzma began to freak out, rapidly flailing his arms around to swat his grunts away. He shouted at them as he pushed them off. "The firetruck's wrong with y'all!? That was a firetruckin' red laser dot bullshit!" He dusted himself off, looking down the hallway to see Noiz and Silver. Upon seeing Noiz, Guzma narrowed his eyes. "Look who the firetruck it is. If it isn't Bugs Bunny." Guzma said, referring to a nickname he used for Noiz. "OH MY GOD ITS BIG BRO!" The grunts came out, eyes lighting up as they looked to the older male. Guzma glared at his grunts, quieting them down. Guzma raised an eyebrow at Silver. "Ey kid, shouldn't you be hanging out with your little friends?" 1 Yessie Maltese reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 23, 2017 -Vanitas- Vanitas scoffed as he let go of the twins, glaring across at the surging of opinions from fellow students. Pointing over at Niles with a piercing glare. "Watch your mouth, nerd. Wouldn't want to lose that tongue of yours, would you?" Vanitas hissed. A threat? Most likely. Vanitas was not a stranger to threaten fellow students, teachers, anyone he saw fit, actually. Whether he actually went through any threats was an actual mystery, however. Vanitas waved Niles away. "Like I'd invite someone like you! Besides, for your information, this party is one of a kind!" Vanitas smirked. "It's going to be held at a mansion in Radiant Heights. Some kid's end of school celebration with invitation only exclusive!" Vanitas said as a matter of factly, holding out his cellphone. "And I managed to get an invite! It's going to have food, a pool, a game room completely rigged with the latest gaming technology, even their own arcade!~" Vanitas bragged, smirking as he waved his cellphone at them with photos of the place. How he actually got the invite was an illegal secret all to himself. "It's going to be the best party of the year! And this invite guarantees me to bring whatever guest I want~" Vanitas hummed, hand on his hip as he smirked at Ventus and Roxas, more specifically at Roxas however. "I was hoping that you would actually come with me. But then again, you guys follow rules like dumb sheep. Too much of a scardy cat to actually try something out of your comfort zone~" Vanitas teased, smirking at them before stepping back. "Then again, what can I expect from a bunch of losers that are too scared to do anything!" Soon he noticed a girl, Sophie, gawking at him. Vanitas didn't hesitate, walking over to her, getting in her way and leaning up right up to her face, no regard for personal space as he offered his hand. "What about you, tulip? Do you want to come to the party with me?" -Noiz- Noiz couldn't help but to laugh at how they reacted. Poor kids would end up being dead if it were the real thing. He walked over to them, receiving the grunts with open arms for hugs. "Hey guys! How you doing? Guzma's not being that much of an @$$hole to you, is he?" Noiz asked, rubbing the heads of a few of them. They all reminded him of either himself or of his brother. He couldn't possibly come to hate them. Except Guzma. He hated Guzma. Screw Guzma. Noiz glared at Guzma, hissing at him. "Shut your mouth, gramps. You're the one yelling in alleyways and attracting unnecessary attention." Noiz hissed as he pointed at Silver to make a point. "I honestly can't wait for these kids to grow out of this stage so they can realize how much better they can do than to hang around with you." Noiz hummed, looking down at them. "Speaking of which. I'm going to do something real cool tonight, so you guys keep watch on the news for it, ya hear?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yessie Maltese 1,564 Posted June 23, 2017 ~Luigi~ After he finished unclogging the bathtub's drain, he put all his tools and plunger up to his toolbox, then went to the customer's living room. "Here ya go, ma'am. The tub's all cleared up." he said in a Italian accent. the old lady smiles as she gives him the money. "oh thank you, dear. Here, you deserve this for your hard work." Luigi was shocked when she gives him 130 bucks. "umm ma'am. Don't ya think it's a little bit too much? All I do is unclogging your tub." old lady giggles bit. "i know but I heard that you been struggling with money lately. so I thought I give you some extra money." Luigi looks at the money, he does need cash for the rent. He couldn't say no to her and accepted it. "I guess you're right. Thank you very much. You have a good day." he waved at her as he left her apartment. He then put the money in his pocket and leave the building. Luigi then saw some gang members, avoiding them as possible as he goes to his van, starting up and drives away. The van is white and has the name "Mario Bros. Plumbing" With the motto "you clog 'em, We clear 'em." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGuide 177 Posted June 23, 2017 Ventus Ventus was still staring at his phone dumbfounded when Roxas affirmed his desire to go see Marie. He'd never admit it, but it was safe to say that he had just a /small/ crush on her, and he'd rather not pass up a chance to see her. "Yeah, uh, food sounds good" his eyes hadn't left his phone, until someone threw their arm around him. His eyes rolled as Vanitas went on about some party. As Roxas told Vanitas off, Ven chimed in "He's right. Lemme be honest with you Vanitas, i wouldn't really want to go to a party with you even if i /didn't/ have anything better to do." Ventus wasn't usually this confrontational, but Vantias just had this arrogance about him that ven really didnt like. Not to mention he was getting in the way of seeing Marie. Once Vanitas moved on to bothering someone else about the party, his thoughts drifted to why Vanitas had said "I feel like I'm going to miss you two! Especially you, Ven~". They certainly weren't friends, so the comment made Ven uneasy. As he pushed his phone back into his pocket, Marie popped into his head for justa moment, before he pushed her out becuase if he kept daydreaming about her all day, it would be even more obvious to his friends than he was sure it already was. "Well, do you guys wanna head to the diner? I'm about ready to ignore these textbooks for a couple months." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheKeyofRose 282 Posted June 23, 2017 Akira Flexing his fingers some eventually once he started getting into the girls face he grabbed Vanitas's wrist lifting it up. "Just stop and get going to your 'party' Vanitas..." He said glaring between his glasses, Akira had a reputation one that included being an extremely flexible person to the point that he hadn't lost a fight when it came to any bullies who had tried to pick on him. "Unless you want to start a real scene then just leave with your lackeys and get out of here Vanitas..." Akira warned. Dante "In the back, my man has the label of BB." He said not even looking away from his magazine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted June 23, 2017 ~Miles "Tails" Thompson~ "Forget about him, that party is probably going to be more rotten than Robbie Rotten." Miles adjusted his backpack to realign with his spine, and looked at the now group of people. "I'll probably see you guys around. Have a great summer!" Even though Miles wasn't their friend perse, he did think they were cool- and not in the 'Oh look, I'm the popular kid who has lots of friends' way, but more in the 'yeah I'm pretty fun, but I've got a sense of morality' way. He wished he could join them at the diner, but he had to work in about 30 minutes. "I've gotta head to my job. Cell phones don't fix themselves!" ~Silver Giorno~ Scoffing towards such a ridiculous remark, Silver brushed his hair away from his face, letting out a sly grin and a chuckle, trying to seem as calm and collected as he always is. "There's nothing 'little' about my friends, I can assure you of that." Silver's remark, however, was soon overdone by someone new entering the scene- someone who looked like he actually knew a thing or two about running a gang- if that's what you could call this group of clowns. "I like this guy," Silver stated, laughing a but with the statement leaving his mouth, "he seems to be more sane in the brain than you lot." Silver hadn't any plans for the rest of the day, so he chose to engage this new figure. "What's your name?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 23, 2017 (edited) -Vanitas- Vanitas's eyes turned to face Akira. If it was meant to dissolve any tension, it didn't work at all. Instead, it fueled Vanitas, giving him a rush of adrenaline of the fact that he was starting to tick someone off, again, and that he might end up getting into a fight, again. Vanitas smiled, his eyes glistening in a cheerful way most people wouldn't expect. For a moment, he actually looked happy? "Make a scene? Is that an invitation, four-eyes?" Vanitas asked, smiling as he ignored Sophie and proceeded to lean closer to Akira, getting up to his face. "School's out. No rules abide to us. Do you wanna go? We can totally go! Let's make a real scene right here right now! Just punches and kicks!" Vanitas asked, sounding excited as he smiled more every time he spoke. -Noiz- Noiz glanced over at Silver, tilting his head slightly as he patted some of the grunts' heads. "Wilhelm. But everyone calls me Noiz." Noiz said. He'd seen this guy around...never really minded to make any acquaintances out of him, however. He had potential, but usually if someone wanted to join the Ruff Rabbits they approached him first. He wasn't one to scout out recruits like eagles scouted for prey. "Don't mind Guzma. He is more bark than bite. But his gang does help people make friends...surprisingly." Noiz hummed, glancing over at Guzma. Ever since their falling out the two had been at each other's neck, yet for whatever reason, never actually tried to kill each other. Instead, just annoyed each other. Maybe there was some care still in there for one another...just in the form of rivalry, much to everyone's dismay. "School is out. Which means there will not be an influx of students in the need of services such as yours for after hour activities. I suggest you begin to look for ways to make money legally while students are busy with parks and vacations." Noiz said, speaking in a tactical sense, continuing his greetings to the grunts. "But summer also means lots of people out of their homes. Which means more targets. We're starting with a bang tonight." Edited June 23, 2017 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 24, 2017 {Artanis Daelaam} Artanis took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was bad enough with the gang violence in town, did some of his fellow officers have to be so bone headed as to exasperated the situation by abusing their power. Searches. Seizures of personal property. And Artanis had even heard some of this was for personal profit. It made him sick. But he couldn't prove anything. Yet. Still, there were more immediate things that could be done on the gangs side of the problem. They were trying to build their ranks from high schoolers in the area. While Artanis had worked heavily with the police outreach program to the schools, he felt his presence now might do more. Putting his glasses back on, he pulled his side arm from his desk drawer and stuck it in his hip holster. Taking a deep breath, Artanis went for his police cruisers to head to Southway High. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted June 24, 2017 -Roxas- Roxas smiled at Miles' support. He really didn't have to join in, but he did anyway. Roxas liked that. It really showed that the boy stuck out for his back. "Hey, thanks for that." Roxas said to him, smiling. "Maybe you should hang sometime when you're not working. See ya!" Roxas also fistbumped his twin, rather proud at his comeback with Vanitas. What he didn't expect next however was Akira and Vanitas about to go at it. "Hey!" Roxas shouted, moving forward for Sophie's rescue. "Leave her alone!" He was ready to join in Akira's side to fight, although he held himself back. Ventus was there and Roxas didn't want to start a fight in front of everyone. But then Vanitas called Akira four-eyes. That was it. Roxas suddenly sprinted forward, going to tackle Vanitas into the ground. Usually he would only ever fight someone if they hit first, but Roxas had it up to here with Vanitas. He was holding himself back all year. This time it was on. Or not, because Roxas was suddenly grabbed and thrown into the side by a girl. -Marie- Marie had gotten right in front of Roxas, pushing him back away from Vanitas. Marie had to admit the tackle was pretty hard but she could shove it off. The girl never fought, but she was not going to have someone ruin the rest of the night for her. "Okay, time to chill guys." Marie uttered, holding her hands up to put distance between Vanitas and everyone else. "Fighting each other is like really not cool. Vanitas, you need to stop talking shit to other people before someone really puts you in your place and you're not gonna like it." She glanced over at the twins and Akira, a small smile on her face. "How about we let this go and go have some fun? After all, the security guards are still here and I doubt none of you want to be taken to the police station on the last day of school..." -Guzma- The grunts almost tackled Noiz, extremely happy to be reunited with their 'older brother.' They flocked to him almost like little school children, absolutely ecstatic to see him again. "What? I wanna see what you're gonna do yo!" "Oh my gosh big bro is soooooo cool!" "I miss you so much!" Guzma grumbled as his grunts smothered Noiz in attention. It pissed him off that Noiz was here already talking crap to him. "Hey, don't forget where you come from." Guzma uttered, looking at the make. "I took you off of the streets. Hell, I practically raised you. I helped you AND your brother and you have the nerve to talk shit to me? Hell no." He looked over to Silver, placing his hands on his hips. "Team Skull is the shit! We like to put the dumbasses here and at Radiant Heights in their places." One of the grunts teared up and looked at Noiz. "Pleaseeeee don't fight with boss!" "We were a big happy familyyyyyy!" "We love you AND boss! Even if he is grumpy!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheKeyofRose 282 Posted June 24, 2017 (edited) Akira Smirked at the Four eyes comment "Real original did you think of that all on your own?" he taunted back showing his far more confident and cocky side compared to his usual to himself and quiet nature. Right as Roxas went to tackle the boy Marie had gotten involved letting out a sigh as he stared straight at the boy still as far as his glasses go they were more of a personalized choice he didn't actually need them. "Sadly she is right I can't get in trouble with the police wouldn't look good with my current record, I'll leave you off with a warning mess with any of my friends and It will get to fists and kicks." He turned around going to offer his hand to Roxas... "Maybe what do they call him? Joker right? Maybe he will come visit you Vanitas you never know..."He was referring to the Vigilante that had been on the rise taking out Gang members and troublemakers around town a wanted man doing good was kinda messed up but he had become a local legend of the sort and unknown to anyone else 'Joker' just so happened to be himself. XionHad opted to stay out of it... While she hated seeing people getting picked on there wasn't much she could do as a victim of Vanitas's bullying before she knew the best bet was just to stay silent and keep her head down as much as she hated it. Edited June 24, 2017 by TheKeyofRose Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted June 24, 2017 ~Miles "Tails" Thompson~ "Hey, Luigi!" Miles called out to the white Mario Bros. Van that was stopped at a red light. "Getting good business, I hope?" Miles liked Luigi- he'd seem him sometimes from across the street, and he came in once with his brother Mario. Miles always wondered why they called their business Mario Bros, when Luigi is clearly Luigi. Miles walked over to the van, expecting it to be sitting there awhile since this red light always had a bit of lag. "How's it going?" ~Silver Giorno~ "Yeah, with summer out, it'll be harder to get students away from their houses to sell to..." Silver pondered on this a moment- most summers he'd usually sit around in his little hut he has set up somewhere- an undisclosed location in an ally in this rundown city. He somewhat wanted to join this new man- Noiz, as he calls himself- and his gang- but did he really want to pledge himself to any specific people? "Hey, Gumza, Noiz. Either of you looking for a summer hand? I don't plan to be pledging myself away anytime soon- but I need something to do this summer other than sit in silence. Either of you will do- as long as you let me leave at the end of the summer- and don't expect me to help with anything during other days." Silver carried himself with upmost confidence- a trait he forced himself to gain to protect his body on the streets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yessie Maltese 1,564 Posted June 24, 2017 (edited) as Luigi stopped for the red light, he heard Miles as he turned his head to the right and saw him coming. "hey Miles. I'm doing good. it's a bit hard ever Since my bro left, but I'll manage." He said. Luigi didn't want to tell him about the rent problem he's having. Lately, the landlord is being rude to Luigi, like raising the rental bills for unknown reason And threatening to do "something harmful" to Luigi if he doesn't pay up in time. "so what about you? School's out already?" He asked as he smiles. Edited June 24, 2017 by Yessie Maltese Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted June 24, 2017 --Sophie-- Blush colored her cheeks as Vanitas blocked her path. Drat; she was noticed after all. She drew her violet eyes up to meet his, lips parted slightly and mouth dry. What was she going to say? Sophie didn't care for Vanitas at all, and thought it was probably only a matter of time before he went full-on bully toward her. "I--" she had started, but was rescued by Akira before things could worsen. It was now going to be three against one, as Roxas and Marie also pitched in to get Vanitas to back off. She truly didn't want a fight to take place, not on the last day of school. And definitely not because of her. She hugged her arms to her chest. It made her feel defenseless, something that she hated passionately. "Thanks," she started, not meeting anyone's gaze as she spoke. "But I could've answered him. You don't have to fight." With determination she brought her gaze up to meet Vanitas' once more, stating rather flatly. "I'm not interested in the party, Vanitas, but thank you for inviting me." She hoped that this would diffuse the situation and that she could dissolve in the background and pretend not to exist once again, only she wasn't sure that she'd be so lucky. --Richard-- "Umm . . . so you're saying that some guy in the back is called BB?" Richard clarified, clearly confused. He waited a moment before lowering the magazine from Dante's face, his lips in a straight line. "I would like to do business with you, but you seem clearly disinterested. Should I take my money elsewhere? I can certainly do that." He brushed his blond bangs from his face, wondering how much of a fury he might've gotten Dante into. It seemed that he clearly didn't recognize Richard, else he probably would've earned more respect. Sometimes it was difficult for him to simply get through a store without fangirls oogling over him and begging him for autographs. The studio that he worked for was small, but his face and name still managed to get around. Either this guy simply didn't recognize him, or he just didn't care. If the latter, Richard had to partially give him points for that. "I need the BB gun for an outing my boss is taking me on this weekend. Says it would do me some good. I don't need anything fancy. Just whatever you have will do." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGuide 177 Posted June 24, 2017 Ventus So much for heading out. Vanitas said some more dumb shit and it set Roxas off. He called Akira four eyes, and it was all over. Sure, he was mad, but Ventus wasn't a fighter. Normally he might have tried to stop his brother, but whatever Roxas did, Ventus deserved. Instead, he threw out a half-hearted "Rox, no don't, he's not worth it..." and posted up against the wall. Instead of being able to enjoy Ventus getting what was coming to him, he instead saw Marie appear, which might have even been better. She stopped the fight, and Ventus approached his brother, doing all he could to keep from staring. She offered him and his friends to go hang out, and Ven was immediately on board. "Yeah that would be great. " he said, voice shaking trying to reign in the excitement "my friends and I were going to get some food, i-if you wanted to uh, join us. Unless you had something else in mind." He blurted out that last bit. Ventus then realized he wasn't including anybody else in this. "If that's okay with you guys?" He looked to all his friends, in turn, his eyes pleading, as if to say "Please help me out here guys." Finally, he looked at Roxas, waiting to see what his brother would do. He wasn't certain he would let this Vanitas business go easily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 24, 2017 (edited) -Vanitas-Vanitas was straight up ready for a fight, smiling the moment he saw Roxas attempt to tackle him. He was however, disappointed that the attempts were so easily stopped, everyone looking for a peaceful way out, as they always did!. "(These kids wouldn't last a day.)" Vanitas thought. They were too coddled up, he thought. They had bright eyes and brighter dreams and everything around them screamed sunshine and yet Vanitas told himself that he knew better. Life wasn't going to coddle you up and hold you in their arms. You had to be ready to survive because the moment everything went to hell, it would be all man for themselves. No teachers to guide you. No parents to protect you. "(And I know that all too well.)" He huffed. He took the chance that Sophie declined his offer and proceeded to slap Akira's hand away from him. "Whatever. Don't want to come? Your loss. Don't come crying to me when you get all bored at home!" Vanitas said, deciding to bid himself farewell. He has to prepare for tonight anyways. He unchained his motorbike and strapped on his helmet. He stopped just to look at Akira and give him a smirk. " 'The 'Joker' huh? So spooky! If you see him, Akira, tell him I said this!" Vanitas said, before proceeding to flip him off. "See ya!" Vanitas yelled, slapping down the visors of his helmet before revving up his motorbike. He made sure to leave a large cloud of black exhaust behind to cover the group before riding off home.-Noiz-Noiz internally groaned. He loved to annoy Guzma but...the tears. He sighed. "I'd never forget the lessons you taught me, Guzma. Theodore still asks for you every day, too." He said. His parents always working, Theodore and him ended up joining Guzma's gang and learn everything he had to offer. He admitted he learned many valuable lesson, and the two of them became closer than ever after that. It was only after Theodore's attack and the fall out that Noiz became distant...but he couldn't keep angry for that long. "I'm not angry with Guzma, I just love seeing that annoyed face of his get red like a tomato!" Noiz assured, smiling in a teasing matter. When Silver asked if there was anything they could offer for the summer, Noiz didn't hesitate to ask. "Maybe you could join Ruff Rabbit for the summer, if you have any particular skills to offer to us. We vary and range in the types of things we do. Depending on what you think you'll be able to handle... there's always 'jobs' to be done." Noiz offered. He wasn't afraid to speak of Ruff Rabbit in public. Heck they were all technically criminals. They were the same and fine. "We are doing a job tonight, if you are interested in a trial. That being said." He turned to Guzma. "Keep your grunts away from the Radiant District for tonight. My boys and I are going to make it a bit wild...unless you want to co-op with me." Edited June 24, 2017 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted June 25, 2017 -Roxas- Roxas huffed and puffed, completely ready to go. He would've went for Vanitas again if it wasn't for Marie in the middle of it. The way the idiot just grinned... boy it just pissed Roxas off. He wanted to smack, no, he wanted to beat that grin right off of Vanitas' face. Roxas actually didn't approve of beating someone up, but there was people in this world who certainly deserved it. Vanitas was one of them. "Get lost you firetrucking asshole!" Roxas called after him. Okay, Roxas at least cussed him. That made him feel just a bit better. He ignored Vanitas getting off of his bike, knowing if he did anything else as much as even making a nasty look Roxas was going to chase after him. He took Akira's hang, letting out a small sigh of relief. "Sorry I got a little carried away... he just really pisses me off. Now that he's finally gone, yeah, I'm totally down to hang." -Marie- Marie grinned as Vanitas backed off, feeling as if she made an accomplishment. What made her really happy was that now they could focus on more important things; having fun. "Looks like someone won't be invited to any of MY parties." Marie said with a sigh, brushing some imaginary dirt off her shoulder. She approached Sophie, taking the young girl's hand to lead her to the group. "I had to step in! It's not okay for him to act like that to anyone. Plus... a pretty girl like you only deserve gentleman who treat you like a princess." With that, Marie winked and started to talk to Akira and the gang. "Thanks for not beating him to a pulp. You guys seem like a pretty cool bunch. Xion, Akira, Roxas and..." her eyes settled on Ventus. "Ventus, right? I'd love for you guys to play paintball with me. I have this totally fresh secret park we could go to." -Guzma- Guzma stood there, arms crossed and a grumpy frown on his face. Kids these days were so disrespectful man. Whatever happened to respecting your elders? He was getting too old for this shit. When Noiz mentioned Theodore however, Guzma's face softened. "He does? Damn... I miss that kid." He ran a hang through his hair, snapping his grunts into attention. "Hey! Get off of him like that! Jesus Christ, let him breathe!" He looked over to Silver, grinning at his words. "Ahh... over at my nice little organization, Team Skull, we could definitely use a kid like you. Just for the Summer? Hmm. I'm a reasonable man. I can make a deal with ya." He was going to continue, but Noiz' announcement piqued Guzma's interest. "Co-op you say? Now, Guzma can't say no to an offer like that eh? I'd love to ruffle some of the Radiant firetrucker's panties tonight." The grunts began to freak out, fistpumping the air at the opportunity. "I wanna fight with big bro!" "Yeah me too!" "Yo let's get it, son! We about to go apeshit tonight!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 25, 2017 (edited) Oh I'm enjoying this world building with Vanitas way to much -Vanitas- Vanitas rode to the furthest part of the district. It was in most of decay, filled with abandoned and foreclosed buildings, let down and unattended to by anyone who could really care. Left to be rebuilt but never actually worked on afterwards. Forgotten in a way. On his way Vanitas stopped by a small shop called 'Kingdom Hearts', though he didn't go inside. Instead he just stood in front of its window display. It was a thrift shop, reselling inherited and donated goods as one man's trash was another man's treasure. But one treasure has been catching Vanitas' eye since the beginning of the month. A gorgeous, red acoustic guitar, that though weathered down, still looked like brand new. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off it ever since. He could've, of course, tried and steal it...but he wanted to own it. He wanted that guitar to be his and his alone. Not stolen only to one day be returned. He wanted it to earn its right to be his. He'd been saving up, and was almost there. "Just wait for me." Vanitas said, smiling at the window. "You're almost mine, beautiful." Vanitas hummed. He pushed his visor back down and returned to his ride back home. Well, whatever he called home. It was a long foreclosed and condemned, small apartment building that the city simply forgot about, and while some took the chance to make it home, like Vanitas, some never really left. Vanitas stopped in front of the building, storing his helmet under the bike's seat before pulling the bike inside the building with him. It didn't take long to encounter its first and oldest inhabitant, an old man who had refused to move out and now stayed and maintained the building as his own, fixing the broken and all. He sat in a chair in the small entrance office, his own apartment on the same floor, waving at Vanitas as he entered. "Good afternoon, Vanitas." He hummed. "Afternoon old man." Vanitas said, waving at him as he entered the elevator, choosing the 5th and highest floor. "Xehanort came looking for you again." The old man said, the name alone causing Vanitas to tense up, only to quickly relax to his usual attitude. "Well if he comes by again, tell him that unless he plans to pay for my therapist, he can go f*ck off." With that, the elevator doors closed, taking Vanitas and his bike to the last floor, the 'penthouse' that covered the whole floor. Or, what remained of it anyways, after the last tenants moved out. There Vanitas lived in coexistence with others down on their luck, together through hell in a way. As the doors opened he entered the floor, quickly greeted by the voices of familiar people. "Welcome back Vanitas!" One of them said, laying down on an old sofa. The place was adorned of whatever furniture they could get their hands on. If people didn't wanted it, they took it, and they made it as livable as they could. The city even forgot to cut the electricity or water, so as long as the showers were running, they were more than happy. "Hey guys." Vanitas said, pushing the bike and letting it rest in a corner as he made his way through. "Last day of school, huh?" "Yup! Finally! I was getting sick of that place, all those stuck up guys too, ya know." Vanitas hummed, smirking as he made his way to the kitchen, picking out something that wasn't past its expiration date for a drink. "Welcome back." A softer voice said. Vanitas looked up, smiling at the older woman. "Toe. You're here early. Did you win the lottery?" The older woman chuckled, shaking her head. "There's rain in the forecast, so I decided to stay home for the sake of the paintings." She said. "Right. Speaking of which, did you manage to sell any?" "None so far. But someone will find something they like one day." Vanitas hummed. Toe escaped an abusive relationship, and with no family left or nowhere to go, she somehow founded herself among this group of misfits. She was beyond talented, a painter of the highest of quality in the wrong place. "Don't worry. We'll save up enough money and get you a gallery presentation all the way in the Radiant District. We'll even get you a pretty dress for it too!" Vanitas assured. Whenever she got to try to sell them in the Radiant District, police were quick to chase her out as to not 'disturb' the people. "You're too kind. What about you? Do you have enough for the guitar yet?" "Yeah! I have one more gig tonight, and with what the kid's paying me, that guitar will be mine just in time for the gig at the cafe tomorrow." Vanitas said, assured with a smirk as he finished his drink, casually throwing the can into a nearby bag. "Oh yeah!" Vanitas quickly searched in his backpack, reaching down beyond his books to take out two paintbrushes and a half empty acrylic container for the color black. "Stole them from the art classroom. They won't be needing them any time soon." Toe took the gifts with a smile on her face. "Thank you!" She said. Vanitas pushed himself off the wall, waving at her as he decided he would head for his 'room'. He pulled on a string hanging on the ceiling, revealing a ladder flipping down into position to lead to the attic. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my room!" Vanitas said, climbing up and pulling the ladder up with him. The attic used to be a greenhouse for the previous owners, the entire ceiling made out of glass to let sunlight in. Vanitas had quickly made it his room, a mattress set up with whatever he owned tucked away in boxes labeled 'pants', 'shirts', 'underwear' and so on. Books were stacked up and used as makeshift tables to hold stuff when they weren't read. A single pillow and bed sheet settled not to neatly on the mattress. Whatever trash he had was thrown out one of the open windows to the street below. One thing that he seemed to hoard carefully were music sheets and music books, all stolen from the library or bought from the secondhand store. He pulled out all of the money he had in his pockets, which wasn't much to begin with. He sat on the floor, pulling his backpack with him as he began to take out jars. One labeled 'LAUNDRY', purely filled with quarters, the other labeled 'OTHER', and one big one labeled 'GUITAR'. He separated the money, the quarters going into the laundry jar, full dollars going to the guitar jar, and any remaining to the other jar. "Almost there." Vanitas whispered, smiling at his guitar jar before setting them into a different messenger bag. These jars never left his sight. They were all he really had that couldn't be so easily replaced. He crawled up to the mattress, pulling up a book to read for a while, using a flashlight for light. Just another day. Edited June 25, 2017 by Stardustblade358 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted June 25, 2017 ~Miles "Tails" Thompson~ "Yep!" Miles placed his backpack down briefly to talk to Luigi a bit more comfortably. "Summer vacation now. Everything's been cleared out. I'm heading to work now, but if you want, come by and we can talk there?" Miles offered to the man of green. Picking up his backpack again, he headed into the T-Mobile shop, immediately greeted by a grumpy landlord- or boss. Sometimes she preffered one over the other. "So, schools out, and you're late on the first day of your summer? Not really good for you." The woman stomped, her hair bouncing with each tap. "Hurry up and put on your uniform, I'll be waiting!" Miles wore a smile, although internally he was a bit annoyed. He hurried up the stairs, unlocked the attic door, and rushed himself in. His room was pretty barren- just a desk and a bed on the farthest corners of the room- if you could call it that. Above his door was a camera that he was sure the woman he called his boss, Mrs. Teeds, monitored him with. He was glad his bed was was far enough to be invisible to the camera. Being watched while sleeping was something he didn't like the idea of- or changing. He grabbed his uniform from the desk, and went towards his bed where he would be unseen. Taking off his day clothes, he hummed a song to himself that he couldn't really remember where he heard it from. Now fully dressed, he headed back down, and joined the women behind the store counter. ~Silver Giorno~ "Hmph." The grunt in his throat was just as loud and rude as he intended. If the men heard it, however, he knew they'd become irritated. "I suppose I'll work with these beginners for now." Silver dropped his jacket, shoving it into his backpack. Now in his black undershirt and jeans, he looked back at the Guzma. "You're the leader, right? Tell me what to do." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted June 25, 2017 -Noiz- Noiz nodded softly as the parties seemed to come to an agreement. "Very well. I have the need of you guys, after all. Our hit is a party in the Radiant District. The heir's parents are away on a trip, and so the child has decided to throw an end of school party. It will be loud and it will be big. I already have a few members that will be in charge of breaking into the family vault, while another one will attempt to mess up the cellular signal of the area to give us time. I need a few of you to cause the grand distraction that will send everyone into a messy panic. I suggest you bring in bats, golf clubs, even chainsaws, whatever you want that is capable of destroying whatever you find. You do not need to worry about firepower, my team already has that covered. As well as the getaway vehicle. If you wish to participate, I ask of you all to meet me at Garden Street, ZIP code 6752 at 8:00 PM. You will find me there." Noiz said, nodding towards Guzma, towards Silver, and then towards the grunts, to whim he rubbed their heads softly. "I ask that at a maximum of 5 of you come, so to decide who comes and who stays will be up to Guzma." Noiz said, turning to Guzma. "I have to leave and prepare. We expect the diversion to start at 8:15, so do not be late." Noiz said, bidding his farewell to the grunts before looking over to Silver, handing him a piece of paper with his number on it. "I hope to see you there. I can sense you having much potential." Noiz said. With that, he nodded them farewell, and headed to his HQ. They had a few hours until the meeting time, and he had to make sure that everything went flawlessly. Otherwise, risk getting caught...or with a dead body or two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites