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KH-Queen last won the day on April 12

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  1. KH-Queen

    Fan Art Chat

    Randomly decided to do this LOL
  2. I think that's why Star Wars is gonna be in KH4 Because of its dark theme And, yeah Disney has dark themes in their animated movies, but in KH it's mostly because of the Organization's interference Actually, now that I think about it, Sora witnessed two stabbings in Kingdom of Corona and Pirates
  3. Lol I mean this whole series has dark themes but they're hidden by the happiness that is Disney But when you go past Disney, you realize that wow this series actually firetrucked us up emotionally with its themes And this new arc is gonna firetruck us up even more because of all the shit that's happened in UX to those poor babies So yes, this new arc will be slightly more darker than the previous arc
  4. @raiden94 @Daz_4th $141 for this LOL
  5. Honestly??? I would not be mad about that LMFAO
  6. Nah Kairi will be the tutorial I believe :prayge:
  7. Silver looks better with black and grey than gold In terms of the logo lol fashion is a different story
  8. You just made Sora be like the 2000s fanfics where they make him completely clueless about everything 😭
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