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Found 6 results

  1. QUIZ: How many post-game bosses are there in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix?
  2. *USE LINK BELOW* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7JKK4G-WFw Sephiroth is probably my favorite Final Fantasy Character in Kingdom Hearts, and with KH3 quickly approaching, I felt this was necessary & important to discuss! Let me know what you think about Sephiroth making a return in Kingdom Hearts 3? Do you think we'll see him and will we get to fight him again?
  3. THIS TRAILER IS SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL, BUT IT PLAYS WITH MY FEELINGS... UGHHH ?? I'm so excited to get my hands on this game, and I'm sure soooo many of you are as well!! Let me know what you think about this trailer and some of the things I discussed, did you see something I didn't?
  4. Please help, I am completely lost, frustrated and want to give up on KH2 Final mix!!! I arrived to the final world to confront Roxas and cannot win! I have killed him over a dozen times (completely draining his life), but he remains alive and very much interested in destroying me! Imagine that you are fighting this boss (which was challenging when I first attempted) and being so excited when you strike the final blow, completely draining his health, and NOTHING happens. He continues to fight me and fight me until I am out of potions and MP. I have literally fought him after his life had been completely drained, almost to the point that I would have hypothetically drained a whole 1+ health bars. I am only playing through the game on Normal (so it shouldn't be anything too ridiculous...right?) These are the things I have thought and/or tried: -I thought, maybe I needed to level up, so I did that and I am currently level 51 which I know is much higher than needed. -I am officially stuck as I have completed everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) in the other worlds. Which I know is not necessary because people say they leave some things/battles for when the acquire final form. -I have fought Roxas 'normally' and beat him, finishing him with a combo, finishing him with the reaction command. I know this seems ridiculous, since I have watched numerous tutorials on youtube that have shown people defeating Roxas with no need for special hits (but I am desperate). -I thought maybe the disc was corrupted so I tried another disc, but the same thing happened. -I don't know how this would make sense, but could it be the PS3? -Someone's theory who I talked to was that the save file was corrupted, but others I speak to think that makes no sense since the only thing that doesn't seem to work is the battle ending (even though I kill him)! I have been able to complete everything else in the other worlds fine. I have scoured the internet looking for anyone who has experienced this and I cannot find a single person or incident of this happening. I asked a local gaming store for help and they had not heard of this happening before. Many of the KH fans said that I needed to finish Roxas with a combo or special reaction move!! Which is frustrating as I have watched videos where they kill him without using a combo/reaction command. I would really appreciate any help as I am getting incredibly frustrated and my desire to play is slowly and unfortunately diminishing!!!
  5. It seems that recently, people have caught eye of a very small detail during the Smash Bros. Direct. If you skip ahead to 36:00, you can notice a faint purple text at the top-left corner of the screen. It translate to "Boss HP". This seems to confirm that Palutena's Temple will have a stage boss.
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