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Found 22 results

  1. Animated, live-action, whatever you want. But if it's bad, watch out for the rotten tomatoes!
  2. Coming from The Game Awards, what do you think game deserves Game of the Year?
  3. "Uncharted: Drake Falls Down Again" is the best, for sure.
  4. According to Naughty Dog, 80% of PS4 owners have never played an Uncharted game. Additionally, they confirmed the only three options for them after Uncharted 4. The Last of Us 2 Jak & Daxter 4 New IP
  5. "A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid." Among a library, past it's visiting hours, two treasure hunters explore its archives. In search of clues, tales, stories that will lead them to their next treasure, one that will hopefully set them for life with riches beyond their wildest dreams. However, what they will find among such archives will pull these two into an infamous hidden race: the race among thieves for the treasures of the world... Character sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Expertise: (What you're good at) Mine: Name: Alice Bravado Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Bio: Only daughter of two college professors (Mother: A Philosophy and Theology professor. Father: World Historian and Archeologist), Alice was home-schooled throughout her life, graduating high school at an early age and finishing college with degrees in history, mythology and theology. Always having interest about myths and legends, she left home to pursue her goal to find and prove the existence of "missing" historical sites and items. (Tower of Babel, Arc of the Covenant, etc.) Currently she's with another treasure hunter who shares her interest, looking for clues within archives that aren't allowed to the public...to which they had to sneak in after hours in order to read. Expertise: Extensive knowledge of history, stories, and legends from across the world. Knowledge in theology significance. She has what is known as a photogenic memory, as whatever she sees, hears and reads, she is able to memorize it fully.
  6. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception follows up from 2009's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It stars Nathan Drake, Sully, Elena, Chloe and Cutter on a whole new quest. Once again, Naughty Dog have stepped the graphics up yet another notch. The music is equally great and the great voice acting of the past two games continues here. The gameplay has been stepped up too, there are quite a few moments that will leave you in awe at the situations Drake is thrown into. From hanging for his life on a falling plane to surviving a storm. The gameplay is simply amazing, I don't have much to complain about. Sure there are some puzzles and battles that annoy you a little but you can get through them and feel great about doing so as you enjoy another great cutscene. The story is again, amazing. It would have been good to have Chloe and Cutter more involved in the later part of the game but it was understandable why they weren't. If you want the game hard, there's modes there. You want it very easy, there's even a mode for that. Those trophy lists keep getting longer. Multiplayer has taken another big leap with a great range of maps and co-op scenarios with tons of customization. You've also gotta love being able to re-watch all the cutscenes along with some bonus features and concept art. It's hard for me to decide which is better between this and 2. Both are amazing in their own right. The Uncharted games developed by Naughty Dog are amazing, I must give a big thanks to my mate Everglow for recommending them to me. I have never played what I deem to be "a perfect video game" this trilogy hasn't changed that but they haven't been far off the mark either. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is another amazing game, I just hope Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is even better. 9/10
  7. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the sequel to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Both of course developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3. Once again it stars Nathan Drake with old friends and new on another legendary quest. This time, it's longer, more beautiful, more exciting, more in depth and just plain better. The game is gorgeous, Naughty Dog's really stepped up in the graphics despite the first one looking amazing still this day. The soundtrack is amazing, plenty of variety and high quality tracks with tracks suiting situations perfectly. And the story is the best I've ever played in a game outside of a Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts game. You'd think the story was out of an actual movie half the time. The gameplay also keeps mixing it up in order to keep the experience fresh, exciting and new and keeps you on your guard. Ranging from challenging puzzles, stealth scenarios, gun fights, chases, running and more. There are however a couple of moments early on where it can take a bit of time to load and some puzzles might annoy you slightly but that doesn't hurt the game overall. There's also five difficulty modes, so if you want a very easy game or a nightmare game there's an option for you. Also a stack of trophies including multiplayer ones. Once again, you can re-watch all the story cutscenes in the main menu as well some nice bonus features and art concepts. Lastly there's also multiplayer, while I haven't played much of it just yet, there's plenty of fun to be had here with plenty of modes available to choose from including death match, capture the flag, co-op missions and many more. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an amazing game, and something everyone should check out. 9/10
  8. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a video game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3. It stars Nathan Drake on a journey for some treasure. Even though it was released in 2007, the graphics still hold up well to this day, although early in the game there are some noticeable texture issues. You get over it though. The gameplay is also fun. It mixes up puzzles, shooters and more. Some puzzles are a little annoying, but there aren't that many that annoyed me. I'd usually get annoyed after a couple attempts and then complete it. So they're pretty simple in the most part. The shooting elements also prove fun. I personally don't really play shooters so if you don't either, don't worry. This is a story driven game, and a very good one story at that. Great voice acting and music to boot. A nice touch is that you can re-watch all the cutscenes on the main menu and also some watch some behind the scenes videos about Naughty Dog, the game and Naughty Dog making the game. There's also plenty of content to unlock and while it's only roughly ten hours long (nine hours for me) there's a lot of replay value due to all the content and trophies to unlock. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a great game that leaves you wanting the sequels. I now look forward to playing the sequels. All PlayStation 3 owners should play this game. 8/10
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