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Sora96 last won the day on May 31 2019

Sora96 had the most liked content!

About Sora96

  • Birthday 08/21/1996

Other Information

  • Member Title
    KH13 Legend
  • Gender


  • Contributed to our content team. Was a forum moderator. Posted polls of the day. Contributed over 20,000 images to our gallery. Contributed hugely to our video archive. Contributed hugely to our interviews archive. Previously lead the archives team. Contributed to our social media pages. Wrote over 200 news articles.

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  1. Happy birthday to my amazing WakelessDream!
  2. So can you play as every character in FF7 Remake? I hope so I will buy the game on day one than :)

    1. Sora96


      Nothing has been announced regarding this. Please direct all future questions to my Twitter.

    2. AwesomeKHfan


      I have no twitter sorry:(

  3. Of course, always use my email. I don't really play games on my computer. Two I got through the Square Enix Humble Bundle and the others are just because I love them.
  4. Thank you for the kind words everyone. Again, if anyone wishes to talk to me about anything or get the latest Square Enix news tweet or message me on Twitter, I'm always on there. Haha.
  5. Had to happen someday, and so here it is. I'm leaving KH13.com. I joined on June 19, 2009 and depart on February 18, 2016. If you want to talk to me feel free to tweet or message me @Sora96 on Twitter. I'll happily discuss everything Square Enix, video games, sport, music, movies or whatever there.
  6. Google are launching a Chromecast set-top box tomorrow in Japan and with it comes Final Fantasy XIII Google Cast Edition. It seems to have faster speeds than Apple TV, Fire TV etc and you'll also be able to play other games like Angry Birds.
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