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  1. Do you think we might see other Pixar villains/antagonists in possible future games in the Kingdom Hearts series, besides only just Randall from Monstropolis in Kingdom Hearts III? Well that's the question, Pixar has had several different villains/antagonists from their 23 films so far, but it will depend on Square Enix and especially the crew/team at Pixar on what role the antagonists from the Pixar films will play in the original story exclusive to KH, and whether or not that specific Pixar antagonist would fit within the original story or simply not add them in at all. When compared to the Disney villains (e.g. Maleficent, Pete, Hades, Jafar, Oogie Boogie, Ursula, Scar, etc.) and the original Kingdom Hearts villains (e.g. Xehanort, Ansem Seeker of Darkness, Xemnas, Vanitas, Braig/Xigbar/Luxu, Organization XIII), the Pixar Villains aren't really threatening and they don't pose the same level of malevolence as other villains they can utilize. On top of that, Pixar isn't known for their villains in the first place, as the main conflict in each film is the protagonist's internal/external struggles they face in the film (e.g. Woody's jealousy of Buzz Lightyear in the first Toy Story, Marlin's external struggles on finding his son Nemo, Joy's intrapersonal conflict on not allowing Sadness to touch the Memory orbs, Merida wanting to be independent, etc.) with the antagonists only serving as a foil (e.g. Chef Skinner) or an obstacle (e.g. Terry) to the protagonist. Of course, Pixar does have its well-known villains such as Sid, Hopper, Stinky Pete, Randall, Syndrome, Lotso, and recently Ernesto de la Cruz, but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter in that front for inclusions or not, I know people really wanted Zurg for Toy Box, but sadly he wasn't represented because he's just a minor character in Toy Story 2. In Randall's case for Monstropolis in Kingdom Hearts III, he was just brought back by Vanitas as a "pawn" so he can collect Negative emotions (Screams) for the Unversed and for Vanitas. Plus, he was just "there" to be kind of antagonizing the situation to Sora and the gang, which would likely explain Pixar being very restrictive on Monstropolis and why we never got to fight Randall as a boss (let alone a mid-boss) in Kingdom Hearts III, which I'm not surprised so I don't blame Pixar's decision on not allowing us to battle him as a boss when compared to Nomura and his team's decision on not making CLU and Gaston bosses in Dream Drop Distance and X respectively. Regarding Ernesto De la Cruz for a potential Coco world, depending if Nomura and his team would retell the events of the movie or have it be an original story (a sequel or a prequel to the film) at Pixar's request, if they have the plot of the world be a prequel to the film it wouldn't make sense for Sora, Riku and/or Kairi (whoever is going to visit the world) to encounter him and know about his true nature that he murdered Héctor and stole his music and songs (cause that goes to Miguel who figures it out himself once he finds out about Ernesto's true nature in the Land of the Dead in the original movie) or literally have him go the same route like what Randall went to in Kingdom Hearts III where he's just antagonizing the situation, although to be honest, I feel Ernesto wouldn't be much of a boss as he literally isn't much of a fighter when compared to Randall. I think the likely route for Ernesto is have the Coco world be a prequel to the film and have him be just indirectly mentioned, or have a small cameo in one to two scenes in the world, cause he does a Sunrise Spectacular at the end of Dia de Los Muertos, but only to have his concert be briefly interrupted by a Giant Nightmare Dream Eater or a Heartless. For The Incredibles, just like with San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6), given that they have the superhero aspect they can put any random threat in the world (e.g. Underminer, Heartless, the OC Villain (Xigbar/Luxu, MoM, one of the Foretellers), etc.), since its most likely going to take place after the events of the 2nd film given that Evelyn Deavor was arrested. Speaking of which, I also wouldn't get my hopes up on battling Syndrome due to his demise in the first film which will disappoint certain players that wanted to battle him in the Kingdom Hearts series only to have their hopes crushed he's not in the game, so that's that, even the same can be said for Hopper (A Bug's Life) due to his demise from his own film. As for Terry from Pixar's Soul, when compared to the other Pixar antagonists, she's more of an "obstacle" than a full fledged villain as her job is counting the number of souls that enter the Great Beyond and dislikes whenever the "count is off" or a soul is missing, so more than likely if we wound up getting a world based on the film she's going to give pursuit to Sora and the gang and be an obstacle much like how she tried to find the soul of Joe Gardner in the film, instead of having her as an actual boss or go through what Randall went through in KH3. Personally, I'm okay with having more original KH centric stories for the Pixar worlds, but if they do have the Pixar villain/antagonist appear and be involved in the original story, I don't want Pixar to continuously be very restrictive like what they did with Randall in the Monster's Inc. world back in KH3. But what do you guys think do you want some Pixar antagonists in a future KH game or just only leave Randall as the ONLY Pixar Villain/antagonist in the series?
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