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  1. So, here's a concept I've been kicking around for some time now. I don't have everything set in stone but I figure I should see if can draw some... well, interest... before I go into any more depth with it and especially before I post sign-ups. This is a rough synopsis. Spoiler tagged to cut down post length: Alright, I realize that this probably doesn't sound the most exciting or original premise. In fact, you could even say that it sounds like something you'd find in the plot of an early 2000s cartoon show... and yeah, that's pretty much it. Of course, given the title (the working title that is) you'd probably expect to see some anime influence in there since I've made it clear that I'm an avid anime fan... and again, you're right. See, I came up with this idea on the basis of what I know about the kinds of shows I watched when I was a kid with the shows I consumed when I got older and until what I consume now. If you know your cartoon history enough, you might be able to find out which one mainly inspired the plot of this RP... I guess you could say that I'm imagining myself participating in and writing this show as if I'm writing my own cartoon series and drawing inspiration from the ones that I've consumed over the years as well as putting a more modern flair on it with my knowledge of anime. If you've seen shows like Avatar and Steven Universe, you probably get what I mean. A meeting of two worlds, one could call it. So if that tickles your fancy, let me know.
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