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Found 39 results

  1. I thought of a fun, random scenario. Aqua is an accomplished magician, capable of many elemental spells and teleportation tricks. She's also known for her showy and extravagent gameplay animations. And she even has the ice cream called "Fabracadabra." So, just for fun, imagine Aqua is convinced (reluctantly or not!) to perform magic tricks at a birthday party! Maybe she was glad to, or maybe she was reluctant but she couldn't say no to the little kids' faces. Just for fun, what sort of magic acts do you imagine her performing? Like, what combination of two commands or command styles could she utilize for entertainment? Or what are some ways she could make herself disappear in a fun and showy way?
  2. Xion 14

    07. Cloud.png

  3. Xion 14

    06. Mushu.png

  4. Xion 14

    05. Campanilla.png

  5. Xion 14

    04. Dumbo.png

  6. Xion 14

    03. Bambi.png

  7. Xion 14

    02. Genio.png

  8. Xion 14

    01. Simba.png

  9. Xion 14

    07. Aero.png

  10. Xion 14

    06. Paro.png

  11. Xion 14

    05. Gravedad.png

  12. Xion 14

    04. Cura.png

  13. Xion 14

    03. Electro.png

  14. Xion 14

    02. Hielo.png

  15. Xion 14

    01. Piro.png

  16. Hey guys. So I've been replaying the first Kingdom Hearts game for like the zillionth time to try and sate my desire for Kingdom Hearts III (with little success), and there's something this game had that no other entry in the series ever brought back: defensive aero magic. Aero magic in the first game was awesome! It greatly reduced defense taken and Aeroga was even able to deflect certain attacks. This made frustrating bosses easier and was a unique use of aero magic that I've never seen in any other video game, not just Kingdom Hearts. I was so disappointed when Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories came out and Aero had become an offensive spell, and was further disappointed when Kingdom Hearts II didn't include the spell at all. Then when 358/2 Days (and all the games that followed) had it, it was just another offensive spell. Honestly, it's one of the only legitimate complaints I have about the series' use of magic. Am I the only one who misses the defensive Aero magic from the first Kingdom Hearts? Or do you guys agree with me? Do you think they'll ever bring this back?
  17. Hey there, everybody! I've got some really exciting news for you! Most of us have been itching to make our own KHUx medals with ease, but we just could not find a good template to use. Well, thanks to Keyblade Master26, I have now been able to make, at least, 6-Star medals that are blank! Yes, you read that right. We can now make our own medals using some photoshopping! Using any of the templates here, which are also in the Gallery, you can make either a Power, Speed, or Magic 6-Star medal. Here are the templates: I hope lots of us make some cool medals out of these! I understand that my templates aren't terrific, but it's the best I could. Have fun, everyone! Rock on!
  18. I need help finding magic upgrades, i need cure to change into cura and i dont know where to get them. im level 22 just finished agrabah.
  19. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted a theory or really, any other topic (excluding news). I'm not joking when I say that I've had this theory for two years now and I've never really made a topic about this. So yeah, about time I posted it. Anyway, this theory revolves around the Wayfinders Aqua had made for herself, Terra and Ventus. When Ventus asks Aqua, "So this isn't a real good luck charm?" she replies with, "Well, that's yet to be seen. But I did work a little magic on it. An unbreakable connection." To many, if not all players, this might have been just a symbolic and friendly answer rather than actual magic. But, my thoughts on that changed when a Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer released at E3 2015 (hence why I stated I've had this theory for 2 years now). At the end of this trailer, we can see this mysterious, glowing crystal in the room with Young Eraqus and Xehanort: Many, including myself, thought that this is a simple decoration to the room and nothing really important. Well, this is where my theory comes into play. When I saw this object, it looked incredibly familiar to me and it was annoying me for days, thinking of what this reminded me of. Until finally, I knew why it seemed familiar to me: This, right here, is what it reminded me of. Something so small, yet possibly important. This is an item that is left by certain enemies after defeating them in Birth by Sleep and refills the D-Link bar once collected. These prizes you obtain look similar, if not exact, to the object seen in the E3 2015 trailer. I believe that this object in the trailer provides 'connections' between beings, providing powers and aid from one friend to another. I believe that Aqua used this object, or at least its power, and made the Wayfinders with it; this "magic" that she adds to them. In Birth by Sleep, once given the Wayfinder in the game's prologue, a tutorial box entitled "Borrow Your Friends Powers!" appears which states, "The Wayfinder allows you to Dimension Link with friends and borrow their powers." Now you might be thinking that this is just a gameplay mechanic and not necessarily part of the story. While I understand this statement, this situation wouldn't be the first time. For example, in Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora tends to get angry towards Organization members, implying that this is because of Roxas' hatred towards them. In the game, you are more likely to transform into Anti-Form when battling against Organization members. You also might be thinking, "Well okay, but how does this expand even further? Is it just this and nothing else?" Well, here's where this gets deeper. I believe that it's because of this crystal added to the Wayfinders that caused Aqua's Keyblade to glow and fight back against Ventus-Vanitas and shatter the X-Blade. Her words before her Keyblade starts glowing are, "Terra, Ven, lend me strength." Now you might be thinking, "Oh that was just some my friends are my power stuff," and to that I say: We were probably thinking the same when Sora turned back to normal after turning into a Heartless; he gets a hug from Kairi and he's normal again. However, it is later revealed that because of the powerful light of her heart, she essentially turned Sora's Heartless into a "walking heart," since she is a Princess of Heart. Furthermore, this could also explain why Aqua was saved by Terra's and Ventus' Keyblades from the Darksides after entering the Realm of Darkness (though this might not be the reason, it could be). Finally! I've posted this theory. So I want to know what you guys think? Did you like it? Is there anything against it? Please let me know. (And don't be an a**hole about it.)
  20. Deep underground, a man in a cowboy hat walks down a flight of stairs. He holds a torch, and the walls are moldy and cracked. The steps themselves are steep, and seem to go on forever. There are loud noises, gunshots and yelling, from behind the man, who appears middle-aged, with a beard and mustache, though his hair is light. He is broad shouldered and dressed in plain clothing that clings to his body, wet with sweat and humidity. He descends, focusing on calming his heartbeat and his breath. He is nervous, but he needs to not be. Finally, he reaches the bottom. He moves forward and finds exactly what he was looking forward. A massive gold plate, carved with intricate designs, set into an altar. He traces his finger over it, smiling despite his panic. He reads it. Our kind is no longer worthy of these gifts May yours be so Earlier in the tomb, the temple, the vault, whatever it was, had been many other carvings and murals depicting massive devastation and terror on a global scale. Warnings. But the man felt his world needed this, now they could handle it. Or, at least, they would handle it or perish. He presses down on the gold plate, leveraging his weight, and suddenly the cavern lights up, revealing a massive room with the altar in the middle. And on the altar appears, as if from thin air, a golden necklace. He puts it on, and suddenly the man glows, his eyes consumed in a golden aura. It hurts the man, and he screams, but eventually he controls it, his eyes return to normal, but the glow remains. He turns back towards the stairs, and drops the torch. He's his own light source now. He leaves the temple. ~~ "Worldwide, there have been accounts of mysterious objects appearing out of thin air. These objects are believed to be, according to a Dr. Mulhaney, relics of ancient times. Little is known of these objects, but they have thus far caused terrible damages and are believed to be on their way to causing more. A tsunami generated by one has destroyed Miami. An earthquake consumed Tunis. Beijing was struck by meteors. Everyone who has picked up an object experiences a massive surge of power, and are suddenly able to do incredible abilities, like something out of a superhero movie. Unfortunately, the objects are difficult to control initially as well, leading to these exact incidences of terrible casualties and damages. Excuse me, um, Doctor, excus..." "Give me this damn microphone. Listen everyone, I have unleashed this power upon the world. I possess the strongest one. I intend to use these powers to solve the problems that plague our world. If you agree with me, come to Minneapolis. If you don't, then don't pick an Artifact up. Or I'll come for you." A crash sounds. Several moments pass before a voice comes back on. "Dr. Mulhaney has flown away through the roof. Um... My producers are saying that I am obligated to say that we do not share his views and cannot vouch for the safety of this man. And to continue the story..." A deep sigh. "Governments are attempting to contain this problem but they are struggling. Please, we here at 101.2 News urge you to stay in your homes until things settle down." Steps can be heard, and then a faint voice before the station is cut off by a commercial. "What the hell is happening anymore?" ~~ Dr. Mulhaney, an infamous archaeologist began on the trail for a power known as Artifacts several years ago, but only very recently finally discovered where they had been locked away. Despite being hunted by many who would see him fail, Dr. Mulhaney activated the Artifacts and escaped the vault. The moment he pressed down on that golden plate, Artifacts, which take the form of any and all objects one can think of, materialized in our world after being locked away in the ethereal plane. From that point, if they are taken up by a human, they are surged with power and lose control for a few moments, often enough time to wreak havoc on their nearby areas. After that though, they are gifted not only with the power but the skill and understanding of it. Criminals, citizens, soldiers, men, women, and all inbetween picked up these items, some with no understanding, some with complete understanding of their actions. It has been one month since that day. The governments of the world are trying and largely failing to keep up with containing the problem. Possessing an object without being in the employ of the government is illegal, but that does little to dissuade criminals from all walks of life from taking it up and waging new wars on society with new effectiveness. Murderers, drug dealers, pirates, all are newly strong. Too strong for normal police or soldiers to keep up with. So, the government has formed a new organization. The BAR, the Bureau of Artifact Regulation, which has a distinct leg up on police or National Guard. They've also been authorized use of Artifacts. Constituted of former citizens who want to use their Artifacts right and many former soldiers or spies that came into possession of Artifacts, the BAR is highly qualified and highly organized. They are about to go on their first outing into the world, a test of their effectiveness before they continue on to eliminate the other organizations with Artifacts. Mulhaney's Army, true to his word on the radio, and several other broadcasts, holed up in Minneapolis. Any that came seeking him came under his protection, and the whole state of Minnesota was soon empty of criminal Artifact wielders, all eliminated by Mulhaney himself. His full capabilities are yet unknown, but it seems he was correct about being the strongest. Many seeking to do good with their newfound powers and are unwilling to come under the Government's thumb come to Mulhaney. There he helps to train them, and dispatches them to help calm the world, which sometimes means taking out criminals or doing other odd jobs that he refuses to elaborate on the purpose of yet. Ultimately, he seems a good man, but he has still been condemned by the Government and the BAR for illicit possession and use of Artifacts. Nox is the name of a criminal organization that has suddenly come into the light. It is led by a woman of the same name. Her priority? Unknown. But she has been recruiting the most powerful Artifact wielders, often blackmailing or torturing them into submission if they do not join willingly. She allows them generally free reign to do what they want, whether that's rob or murder or just live a normal life, but it is clear there will be consequences if they do not come when she calls them. Not surprisingly, it has been condemned by the BAR and is a high priority target. ~~ GM Notes: 1. So this is something relatively new, or at least, thus far relatively unsuccessful. The idea behind this RP is that you start not ordinary, but not the strongest around either. The characters you make are the foot soldiers of these organizations, or rogue agents of mediocre strength. The idea is that through the course of their journey they will accomplish not only inner strength, but increase in power too. The way this will work is that I have limited the starting Artifact amount to ONE. And one Artifact means only one power. Throughout the course of the game you will get more, rewarded as I dictate either as loot from defeated foes, payouts from your faction of choice, or just otherwise found. But I am the only one with the power to give Artifacts, unless a PC dies/gives their Artifact to someone else, I've no control of this. 2. On another note on the Artifacts, I want to see a lot of creativity with these Artifacts. I want to see unique powers. Maybe not unique to the whole world, but unique to the RP. I will keep a running list of Artifacts with powers outlined so that you know what might be still original. Also, Artifacts can be any object. Upon their return to the modern world, some reformed to fit the modern period. So an Artifact could just as easily be a sword as a gun. On that note, technology level is 2017, so keep that in mind in game. 3. In terms of factions, I have outlined 3 for you to choose from. If you choose to be a neutral agent, know that you will be an enemy to all three of the factions by default and that it will be more difficult for you to get Artifacts. If you accept this, then I am happy to accommodate a neutral character's story. 4. Traditionally speaking, RPs on KH13 use art from video games or anime or just random drawings found on the web. If you could, I'd ask you to instead use a real person as a face claim (limited to models, actors, musicians, people in the public eye not just a random dude you found a facebook photo of). I won't deny drawings/fictional faces, but I feel that face claims will promote more diversity in race and body shape, which I think would be cool. 5. Let's have fun okay? I've got a story in mind here, but with any luck you'll all have a lot of interaction between each other and the plot as a whole. There also could be a lot of PVP which is a lot of fun. I just ask that we keep things chill as we can, and that you work with me to create a hospitable environment to play in and to create an interesting story for your characters and the whole plot. ~~ Rules: 1. No god-modding, metagaming, auto-hitting, mass slaughter, all that stuff that breaks the game. None of it. 2. Proper grammar is a necessity. 3. Be nice. 4. All KH-13 rules apply ofc. 5. You may reserve a power or a face if you don't have time at the moment. I'll give you 10 days to make good on said reservation before it is no longer reserved. 5. There's really not a lot to say here. If I decide that I see something that I don't want happening I will warn you, add it to the rules if it's not already here, and then I will kick you out if you do it again. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Faction (BAR, Mulhaney's Army, Nox, or Neutral): Personality: Artifact: Weapons: Bio: Other: Important Roles: Second-in-Command of Mulhaney's Army: rikunobodyxiii Nox (leader herself): General Nero Gabrielis (commander of the BAR): Stardustblade358 If you're interested in any of the important roles, please PM me with your thoughts and I will give you more information. Note that Nox has an Artifact that I will tell you about if you ask for info about her. I will NPC these characters if we do not get them. List of Artifacts In Use: 1. Pendant of Super Speed 2. Dagger of Wind Manipulation 3. Earring of Gravikinesis 4. Bracer of Life Steal 5. Choker of Teleportation 6. Handle of Aura Manipulation 7. Ring of Invisibility 8. Wristwatch of Analysis 9. Collar of Aura Creation 10. Armor/Toughening Abilities (reserved) 11. D. Eye (psychic connection to reality used for energy and constructs) 12. Mask of the Nevermore (dark energy/empowerment) 13. Scepter of the Raging Flames 14. Sealed Ice Dragon Grasp (ice ice baby) List of Members by Factions: Mulhaney's Army: Atlas Keranor Ember Jones (second in command) Jackson Beckett BAR: General Nero Gabrielis Alyssa Oldtown Michelle Shimada Nox: Artemis Otieno Ryonne Neyelmnik Viridem Hangin Sora Takagi Ezekiel Mirs Neutral: Damien Fairer Yevgeny Lagunov The world has the gifts again Proven itself it hasn't
  21. So, here's a concept I've been kicking around for some time now. I don't have everything set in stone but I figure I should see if can draw some... well, interest... before I go into any more depth with it and especially before I post sign-ups. This is a rough synopsis. Spoiler tagged to cut down post length: Alright, I realize that this probably doesn't sound the most exciting or original premise. In fact, you could even say that it sounds like something you'd find in the plot of an early 2000s cartoon show... and yeah, that's pretty much it. Of course, given the title (the working title that is) you'd probably expect to see some anime influence in there since I've made it clear that I'm an avid anime fan... and again, you're right. See, I came up with this idea on the basis of what I know about the kinds of shows I watched when I was a kid with the shows I consumed when I got older and until what I consume now. If you know your cartoon history enough, you might be able to find out which one mainly inspired the plot of this RP... I guess you could say that I'm imagining myself participating in and writing this show as if I'm writing my own cartoon series and drawing inspiration from the ones that I've consumed over the years as well as putting a more modern flair on it with my knowledge of anime. If you've seen shows like Avatar and Steven Universe, you probably get what I mean. A meeting of two worlds, one could call it. So if that tickles your fancy, let me know.
  22. I started thinking about this while I was reading the recent Famitsu interview and coming up with this topic. Since Command Styles are going to be dependent on keyblades, I thought it would be cool if the type of magic you would get is dependent of keyblades as well. That way players would go back to previously collected keyblades because it would have a load out they would need for a boss or to better fit their play style instead of just changing your keyblade because it's stronger than the one you just previously got like in a lot of KH games. For example, Kingdom Key would have all the types of magic but they would only be on the first level and Bond of Flame would just purely be fire based magic of all levels and no cure spells. So you would use Bond of Flame on someone like Demyx who is weak to fire and it would make the fight quicker, but you would be a glass canon without cure and you would need to make sure your hits count. On the other hand you could use Kingdom Key which has cure so you can at least heal and you will last longer but your fire is weaker so you would do less damage and the battle will last longer. This way no keyblade is just stronger than the other, but it will have differences that you may or may not want even though one maybe stronger than the other in strength or magic stats. This also would mean there is no one way to do a fight and every fight will be different. There could be a keyblade with all healing based magic but no attacking ones, one with magic from BBS like mega flare, one that is only limits from KH and limit form, etc. The only keyblade that would have the max level of all the basic magic would be the Ultima Weapon, but even then it wouldn't have the more unique ones that the others would have, so it would only be the best in strength and magic stats. I know this probably won't happen, but I think it would be pretty cool and another way to keep the game fresh and dynamic without the player being over powered. This idea also came to mind when I saw that Curaga in 0.2 won't take away all your MP. I also thought it would be cool if different levels of magic did different things and acted different like in days and only level one spells are the ones that let you float slide(when Sora and Aqua move while using magic).
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