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  1. Post your theories below about who you think it the traitor and why, and I will edit this post to include them. Theories that I've thought of: There is no traitor, it was all just a set-up by the Master of Masters. The Master of Masters is the traitor, because he set them all up (this one is sort of just another way to interpret the first theory). They're all the traitor, because they all turned against each other at some point (just another way to interpret the first theory). Luxu is the traitor, because the Lost Page talks about an inevitable betrayal by "the one who bears the sigil" and Luxu is the only one with an "x" in his name (presumably. The Master of Masters' name might be "X Super", so he could be a candidate for the traitor as well.) Saix/Isa is the traitor. Who ever said the Book of Prophecies was talking about an inevitable betrayal in the age of fairy tales? Maybe it was talking about a betrayal in the future (present-day)? All of the Seekers of Darkness "bear the sigil", but the person I can most likely see betraying Xehanort is Saix/Isa. Aced is the traitor. "The one who bears the sigil" could be a bear pun, because Aced has a bear mask. This one seems silly, but the Master of Masters is very silly sometimes, so who knows. The Player is the traitor, because we are told by the Master of Masters that if there's a Nightmare Chirithy, it belongs to the traitor. The only person we know to have a Nightmare Chirithy is the Player. (It could've just been a part of the Master of Masters manipulating them and setting them up though of course).
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